My peenis is always hard and is able to move without interruption!


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
I checked my spam mail section in gmail to see if there was anything important in there, and I just saw this email and it made me laugh so hard I couldnt continue looking through the rest.

My peenis is always hard and is able to move without interruption!

Good day to you Sir! A high percentage of males suffer from this, and you shouldn't be one of them. You might have tried other products and failed - the last thing you need is Extra-Time, the no-failure solution. Think how wonderful it would be not to hear from your partner how fast you are to finish. Find what you need: You'll make your equipment suit the task - and she'll worship you for that!

I think i might just keep this one in there until the gmail filter deletes it. It should brighten my day every time I see it.
Don't laugh! I have the same condition as described in this article. It's called Spastic Muscle Erection Disorder, and it is not a joke. I've been taking Extra-Time for 2 years now, and my partner worships my ability to not finish fast...with my peenis.
Don't laugh! I have the same condition as described in this article. It's called Spastic Muscle Erection Disorder, and it is not a joke. I've been taking Extra-Time for 2 years now, and my partner worships my ability to not finish fast...with my peenis.