Nonsensical Quotes (A Game)


Jul 6, 2003
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Here are the rules. Post a quote. If someone gueses who said it, they post a new quote. Can be any quote from anyone in history. I'll start it off with an Easy one.

"Throw me a freakin' bone here people!"
Hey this is kinda fun, come on qckbeam, lets have it
Well since he broke the chain, I will post another quote.

"You're damned if you do, and your damned if you don't"
Hmm, maybe you are right. I actually heard Bart Simpson say it on TV.

Oh, well. Your TURN!
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Hmm, maybe you are right. I actually heard Bart Simpson say it on TV.

Oh, well. Your TURN!

The idea of your damned if you do and your damned if you dont (which is the catch 22) was explained that way by Doc Deeneka to Yossarian in the book.. well.. Catch 22... a very funny read if you ask me - gotta love Mjr. Major Major Major (it's a wwII book)

My turn:

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees"
I'll have to catch that book.

Is that one General Tommy Franks!?(just kidding, I have no idea)
Nope... how many poeple have to guess before we are supposed to reveal who it is?
we should get some less used quotes in here. these quotes can be heard from a number of places, and are more like proverbs. Everyone heard em and many people said em.
The one I said was only used once as a statement, but its been in alot of songs
The fact that Google seems to be down for me today means I can't participate. :(
Wrong, and wrong,

It was Emeliano Zapata (Mexican Revolutionary - Aug 8 1879, Anenecuilco, April 10 1919, Morelos)

since noone got it I get to pick so sh33p you go
never heard of zapata :)

hmm, lets see....

"I put instant coffee in a microwave oven and almost went back in time."

btw thanks for pickin me :p

hope my quote isn't too obscure.
just a quote, methinks. Maybe I should change it to somehting more recognizable? :)
Shakespear? Muhamad Ali? Steven Hawking?

Seriosuly, I've never heard that quote.
ding ding. winnar! you search google or somehting? :p

anyhow, your turn tron
Oh, I know. My uncle Ron!! He always says stuff like that!

Stephen Wright? Never heard of him. Refresh my memory here.
Alrighty....this one should be easy:

"I am(have) become death, destroyer of worlds"
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Oh, I know. My uncle Ron!! He always says stuff like that!

Stephen Wright? Never heard of him. Refresh my memory here.

Funny quote guy I think

Like his funny: "After you finish reading this you've already read it."

But I could be wrong
Okay I win, guess this!
I was just kidding!
yeah, wright is funny. I don't htink he said that one though White. Hmm, google him. you should find a lot of results.
Is that in the Rig Veta? I learned about that last year. Was it Shiva?
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
yeah, wright is funny. I don't htink he said that one though White. Hmm, google him. you should find a lot of results.

Well if I had the right guy then he did say that one, he also did stuff like "why do they call them apartments when they're together" and stuff
"I am(have) become death, destroyer of worlds"
Nice quote... by Robert J Oppenheimer.

EDIT: I think it was not originally by him but he used it when describing the fruit of his labor... the atomic bomb.
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Is that in the Rig Veta? I learned about that last year. Was it Shiva?
Yep...Stephen Opienhimer quoted that from the book after the detanation of the Atomic Bomb.