New game mode: Superclass

Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I think this would be cool.

The Objective:

Kill the Superclass, 5 times!

The Superclass is played by only one player, and is always on Team Blue.
It's exactly how it sounds. But the bonuses for the Superclass depend on the class.

For example, Superclass Heavy gets six times as much health, 100% criticals, infinite ammo and double speed...

Superclass Medic would get twice as much health, double speed, 100% criticals, and a medigun that takes away health from other people and gives it to him...

Superclass Engineer would be able to instantly build up to 3 sentries, at full strength, that get 100% criticals and can take twice as much damage, as well as three times as much health, and infinite metal, and infinite dispensers/teleports.

What do you think?

The only problem would be that there would need to be a player cap...19 people vs. one class would be impossible...maybe a cap of 9 people on team red?
It sounds like an odd take on dodgeball to me, or that mod from a while ago called ... err.. i forget, but you had 1 with super powers vs a team of normal guys, I cant say I enjoyed it myself, the problem with landing a gamemode on a single person, like Hunted for instance, is 8/10 times that person is gonna suck or just do his best to be an ass and hide somwhere.

The other issue being that the Blue Team wouldnt be a team, and the red teams job would be reduced to hitting a single target.

What you could do, is have both teams filled as normal, with one person charged up as a powerful "tougher" superclass, killing your enemy teams target would score you 1 point, and the targets would be reset automaticly to new people, after 20 minutes or whatever, the team with the most points wins, that way you could still use teamwork to defend your guy, and attack the other teams, the map would have to be carefully designed though, its pretty easy to bunker down if your objective can move.
That would be real fun. Like on Halo 3 you play infection and give one guy weapons and extra shields and speed and you put him up against fast zombies with only swords and no shields, it's endless fun.
One word. "Griefing".
Play Counter-Strike
Find a V.I.P. map
It's pretty much the same, except the V.I.P. gets one pistol and normal health
I would like to see something like that in TF2 though
Play Counter-Strike
Find a V.I.P. map
It's pretty much the same, except the V.I.P. gets one pistol and normal health
I would like to see something like that in TF2 though

They did have something like that in TFC called The Hunted where an unarmed civilian is escorted from on end of the map to the other by one team while the opposing team tries to assassinate the civilian. I hope that is the new game mode.

Vort, your idea while interesting doesn't really facilitate teamwork on the offensive side's help, it's more along the lines of every man for himself rather than working together as a team to accomplish a goal in this case, killing the super class.
That makes me feel like I'm playing Godzilla way back in the day on Archon with 9999 shield 9999 life and dealling 255 dmg per hit with 255 armor.
I'd never play it. VIP on CS 1.6 wasn't great either.
They did have something like that in TFC called The Hunted where an unarmed civilian is escorted from on end of the map to the other by one team while the opposing team tries to assassinate the civilian. I hope that is the new game mode.

Why'd they get rid of it?
Reminds me of the "Jedi Master" gamemode from Jedi Knight II where it was everyone with basic weapons vs one person who had a lightsaber and all force powers. When he died he dropped the lightsaber and the first person to pick it up became the next Jedi Master.

TF2 classes are too heterogeneous for such gamemodes to work though.
What is the point in a "super medic"? seriously. who is he going to heal?
Long time no post...but I couldn't resist.
Some time ago I had this idea for a modification for TF2...some sort of ratsmap. TF2-Toys.
The idea never made it into a many things to do...not enough time (story of my life) -or am I just lazy?- Anyway...I created this new character: The human fly.
This character can scale vertical walls and leave ropes and 'slides' for their team, thus creating alternative routes. Weapons, some sort of 'hook-dagger and acid-bombs (molotov-coktail alike) and off course the ropes themselfs -wich arent exactly weapons- (think spiderman)...Oh and she's female...anyway here's a pick:


and if the pick doesn't work, plz click ze link:


just my 5 cents

Edit: OOPS wrong thread...please remove to new make-up-your-own-class thread