New Indiana Jones movie

Rgr been following this for some time i read a article on comeingsoon today about it. Cant wait!
At least Spielberg and Lucas are doing it, which is a bit of a relief.
Great news i saw the first 3 in the theatre and cant wait. I still remember the first time i saw Raiders of the Lost Ark. I left the theatre stunned.
KagePrototype said:
At least Spielberg and Lucas are doing it, which is a bit of a relief.

Spielberg, yeah, he's good.

Lucas.... given his recent track record, I wouldn't let him touch the Indiana Jones series with a ten foot pole.

Indiana Jones: Attack of the Nazis!
Indiana Jones without Ford? That's me out here guys...can't think of a good analogy...
Epyon said:
Isn't Ford like...60 years old?
Being 55 didn't stop him from being "the sexiest man alive" a few years ago.

...but yeah, he is pretty old...

But they could go with that! "Indiana Jones and the Orderlies of the Sunnydale Rest Home"
falconwind said:
Spielberg, yeah, he's good.

Lucas.... given his recent track record, I wouldn't let him touch the Indiana Jones series with a ten foot pole.

How do you figure Spielberg is any better? I seem to remember a little release called ET: The 20th Anniversary. It featured new stuff like shitty CG scenes, and the replacement of all the FBI agents' guns with walkie talkies!
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Indiana Jones without Ford? That's me out here guys...can't think of a good analogy...

It's like HL2 without the physics.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Indiana Jones without Ford? That's me out here guys...can't think of a good analogy...

That's like pr0n without nudity. Pretty much just wrong.