NEW Ep2 info! TF2 is the multiplayer mode!!

According to Gamespy, "portal" will be INCLUDED with ep2.
Since it will be included ep2 will definatly be more money like $30.00-USD, instead of being $20.00-USD here in the U.S. Nothing is free these days, you know.
I would easily pay $100 for Team Fortress 2, even if it's not what I'd been expecting all these years. I could be persuaded to go up to $120. $30 would be a pittance--I think Valve will keep their $20 model though. Ramping up the price every time would be bad for business in the long run, and would alienate some customers.
why do TF2 graphics look like HL1, I thought it was made on Source. Its like Half-Life: Source all over again.
The old TF2 looked like it would be so much cooler that what appears to be coming up.
Why do people always make a big deal when some game dares to use non-realistic graphics? :dozey: I see nothing wrong with unusual artistic designs for TF2, maybe perhaps I never played TFC in the first place. :p
Black Op said:
Why do people always make a big deal when some game dares to use non-realistic graphics? :dozey: I see nothing wrong with unusual artistic designs for TF2, maybe perhaps I never played TFC in the first place. :p
Because it's not what TF2 was supposed to be. TF2 had a direction, it was to have so many innovations for its time it's not even funny. Everything in the Battlefield series? TF2 was supposed to have it four years before Battlefield 1942 even came out. It was going to be awesome, but it proved too ambitious for a add-on so Valve released TFC--which is pure awesome--and set to make TF2 its own game, markedly different from TFC.

So for eight years, man, people have been waiting for this game. We had an idea of what it was going to be like, and you see people, the real fans of TF, just happy as hell that TF2's coming out. But everyone who knew anything about TF2 knew the type of game it was going to be, and that's what kept people interested in it. Even when there was no news for YEARS, people still remembered TF2 and what it was supposed to bring. It had a look to it, it had a design to it, it was a war was gonna be sick. And then nothing...and out of nowhere this. This isn't TF2.

I realize I'm practically bashing the thing before it comes out and we haven't even seen the thing in motion. Maybe it'll have some similarities to TF2, but I kinda doubt it. I think my main problem is, this is a game I'd been hyped up for for EIGHT YEARS, and I never lost hope on the damn thing, even when people called vaporware. And then it finally happens and it's...not what I expect. Not what fans of TF2 expected. That's bound to rile some bones, y'know? It's a bit audacious for Valve to release a completely different game under the same name, just because they figure it's dropped far enough off the radar that people will have forgotten, and/or because another game's already done it. I don't care what other games have done, and I think other fans don't give a sh*t either. You know why in almost every interview the interviewer asks about Team Fortress 2? Because they REMEMBERED. They remembered THAT game, not whatever this is.

I dunno, man. I have to reserve final judgement until I actually see the thing in motion but...this whole thing saddens me. So long, Brotherhood.
Darkside55 said:
Because it's not what TF2 was supposed to be. TF2 had a direction, it was to have so many innovations for its time it's not even funny. Everything in the Battlefield series? TF2 was supposed to have it four years before Battlefield 1942 even came out. It was going to be awesome, but it proved too ambitious for a add-on so Valve released TFC--which is pure awesome--and set to make TF2 its own game, markedly different from TFC.

So for eight years, man, people have been waiting for this game. We had an idea of what it was going to be like, and you see people, the real fans of TF, just happy as hell that TF2's coming out. But everyone who knew anything about TF2 knew the type of game it was going to be, and that's what kept people interested in it. Even when there was no news for YEARS, people still remembered TF2 and what it was supposed to bring. It had a look to it, it had a design to it, it was a war was gonna be sick. And then nothing...and out of nowhere this. This isn't TF2.

I realize I'm practically bashing the thing before it comes out and we haven't even seen the thing in motion. Maybe it'll have some similarities to TF2, but I kinda doubt it. I think my main problem is, this is a game I'd been hyped up for for EIGHT YEARS, and I never lost hope on the damn thing, even when people called vaporware. And then it finally happens and it's...not what I expect. Not what fans of TF2 expected. That's bound to rile some bones, y'know? It's a bit audacious for Valve to release a completely different game under the same name, just because they figure it's dropped far enough off the radar that people will have forgotten, and/or because another game's already done it. I don't care what other games have done, and I think other fans don't give a sh*t either. You know why in almost every interview the interviewer asks about Team Fortress 2? Because they REMEMBERED. They remembered THAT game, not whatever this is.

I dunno, man. I have to reserve final judgement until I actually see the thing in motion but...this whole thing saddens me. So long, Brotherhood.
Battlefield 2 took Brotherhood Of Arms place.
i think VALVe did well when they changed the art dirction of the game. But still i really want to play Brotherhood Of Arms
I didn't know the humidity could go up from pure whiny tears, but it's wet as shit in this place
tf2 is 8 years old in the same way that prey is 10 years old: that is it isn't
the art design is a natural progression from tf for qw, and brotherhood of arms completely missed the point in this department
R.I.P. BoA and all of its hyper-innovative gameplay ideas! I was so hoping to be the guy who sits next to a machine-gunner and feeds ammo into the gun
that's gameplay right there
jimmyjam said:
R.I.P. BoA and all of its hyper-innovative gameplay ideas! I was so hoping to be the guy who sits next to a machine-gunner and feeds ammo into the gun
that's gameplay right there
Oh, I know, that would've been so boring, right? Team gameplay in Team Fortress Classic, who wants that? Valve would've been retarded to release such a thing. Feeding ammo into a gun to better serve your team's defenses, that's stupid. Let the defenders handle it on their own, I don't care.

And working in squads toward the common goal? Nah, pass. Commander mode? I don't need to sit around planning out my team's strategy, I just want to stand around the base and snipe or be the seventh defender down in the flag room, because I'm totally helping my team out.

And officers? Psh, who wants to stand around and give people morale bonuses and accuracy bonuses, among other things? I don't want to hang around with these losers. Let me just advance ahead and try and take down the entire enemy team's defense alone, then die, then come back and try again, then die, then come back and try again. It's better that way in the long run than waiting to move in as a group, trust me.
I can't fathom how any human being could find feeding ammo into a gun fun
as for your other stuff: whoaaaaa that would have kicked 1998's ass!!!!!11
too bad about the inexorable passage of time
I still think that stuff has a place today. Look at BF2. That seems to be doing well </understatement>.

The ammo thing, I'd at least find it as fun as any of the more menial tasks in multiplayer games today. It'd be no different than giving out ammo or healing teammates in terms of fun. Some people like the idea of helping out, even if it means they don't see a lot of action. Plus, you have to admit it's a neat idea for a team game.
I've never played Team Fortress before, so I'm more excited about Episode Two. Portal might have nothing to do with Half-life, thats the impression I got anyway.
Say, Team Fortress is on My Games list, maybe I should play?
You definately should. It's one of the greatest online multiplayer games of all time, despite low numbers in recent years. It's great fun, has a great community, and is easy to pick up but depending on how far you want to go with it it can have an incredibly high learning curve. Easy to start, difficult to master, like a game should be.

You might have to look around a bit to find a populated server (one populated with people, and not bots), but it's worth it. The game's tremendous fun. Go now, play!
Eh, I think we're being a bit premature here. To instantly say they've dropped such and such a feature or are going to use it less prominently or are now going to have deployable unicorn boots is pretty daft since we really don't know what the game's like- we're just basing a lot of speculation off its artistic merits.

Hell, for all we know it's just TF2:BoA with a new visual direction. I doubt it, but even then I'll bet money this "new" TF2 is going to be more than just team deathmatch, as so many people seem to be thinking right about now...
Darkside55 said:
Because it's not what TF2 was supposed to be.

I think its maybe up to Valve to decide that. But besides, this is far more original - its different and its something new.
Samon said:
I think its maybe up to Valve to decide that. But besides, this is far more original - its different and its something new.

I suppose it has been a long time since development started. Besides, I did read the preview(s) that we're apparently talking about here... but since then the rumour on the grapevine was that the game had taken a huge leap away from realism and was dealing with extreme sci-fi stuff.

Well, the press were half right about that! Bring on the videos/previews, I say.
Because it's not what TF2 was supposed to be. TF2 had a direction, it was to have so many innovations for its time it's not even funny. Everything in the Battlefield series?
Exactly. The battlefield series. Why make a game that is so similar? I mean you have BF2 already out, BF2142 coming out, and Quake Wars. Why not make something original and creative? Infact they've been created games with realistic graphics for a while. HL2, EP1, EP2...i'm sure Valve wanted to try something new while also getting a chance to show off more of their engines capabilities.
The portal gun sounds great on its own, but as a potential weapon for Episode 2 (as IGN speculated) it sounds dreadful. Utterly dreadful.
As does the Strider Blaster or Bummer or whatever the hell it's called.
I think Ep2 is going to be delayed to early/mid 2007 because of this. Honestly, if Valve manage to get this out in time I'm going to be very impressed.
Well although it's obviously gone through a lot of changes, they have been working on TF2 for the better part of a decade...