New Round of CW:MP Renders (SIG 550, Bizon, M24)


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
SIG 550 from Hiro:

sig550 1.jpg

sig550 2.jpg

sig550 4.jpg

Bizon SMG, also from Hiro:

bizon 2.jpg

bizon 3.jpg

bizon 4.jpg

M-24 SWS from our very own, ChrisArt

Wow nice models! I really like the first one. I think it should be a rule though to post the poly count ;).

Now that Valve released the sdk faq we have some numbers to work with, I think it said 2000 for viewmodels.

Any way great work, looking forward to seeing them w/ skins.
love the one by Chris, great work again by him :cheese:

and your own modellers getting better all the time Sidewinder
Chris's model is under 1000 polys, and the other 2 are around 2000, i think.
the BIZON is 1100 polys and the sig is 2200.

i'm confused stone. did you actually compliment something i did? well i'll be damned, my heart is filled with joy. "I feel like a mosterous reincarnation of Heratio Alger. A man on a mission and just foolish enough to make it work" sorry had to
EDIT: Very nice modeling, Hiro. I look forward to see some more of your work!
I doubt there is a chance you could do a weapon or 3 for LoS? :P
Originally posted by HiroProtaganist
the BIZON is 1100 polys and the sig is 2200.

i'm confused stone. did you actually compliment something i did? well i'll be damned, my heart is filled with joy. "I feel like a mosterous reincarnation of Heratio Alger. A man on a mission and just foolish enough to make it work" sorry had to

:o well...erm...I..erm... I geuss I did :o

hmm, pritty good poly count tooo...
I think you should try and use the Blin shade (as I think chris has) with your renders, I think thats how chris makes his so damn, impressive looking :P
Damn nice models thier, as usual sniper's are the best :D
Just one thing..
does hl2 support "smooth"?

The first model's have smoothing all over..
I think it's better to render the model as how they are going to be in hl2. and not with much smoothing..
HL2 will probably support smoothing groups as the original did, so.... It'll be fine to include smooth renders :P
Well, we have a skinner now! (Cheer!) We'll have some nice lookign renders coming up soon....
Originally posted by Stone
:o well...erm...I..erm... I geuss I did :o

hmm, pritty good poly count tooo...
I think you should try and use the Blin shade (as I think chris has) with your renders, I think thats how chris makes his so damn, impressive looking :P

erm my mistake, its the oren-nayar-blinn shader (why do the people who make these things have horribly spelt names....) that he's used... I've just had fiddle around with one of my models, that people haven't seen yet, and it makes it look so much better :cheese:
thanks stone that makes my renders look infinatley better. Now what render setting makes bad models look good? Cause i could really use it if you ever saw my m16w m203 just ask SideW how bad it was.
Oh god...You're adding the bizon. Thats a spam stick if I've ever seen one. It has a 66 round clip and the shooting seems like it never stops :/

The models look awesome though and I'm really looking forward to playing this Mod.
Hey guys im a new modeler 1 days experience, well any how i was wondering how in the hell did you get that much detail in those guns (example on the bizon with the cocker) ? also how do you make those custom polygons? if you felt secure with giving me one of those guns that would be great cause then i could see how you did them and i could make awsome renders like you guys. Remeber were all freinds here cept for the TKERS but even they have a home in IRAQ.
aaa: if you goto and look around, they have a whole section of free models. You can download them and pick them apart at will. :)