Not happy with IRC people




I am new and went on the IRC server and the people there where nasty to me and sounded racist (my family are Japanese). I don't know if it was joking but I think a person should find out about a person before making comments like that and general rude behaviour.

I was very surprised and disappointed
Sorry to hear that. What exactly was said?

It was probably in jest. Everyone's friendly around here although we're not always politically correct by far. That's how the internet is, and we're no exception.
I've never even been on our IRC. Does anyone even use it?
Last time I went there is was dead, so I said "Doesn't anyone talk in this stupid thing?" then Pi Mu Rho said "It's dead right now".

I haven't used my IRC since..
My family are Japanese, too.

No, srsly.
cave Canem's new avatar wins. I loved that. It made me lol so hard.

Wait.. we have an IRC?
For about 5 years...

It's full of people who aren't on the forums though, with a select few people you'd recognise. You usually get a fair few people idling in it, with sporadic chats, not all that great. If the thread starter is looking for a more regulated and pleasant environment for Half-life 2 goodness, you've found the right place. Any behaviour as you mentioned on IRC demonstrated on these forums will be dealt with severely.

Welcome to, it's safer here...

have no idea what irc is so welcome. be sure to drink the water, 100% nutritious
have no idea what irc is so welcome.
Internet relay chat. It's one of the oldest services on the internet. You get an IRC client, you log into a server, join a channel, and chat.
I've never even been on. I find it irresponsible of staff to have created yet another retard congregating point. That's what the forums are for.

That said, I wouldn't waste your time getting too offended. It's the internet, it happens, just shift past it and let the retards say their thing.
I was going to bust out some Japanese to make him/her feel welcome, but my two years of highschool Japanese evaporated from my mind.