Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

Come on, why did you have to post those screenshots? I MUST HAVE THIS GAME! But I CAN'T HANDLE IT!
I get a little bored when taking boats/zeppelins... so I take screenshots. :p


Oooh, so pretty...


Me! :LOL:
Poor letters, he can't wear boots... :LOL:

Anyway, I GOT MY COPY TODAY! W00t :D

Edit: Argent Dawn if anyone cares.
letters is hangin' out with the horde ;) not on a pvp server then, i see?

btw gunner, do you mean you got the american version or you have the pre-order pack ? :O
Gunner has the american version, i can remember him saying... Bitch! :p
Suicide42 said:
letters is hangin' out with the horde ;) not on a pvp server then, i see?

btw gunner, do you mean you got the american version or you have the pre-order pack ? :O

Dude, I'm a troll! :O I am on a PvP server. ;) Although, sometimes, when I go to Booty Bay/Stranglethorn, I wish I wasn't.

joo pass for a Night elf letters... if it wasn't for the huge green name above your head.

man, i wanna play.
Letters said:
Dude, I'm a troll! :O I am on a PvP server. ;) Although, sometimes, when I go to Booty Bay/Stranglethorn, I wish I wasn't.
oh... you look so much like a night elf lol :D

haha, my level 26 paladin had more strength than that rouge :LOL:

gotta <3 blue items
Dedalus said:

It began the day or second day after release man :/

Thats cheap, i saw 5 gold sell, yes you heard, actually SELL for $120 on ebay. Saw 1 gold with a bid of $20. What the hell do these morons do for a living!.

Edit/ Just got a mail back from gameplay's 24hour max email system from 4 days ago. :rolleyes: Not good news if they are sure they'll have the pre-order packs before beta starts. Won't be anytime soon if so...

Edit2/ Edited email...had a disclaimer i'd rather not get busted for breaking and my CE sold to someone else. Anyway it said 18/12 they expect the pre-order packs.
yeah i've seen those people selling sad :O

Alig said:
Edit/ Just got a mail back from gameplay's 24hour max email system from 4 days ago. Not good news if they are sure they'll have the pre-order packs before beta starts. Won't be anytime soon if so...

Edit2/ Edited email...had a disclaimer i'd rather not get busted for breaking and my CE sold to someone else. Anyway it said 18/12 they expect the pre-order packs.

wha..? i haven't got any emails since my confirmation email. ;( what's going on?

goodness me, what a mess they've made of the EU launch :(
Dedalus said:
you pre-ordered right? remember, you promised to resurrect remllac (and you still owe me a jug of bourbon btw :p)
I don't have the cash for it atm, I just celebrated a very expensive 18th birthday :) (plus i can miss out on a downloadable soundtrack thanks :p)

the main problem is, if i ever get it, i have friends on lots of different servers, i can't play em all :eek:

mmmm bourbon, 10 shots, 20 silver, high potency! the drinking man/dwarfs drink! :cheers:

i'll tell ya what though, come EU launch, we should all pick the same server and you american server players can start over.
At what level can you start to wear helmets?

EDIT: And can rogues wear them?
B.Calhoun said:
At what level can you start to wear helmets?

EDIT: And can rogues wear them?
Mid-twenties are what most require I think... but you don't start finding them until after 30, really... so after you get to level 20, check the auction house if you're anxious. ;)

As for rogues, I've yet to see leather helmets, but I've gotten hats... plus they can wear those bandana thingies...
Letters said:
Mid-twenties are what most require I think... but you don't start finding them until after 30, really... so after you get to level 20, check the auction house if you're anxious. ;)

As for rogues, I've yet to see leather helmets, but I've gotten hats... plus they can wear those bandana thingies...
Ah, bandanas are just as cool.
Suicide42 said:
letters is hangin' out with the horde ;) not on a pvp server then, i see?

btw gunner, do you mean you got the american version or you have the pre-order pack ? :O

Yeah got the american version, took two weeks but at least I didn't pay any customs bleh. So I power-leveled to catch up my friend, played 15H straight till my eyes bled and I fell unconscious...

And a funny thing happened when I was grinding lockpicking in althar's mill:

it says "unkown entity's rat nova hits...."

maybe it was a monster casting a spell to turn you into a creep, but a glitch caused the monster to be invisible or something? or maybe it's a trap on the lock, what has a 1 in 20 chance of activating?
This thread is like the "everything WoW thread" now :p So i'll add something new.

The english community manager IS a waterproof tea-bag!.

What the hell does he do? One or two posts in a week and that was just a welcome post and a post in a thread that didn't answer nothing about the thread question.

Edit/ Oh no! excuse me. 3 posts he has made that i know off (this one) which is a copy&paste of this page - woop de'****in do....
i think we should give him another couple of weeks before we start sharpening the knives, heh. he's only been there for a week now, probably has some sweeping changes he wants to make backstage, probably wants to cover all the ground he's lost since there wasn't an english CM before. hopefully he'll catch up.

anyhoo..looks like final beta will start around 19th or 21st maybe :( which sucks really, because i'm gonna be doing extra hours at work, so i won't get a chance to play all that week until christmas/boxing day :/

people who preordered from GAME have had their preorder kits for over a week now :/ gameplay replied to my email (yes i took the hint :p) and said they won't get the kits by 16th december.

i think the thread title is very apt for everyone posting in here...we're all WoW addicts whether we're currently playing, or desperately counting the minutes until we can play :eek:
I won't get to play for ages either if its out that week. 22nd my birthday, piss up. Work day. Work day. Piss up on christmas with my new aunty and uncle. Piss up with my new bro and will-be sister on boxing day. Monday, recovering. Work. Work. Work...blah blah :(. WoW :D
I think ive watched the cinematic video of WoW about 100 times now. Any other good videos you guys know of? (doesnt have to be cinematic, in-game is fine)
This game is awesome. I'm really liking my herbalism/alchemy profession. I'm really raking in some serious cash by selling exilir of defenses (25 to 45 silver a piece), shadow protection potions (50 to 70 silver a piece), and greater healing potions (10 silver a piece).

In fact I'm a lvl 25 and I have 5 gold pieces and 4 pets (a mechanical squirrel, siamese cat, and two parrots). Not to mention all my armor is all current.
blahblahblah said:
This game is awesome. I'm really liking my herbalism/alchemy profession. I'm really raking in some serious cash by selling exilir of defenses (25 to 45 silver a piece), shadow protection potions (50 to 70 silver a piece), and greater healing potions (10 silver a piece).

In fact I'm a lvl 25 and I have 5 gold pieces and 4 pets (a mechanical squirrel, siamese cat, and two parrots). Not to mention all my armor is all current.
Nice, it seems your doing very well.

Now if you or anyone else could enlighten me on which proffesions creat poisons.(im most likely going for rogue so it would help)
My professions both have become severely neglected... heh... 80 blacksmithing and 115ish mining... ya, not very useful at level 37. ;( I've started having to save money for my mount now, too... have 50 gold of it so far... no buying weapons, armor, or skills until I get it!
Anyone else find it funny that I make a thread moaning about how I can't get World of Warcraft, and then it turns into the main WoW thread?
B.Calhoun said:
Nice, it seems your doing very well.

Now if you or anyone else could enlighten me on which proffesions creat poisons.(im most likely going for rogue so it would help)

Rogue, at level 20, you must seek Mathias Shaw the SI:7 operative in Old Town, Stormwind. I only use instant poison though, and sometimes crippling poison because I hate runners *sigh*.
Letters said:
My professions both have become severely neglected... heh... 80 blacksmithing and 115ish mining... ya, not very useful at level 37. ;( I've started having to save money for my mount now, too... have 50 gold of it so far... no buying weapons, armor, or skills until I get it!

only 80 blacksmithing? when i was level 26 i had about 120 :p i guess i enhoyed the trade skills so much i spent all my time at the auction and never actually levelled up. i had AMAZING items though, over 100 strength due to blue armour :O

*edit* crap lol :D this is suicide 42 here, im staying round dancemag's house and i forgot to sign in as me :p
I recently discovered the joys of the auction house
Some guy gave me an 8slot bag for free, i set a price at 6s and i sold it for 25s :p
I'm about to cry... I didn't make it to level 40 today, and I only have 72/90 gold I need for a mount. ;(

Lots of grinding tomorrow... lots of grinding...
So give me a quick rundown here. What exactly do you in it?

What happens when you die?

How do you make alliances with others, without having to worry whether or not they'll hack you to pieces as soon as you see them?

What kind of things can you do, other then fighting?
Got 2 questions..

The pets...what are they for? Can they help you fight? Can you ride them?

How is the fighting? Turn-based or realtime?
Sparta said:
So give me a quick rundown here. What exactly do you in it?

What happens when you die?

How do you make alliances with others, without having to worry whether or not they'll hack you to pieces as soon as you see them?

What kind of things can you do, other then fighting?

What do you do?. You adventure about WoW, there are plently of things to do.

When you die you become a ghost at the nearest graveyard and run to your corpse and revive yourself by clicking. Or you can talk to the spirit healer which are at every graveyard (only seen when dead) and it revives you with a 25% loss to all armour and items you are carrying and 10minute ressurection sickness (i think it means you can't attack anything - not sure though, never been ressed of the spirit healer 'cuz when i played beta it took 100% of your armour).

Like i said, there are lots of things to do except have to see for yourself because if i said the Auction house is fun you'll probably be sat there like "...Yeah antiques roadshow is cool :rolleyes:...".

h00dlum said:
Got 2 questions..

The pets...what are they for? Can they help you fight? Can you ride them?

How is the fighting? Turn-based or realtime?

Depends what type of pet you have. If your reffering to the pets you get with the CE, then no, they don't do shit except run next to you. If your reffering to the pets a hunter etc... has then they do attack and can be killed and level up (its like playing 2 characters at the same time, with some things watered down, like you don't need to buy weapons or armour for pets). You can actually go into the view of your pet and run around, as a pet...or you can be a druid and actually become an animal.

Fighting is fun, its not like CS, but it isn't like FF7 either..its a bit of both, you are'nt stuck to the ground when fighting, you can run around, jump and shit, run away by just running the other way :p. If it had to be one or the other i'd say it was turn-based, but it actually isn't nothing like a proper turn-based RPG.
Deep inside Gnomeregan...

This instance is a lot better than the Dead-mines. Mobs, loot, quests, everything is better. If you haven't been there, go now!
Gunner said:
Deep inside Gnomeregan...

This instance is a lot better than the Dead-mines. Mobs, loot, quests, everything is better. If you haven't been there, go now!

class :D me and a lone (sexeh) night elf tried to raid gnomegarian, but ended up running away with our tails between our legs. killed a lot of gnomes though...

man i wish WOW was out here... i could play all through christmas :)
Ah, I love to look at new screenshots.

Christmas = WoW = Never seeing sunlight again.
I wish wow was out here, im going to cry, i just want to play it ;(
I only played two days of the Beta and it's got a hold on me... dammit.