Not new Concept Art (edit)


Companion Cube
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
New art, I think it's legit, sorry if it's already been posted.

Is it just me or is the original piece of concept art we saw with the group of advisors in the background on a Combine bridge stretching across onto the deck of the Borealis. Looks like the Combine have the rule of the ship. Seems a bit different from the clip we saw in EP2.
So the Combine are trying to exploit Aperture Science technology, right?
It would seem that, in the picture, there are trace amounts of Combine architecture, as seen on the Borealis. This must mean that the ship is already inhabited by the Combine's presence, and that teleporter technology could already have been exploited.
Seems a bit different from the clip we saw in EP2.

Its the otherside of the ship that we can't see from the angle shown in the Episode 2. This was obviously why...
It's a really cool piece of concept art, it's wicked that the Combine already have control of the ship and has built some of the awesome architecture around it. So when Gordon get's there it's possible there will already be Combine there, which of course you have to squash :D It looks like the Combine has made the rift themselves by forcing the ice to break apart with those arm-looking thingys.
The fact that the ship seems to lay deep down in the rift is also very cool, would be awesome if you make your way down through icy tunnels. I can imagine the cool graphic opportunities with the ice and light in those tunnels. Just love the concept art.
Havnt seen that concept art, but holy shit!