New Matrix Mod


Feb 16, 2004
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A new Mod with the name Half-Life 2 Bullet Time Mod V1 is ready. Here the description:

Here's a tiny simple script for hl2, which makes the game go "bullet-time" when pressing "b" button and while in bullet-time the physics and ragdolls fly a lot further than in normal mode. Due to no physics on bullets except crossbow, grenades, rpg and bugbait, the other weapons' bullets wont slow down.

Think of it as "The Matrix" ... or ... "Max Payne" in Half-Life 2!

More pictures and the download can you find HERE
Dont speak german could you give us the link to the direct download and some of the screen shots
DieScreaming said:
Dont speak german could you give us the link to the direct download and some of the screen shots
Du bist sucky at german!
DieScreaming said:
could you give us the link to the direct download and some of the screen shots
That would undermine the point of his post, which is to bring attention to his website.

Doesnt look like a bad site, really. If you read German I'd say its probably worth checking out.

Here is what the "matrix mod" boils down to:

readme.txt said:
In this script pushing down the b key makes you go "matrix" , everything slows down and when you shoot anything with physics it flies much farther than before. because there is no physics on bullets except crossbow, grenades, rpg and bugbait, the other weapons' bullets wont slow down.

Extract the bullettime.cfg to Youraccount/half-life2/hl2/cfg
In game open up the console and type: Exec Bullettime.cfg

Have fun,

Version 1.1 changes:
-Changed the speed a bit faster but also changed the physics to go slow on bullettime, this means that when shooting enemies they still fly as slow as it was in the last version, but you can move/shoot a bit faster than before, but so can your enemies.

-Modified the Physgun, during bullettime it can drag objects from far away and shoot them with more force(the more force might not work, dunno why) also it can lift much heavier stuff, bad thing is you cant select some heavy stuff with the normal physgun, meaning that you cant actually lift more heavier stuff on most cases, haven't tested this much.
bullettime.cfg said:
sv_cheats 1
bind b "+BT"
alias "+bt" "host_timescale 0.3;phys_pushscale 20;cl_phys_timescale 0.1;Physcannon_maxforce 10000;physcannon_minforce 3000;physcannon_tracelength 1000;physcannon_maxmass 8000;physcannon_pullforce 8000"
alias "-bt" "host_timescale 1;phys_pushscale 1;cl_phys_timescale 1;Physcannon_maxforce 1500;physcannon_minforce 700;physcannon_tracelength 250;physcannon_maxmass 250;physcannon_pullforce 4000;"
Some one REALLY needs to port The Specialists to Source! :D
wow a mod that boils down to a key bind.

great work on that one guys!

what next ... ghost mod
hit the key bound to no clip and you can become a ghost!!!!

lol gimme a break
I remember that a Half-Life : Matrix mod was in development around 2000, and after releasing the beta the project was abandoned.