My webcomic


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I used to draw a lot of comics in high school. Recently, I've decided to create a website using my student webspace. If any of you are interested, please check it out.

Also, please don't spam the forum TOO much.
0 posts over the course of the day. Huge slam on my comics. Ouch.
It's not bad. It's style is reminiscent of the old Penny Arcade. I like it.
Better than some famous web comics. Well done.
thats very good! i love all the civ IV sections (so true)

I would suggest using photoshop or illustrator to make them look more professional (similar to how the other webcomics do it) but your ideas are great

keep up the good work
I like it. Feels a lot like PA though.
Actually, it's tonnes like penny-arcade.

Guy with black hair... guy with brown hair! OMG! IT'S EXACTLY ALIKE!


Not bad. Better than the other weird ones i get.
Sulkdodds said:
Yeah, a lot of my comics are pretty much what happens to me in real life. Yes, even the second one. Yes, she dumped me for a pre-operation transexual girl. When life screws with you like that, the only thing you CAN do is make comics.

Anyway, I'm glad I have new fans. If you guys like it, check regularly, I draw new ones pretty frequently.
I like them. I joined the forums.
I liked the one with the guy licking and grabbing the girls tit, the rest were a little too conservative. I prefer crazy wtf comics.

Dalamari said:
No, it's some cosplayer

I love cosplayers, especially the ones that dress up as Sailor Moon :naughty:.

They always look as if they're having so much fun, not like us stuck on this drab grey forum :(.

Good comic by the way.
Lol great comics and really cool drawing style :D
You should make an internet store with coffee mugs and t-shirts and shit when you make some more comics and gather more fans :p

I'd buy it :p
Those were really nice, made me laugh. And that is huge, coming from me in this state of mind.
Reminiscent of PA; however, it still stands that this is a damn good comic. Great work :)
Nice "gamer" style there. It's good enough to rival the professional comics on the web.
Wow, better writing then I was expecting.

If you want to look a *lot* more professional with only a little more effort, ink (outline) your comics on the computer. Seriously.

However, you've made a fan of me.

rofl this made me laugh out loud.

I actually liked the movie because it was so bad.

They said the monsters had "one extra chromosome" which made them uber...

the funny thing is that's the same thing as Down Syndrome....which is priceless
That looks exactly like old gabe and old tycho.
A bunch of people have said that.

The writing isn't bad. Damn i wish i could write like that.