normal headcrabs in HL2 look similar to store bought chickens


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I was showcasing HL2 to my old nanny who moved to LA to work on a tv show, she came to visit (she does from time to time she's almost like a second mom to me) and she thought the game was amazing graphically and all but what really cracked her up is after I killed the headcrabs and when they lied flat on they're stomaches she said they looked just like dead chickens.. (no head like the ones you buy at the grocery store) and now that I go back and kill one and look at it from above.. they really really do.. I bet they dont taste as good as chicken though :p
like the breast of the chicken? and the back of the headcrab...?
That is totally bizarre because my girlfriend said the same thing when I showed the game to her. I was really confused how headcrabs look anything like chickens, until she explained that she meant the kind that you buy in the market. :p
kingthebadger said:
no, they taste like chicken too, with a hint of poison
No those taste like turkeys

Big plate of them for christmas dinner, can't go wrong. Just remember not to overcook them or they explode and gib your oven.
It's kinda scarry cuz i was on Waterhazard...the place where you can go 2 ways, and theres a blind end in one of them with a zombie lying there...and some kinda hole into the wall...well i was there when my mom stopped by and checked it out alittle...when 5-6 headcrabs flies outta the hole she yells, wtf are those chickens??! Now i can't stop thinking about chickens whenever i kill a headdyhumper :naughty:
i think they sound a little like chickens when they squeak while attacking me. :sniper: thats how the resistance get their food supply.

no wonder they could survive despite 99% of their farmland gets blown up by the combine.
man, if I even attempted a "hey miss Katherine, come and look at my cool video game!" she'd laugh hysterically at me and then put a 3 day embargo on all of her 'pink parts'
The poison headcrab and that fast one are homotard, jewbash, f*****s. Stupid things always hit me...grrrrr. So I use unneccesary firepower to kill them...shotgun, magnum, rpg.
I can ONLY kill those little sh1ts with the crowbar, any other technique results in me just spraying bullets wildly into the air and hitting everything and everyone but the actual headcrab while screaming. like a girl
good thing there isnt friendly fire in HL2 or everyone but the crab would get mowed down by me...unless you use that friendly fire mod which is......HILARIOUS!!!!! I busted a cap in Barney. But then I got some BS screen goin "You killed cant continue game so loading level from previous state now"
They even look more like chickens when you hit them on the ground with the c-bar after they are dead. (I did this a lot because I hated them so much)

I bet the Valve programers based their calculations for the headhumpers physics on the affects of a truckload of raw chickens being beaten to @#$% with a c-bar.

Picture it: Big Gabe in a rage out back in the alley smashing fresh chickens with a c-bar and asking the surrounding programmers "Are you getting this?".
Regular HC = Chicken Tender Crisp
Poison HC = Extra Spicy Chicken Tender Crisp
CR33P said:
man, if I even attempted a "hey miss Katherine, come and look at my cool video game!" she'd laugh hysterically at me and then put a 3 day embargo on all of her 'pink parts'

Ah, I remember the days of 'Pink Parts'.

Hehe sorry, your post just made me laugh.
corkscru74 said:
Ah, I remember the days of 'Pink Parts'.

I just have to know exactly what you mean by that? Does it mean you are so old that even with full access to 'Pink Parts' it wouldn't matter?