New Left 4 Dead Update Locks Versus Mode to "Normal"

One of the dumbest moves they could make is setting it to Normal. We only played on expert with 4v4. I can understand if they disabled voting for Expert, but to completely lock it out, especially on a dedicated server we run ourselves just for OUR games, is just ridiculous.

It makes no sense to lock it to normal, unless they're doing some statistical data, but even then, to lock it out completely makes no sense.

Expert is the way to go, especially when it comes to the competitive aspect of the game. Normal is baby mode, you can pretty much run through every map just meleeing and pistol only and win no problem. Points don't really matter on Normal, but on expert you can end up with only getting 2 points a stage (unless you're not completely terrible), making it a lot more difficult on both teams.

Oh well, main point of all this, blocking out expert on versus is dumb. They should maybe force it only on their servers, but allow anyone that runs their own server to do it how they please. Before we start a game, we always let everyone in the lobby know its an expert game... now the 12 people I played with won't even play until the melee glitch and the difficulty locking is fixed.
exactly, this happened every time, unless the infected team were complete idiots.

It makes the survivors work harder, stick together, not just run around aimlessly and most of all, play smart. Which on normal, you CAN run around by yourself pretty much the whole time. I think in versus mode the infected should have the advantage, not the survivors. It's a zombie apocalypse not a human one. I think if a hunter grabs a human, he should kill them within a few seconds, because as survivors you shouldn't be spread out that much.

I guess I'm looking at it from a more team play point of view. I think competitively Left4Dead could do well, with a few more maps and some glitch fixes, but NOT on normal.