No Cut Scenes in Left 4 Dead


May 6, 2005
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It has been confirmed on Kotaku (reporting from PAX) that Left 4 Dead is going to be cut scene free, but will have three times as much dialogue than Half-Life 2.[br]There will be a short introduction to the game which will be created by those behind the Team Fortress 2 cut scenes and trailers. Chet Faliszek had this to say on the matter:[br]
"We didn't want to have the game game gummed up with a story line," Faliszek said. "We wanted to keep it really clean and tight. A zombie apocalypse."[br]"It's about killing zombies, not some fable on the reconstruction of humanity."
[br]For more information on Left 4 Dead cut scenes and story lines head on over here.
Well who was really expecting Cut Scenes in a Valve game. I'm i bit confused about the three times as much dialogue than Half-Life 2, the game is mulitiplayer co-op so is the dialogue HL style or TF2 style.
Ummm... Banned?

Anyways I wasnt expecting them to add cut scenes. More dialogue is always good.
Wow. Just...Wow.

Three times as much dialogue? I hope this doesn't mean the other characters will be chattering nonstop.
May I ask why this news was posted here, on a VALVe-oriented fan-site AFTER kotaku?
I think they were there at the announcement at the convention thingie, whereas I don't think any hl2.netters were there.
I believe the idea is that during quiet moments in the safe rooms, or before a big standoff, the characters might give a line that fleshes out the characters and story a bit more, but it would be different each time, so like they say they want people to still be finding stuff out after 50-100 play throughs of a map.

If you imagine each time you radio for the chopper, if it was the same conversation every time, it would become repetative, I dare say they have a few versions of each aswell.

Plus you have all the team chatter for things like Reloading or Injuries, so the more diverse those phrases are, the less repetative it gets.
Valve has cut scenes but they are in game. They have one with the chopper telling you where to go and if you fail the mission finale. Many cut scenes like this one:

That really isn't a cut scene, It is still in First person, gman is just messing with your mind.