News on 1st of July? It makes sense to me.


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Gabe Newell said soon, and the start of a new month would be as good a time as any to release new info!

This post is groundless by the way, but I think the news will be within the next few days.
i had a dream it was monday, then an alien ate me. what does it all mean?????
It means you shouldn't eat heavy late at night.
I think it 1st july, and its not monday,its tuseday
I don't think they could wait until Tuesday. They are just as excited as we are, cause they wanna see people's reaction to the new material. Maybe they even read our comments on these forums :eek:
I WANT MONDAY! Look at smooth it roolz of yur tounge! Moday's cool!
Actually, Wednesday sounds coolest.
Well in Yugoslavia, we got the news in Friday on the Banker chanel :) Damn

I don't think they could wait until Tuesday. They are just as excited as we are, cause they wanna see people's reaction to the new material

Acctualy theres probley some truth in that m8, Not to sure about it been monday but the deffo are exited to look and read the reaction from people.
I hope they diliver the news as soon as possible to us anxious fans
I think they will release some of those videos we heard about in the previews but weren't shown at E3.
singleplayer--- have not you heard?

The first rule about HL2 multiplayer is that you do not talk about HL2 multiplayer. :)
Gabe just emailed me and said that they will release E3 movies tomorrow. Which probably means an even-better quality version of the presentation, not new stuff :(

But there can always be surprises :)
Thats good :D cos on some of the smaller vids the colour is bit wierd, and that means more analysis can be made - take the Halo 2 camcorder version, and direct record: loads better :D
Indeed, we can extract a lot more information from the direct connect version of the sewer-type map from gamespot; their version was very blurry and had appauling sound for the most part.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Gabe just emailed me and said that they will release E3 movies tomorrow.

Um i think i deserve a cookie! :cheese: i told you so... lol
sry, but canada is more prioritised, hehehe. JULY 1st! i rather want Monday.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but will the new direct-from-Source video be distributed through "normal" download sources (fileplanet, etc), as well as Steam? Don't really feel like installing Steam yet just for the videos. One of our friendly brethren will surely mirror it once it's released, right?
Originally posted by djkanuk
Sorry if this has been asked before, but will the new direct-from-Source video be distributed through "normal" download sources (fileplanet, etc), as well as Steam? Don't really feel like installing Steam yet just for the videos. One of our friendly brethren will surely mirror it once it's released, right?

Oh yeah. It's just the Steam users who will get it first :)
djkanuk begins downloading steam
Well, I guess that cinches it. Off we go. Say, it's already "tomorrow" here (Finnish time), does that mean I can download it already? ;)
:/ where can you download the steam program from, it wont let me on their site anymore
deffo coming out on steam and it will be in the games menu when we get the new stuff :)

Hopeing for Hammer :)
Anyway, if any of you want to add me there, nickname is Mr.Reak

Any ideas when Valve are going to launch the real Steam (non-beta)? They'd better do it well in advance of Sept 30 to make sure all the bugs are worked out. They mentioned negotiating with retailers to set up Steam servers (giving them a piece of the action). So we might see some news on this soon too.
Thanks :D i used to have it installed for CS 1.6, seems weird now going straight into Steam without praying to god for it not crashing
Say they released a direct record video of the full E3 demo, do you think they will have got the same person to do a voiceover in good quality?