: Team Fortress 2 Update Coming April 29th

Still not expecting to be surprised. "Hoping to be out today" bodes ill.
Valve still has almost nine hours until it's "tomorrow" their time. Patience.
I really doubt they would be playing the "29th" game with every time zone. It's 5PM in CDT.
Its only 3:32pm valve time. usually they release updates around 5:30-6:30pm

So a few more hours hopefully.
Bit of news, posted by Jimbomcb over at Facepunch:
That email claims it should be happening roughly...... now

Dear god :eek:
More like ten minutes from now. :)

And of course there'll be the delay while all the servers update... eh. I'll be checking in about half an hour.


Steam servers must be ****ing whored out, only seven servers show up for me, and ctf_2fort won't work. "Your version differs from the server."

It's my favorite server too. :(
Holy f#^king $#!+! To all those who wanted in on my plan you don't need to. There are like minded people like us out there who are doing this as we speak on special servers with special maps. So lemme regale to you my tale of attempting to earn as many achievements as fast as possible. I warn the reader in advance: this is long!

Shortly after loading the update I discovered that some genius who I had the fortune to play with (he?s a really nice guy?and always had a plan) had created a simple box map by the name of achievementbox_b3 and when I joined up the entire group of over 24 people were cooperating together to help each other out through the ordeal. But as we all know the best laid plans of mice and men may sometimes?well they don?t just go agley they can totally f#$k up!

Every couple of minutes some newb joined up and started playing the game like any other TF2 map: DMing hard working players who were trying to work towards a goal while exclaiming ?this is the worst box map ever!? Half the clueless DMers didn?t speak English and it was heartbreaking to see how plans can go downhill from a cultural barrier. But we worked and our endeavors paid off?slowly.

The man with the plan, Red Eyez tha Overdo$e figured out how we could get Double Blind Trial, Triage, Second Opinion, and Bedside Manner all at once and all together. (That?s really how smart he was.) This was the most friendly and communicative game I had played in years if not ever. But it needed massive communication and pre-planning. We saw disasters like everyone trying to get the achievement Big Pharma oblivious to the fact that by having everyone doing it alt once ensures nobody can get it. It was messy fun.

It was also dull work. After four hours I felt sullen and depressed. I went to make myself a sandwich and brooded on how terrible life would be, knowing how much commitment I would have to give to earn the new weapons. By the time I reached playing five hours straight doing nothing but attempting achievements. I contemplated canceling the doctor?s appointment I had set the next day thinking I could use that time to sleep while I work through the night on achievements. (Funnily enough that would?ve made me sicker.) By the sixth hour I looked at my list and was shocked to find that despite all that time I put into this I had only earned 19 measly medic achievements despite the team effort since we had to take turns and put up with the bastard DMers.

That?s when it hit me?.


All those years I tried to stay away from those people who slaved for hours walking around in circles, while mindlessly clicking the same thing over and over to get a fake epic sword for fake money?.

All those years I made fun of those who chose a game over their marriage?

All those years I refused to touch WoW or Everquest after being overtaken by the dark desire of Ultima Online.

I had become what I hated!


By that time I was taking a jab at gaining the Preventative Medicine achievement (The falling one) with Red Eyez and a fellow by the name of BLUESHIFT. Suddenly the chatlog was flooded with a single player earning achievement after achievement...instantaneously! Then at the bottom we all saw the shocker?

Milestone 1
Milestone 2
Milestone 3

Then over the voice channel he exclaimed "HOLY $#!+? it works!"

He had earned every achievement at once!

Over course he was assailed immediately by inquests and WTFs. He was told there was an actual console command that unlocked all achievements. He typed it in the chatlog?I copied it and entered it in. It worked.

At first we all felt dirty for doing it. I was certainly hit hard. All those years of playing legitimately having a squeaky clean record on Steam?had I now cheated? But then again why on earth did Valve put that command in and leave it? Then I remembered back to something Doug Lombardi said in an interview, something about there being another way to unlock the achievements for those who don?t have the time. Whoever it was who showed me this thank you. You saved me possibly months worth of time. Months I would never get back.

Although I don?t feel like this was an infraction that would cost me my soul, I wish not to spoil the fun for those with autistic/OCD level amounts of willpower and time who wish to try every trick required to obtain every achievement. That's why I will only send the command to those who doth so request. (For Google and the TF2 wiki don?t seem to have the info on this yet.) As for the rest, good will hunting!