Oil at new record: so what else is new?


Jul 1, 2004
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$133. Not too much longer and we'll hit $140. I can't bring this up enough, peak oil is becoming a huge issue much faster than anyone had thought.

Oil price futures, which are usually very optimistic, and still are, set long term prices to be high:

And no, this isn't big oil being greedy:
"The fundamental laws of supply and demand are at work," said Hofmeister. The market is squeezed by exporting nations managing demand for their own interest and other nations subsidizing prices to encourage economic growth, he said.
Baby, when the oil runs out, I will still be here to give you what you need.
actually food prices are going up with fuel prices of course, and I've heard that in some cases, it costs more to ride a bike.

think about it.

(numbers are very approximate - point stands)

1 hour of riding - distance 1-4 miles. cost? $6 food (of course you have to eat anyway, but you will need to eat 2 or 3 times as much this day)

1 hour of driving - distance 50-60 miles. cost? $6 gas (for me @ about 38 mpg city/highway anyway @$4 gallon)

the distance traveled is where you really see the difference.

I'm sorry A-Bike, you just aren't worth it baby.
I work in a petrol station and take great pleasure when I have to go outside and change the big number boards declaring a 2 pence rise in petrol.
I work in a petrol station and take great pleasure when I have to go outside and change the big number boards declaring a 2 pence rise in petrol.

Why? Do you enjoy ****ing people over? :rolleyes:
Aren't prices in the UK (as well as the rest of Europe) already ridiculously high because your governments don't pay premiums for it? Or something like that.
Aren't prices in the UK (as well as the rest of Europe) already ridiculously high because your governments don't pay premiums for it? Or something like that.

They're ridiculously high (about ?1.20 a litre at the moment) because fuel here is taxed to utterly absurd levels.

Which in turn is causing hyperinflation, spiralling costs of living and mounting economic catastrophe. Solaris seems to enjoy it though, presumably because he's too poor to afford a car himself and doesn't have to pay any bills. Down with the evil aristocrats in their Ford Focuses! :rolleyes:
I can't see why gas is rising so much faster now, as opposed to 6 months ago. It's not like a new nation popped up, or half the oil just disappeared...it just seems like the oil company going, "well...how much can we charge before it starts to plateau?" and once they reach it, then they stop.

CNN ran an article the other day showing 73% of oil price went to the oil company. So with 73% of the cost going to them...they are able to become the company with the largest profits EVER. So why can't they lower the price by 23% and then instead of making 38 BILLION in profits, they'll only make 13 BILLION in PROFIT.

I'm sure it wont kill the ceo to buy a 345ft yacht instead of his 360ft one. Although I guess they don't go by the saying "just because you can, doesn't mean you should." It's just sort of frustrating to see a company that the entire worlds need, blatantly take advantage of everyone, essentially deny that they're doing it, and then take no steps in trying to help out the average person when they so easily could.
ITT rebiV is jealous of Solaris' numbers.


I'm intensely irritated by his infantile, hypocritical, ignorant attitude. He claims to be "for the working man", and then expresses glee in screwing the working man over. He also fails to realise that rising fuel prices hurt EVERYONE, because the cost of everything goes up. Push it too far and the economy will eventually collapse.
Of course, he doesn't care because he can't afford his own wheels and mummy still pays all the bills. He's insulated from the consequences of every one of his idiotic opinions.

How anyone could take pleasure in ripping people off is absolutely beyond me. Highly ironic considering his whining about "capitalist exploitation". It wouldn't irritate me so much but loony attitudes like these have been running the show for the past decade.
gas is about $1.25/Liter here. I don't know how much higher it will go to, i keep hearing $1.50/Liter by mid summer...if that's the case then I will be screwed...Will it ever go down to $1.00 or less after the summer??
well it's almost $4 a gallon in Virginia, and we have like the lowest gas tax in the country. (also cheapest tobacco and tax on that as well)

anyway, it's supposed to go even past $4 real soon.

I remember about 10 years ago, it was about 0.79 a gallon exclamation points for a long time

rough guess (a gallon is somewhere around 3 litres)

the thing is though, most people in America, we have to drive far to get places.
@ repiV: 1.) I was being sarcastic. 2.) quit blowing up over something internet man said. 3.) Start printing your own money and win!
@ repiV: 1.) I was being sarcastic. 2.) quit blowing up over something internet man said. 3.) Start printing your own money and win!

1) I know, but I didn't even understand what you meant.

2) Why? I'm sick of living in a country where this twisted form of left-wing extremism which actually hurts "the working man" more than anyone else is the status quo, and Solaris has just annoyed me further. Maybe he should donate quality food to families who can't afford to feed their kids anything decent because they have to spend all their money on petrol.
1) I know, but I didn't even understand what you meant.

2) Why? I'm sick of living in a country where this twisted form of left-wing extremism which actually hurts "the working man" more than anyone else is the status quo, and Solaris has just annoyed me further. Maybe he should donate quality food to families who can't afford to feed their kids anything decent because they have to spend all their money on petrol.

Eh, the world sucks and people are dicks. Shit happens sadly, and 99% of them are not reprimanded in any way. Best thing to do is just grind your teeth and beat one up IRL.
actually food prices are going up with fuel prices of course, and I've heard that in some cases, it costs more to ride a bike.

think about it.

(numbers are very approximate - point stands)

1 hour of riding - distance 1-4 miles. cost? $6 food (of course you have to eat anyway, but you will need to eat 2 or 3 times as much this day)

1 hour of driving - distance 50-60 miles. cost? $6 gas (for me @ about 38 mpg city/highway anyway @$4 gallon)

the distance traveled is where you really see the difference.

I'm sorry A-Bike, you just aren't worth it baby.

Most people burn approximately 25 calories (kcal) per mile. That meas that a $1, 250 cal bag of chips will get you approximately 10 miles on a bicycle. Chips aren't the cheapest food energy either.
CNN ran an article the other day showing 73% of oil price went to the oil company. So with 73% of the cost going to them...they are able to become the company with the largest profits EVER. So why can't they lower the price by 23% and then instead of making 38 BILLION in profits, they'll only make 13 BILLION in PROFIT.

Free market dictates that you charge whatever the market will pay for. And you realize that the cost of oil extraction is constantly rising as the easy to get to oil is disappearing.
The gas price here is about US$2.20/litre, which is about the highest in the world. The ****ing government keeps raising the tax, while failing to expand the public transportation system, something that's increasingly necessary when the gas prices continue to rise (which they will). We're not as bad off as the Americans, though. If you don't start to build very much railroad infrastructure very fast, you're gonna be in a world of shit within a couple of years.
The price of oil is almost an irrelevancy when it comes to private motoring costs, it's being raped by the government under the ominous guise of "green" that's the problem. 80% of the price of petrol is tax, and that's not including road tax (hardly any of which actually gets spent on roads), draconian parking and speeding fines/charges, road tolls and congestion charges...
And this premium price we pay for a road network that is deliberately designed to cause maximum congestion and frustration through "traffic calming measures", bus lanes, pointless traffic lights and inefficient traffic light timings, with many roads in a dangerous condition and no new roads have been built in over 20 years despite a three-fold increase in traffic. Oh, and you're far more likely to be punished/fined/banned for being a good driver than being a bad one.
And yet the whackjobs who for some reason hold so much sway over this country still think that motoring isn't nearly expensive or miserable enough.
I just enjoy putting the prices up becuase so many of the people I provide petrol too are wankers.

Clearly petrol is taxed alot, but we get the benifits of that tax in better hospitals and education I'd like to think.

Clearly repriv has some good points on traffic, but I vaguely recall reading some figures in a guardian coloumn saying road deaths have fallen by a few thousand percent since 1970. But maybe better cars hold some of the responcability for that.

We really should just put economists in charge of it instead of mindless beurocrats.
but I vaguely recall reading some figures in a guardian coloumn saying road deaths have fallen by a few thousand percent since 1970.
Things can rise with more than 100%, but never fall with more than that. It's basic math.
So? You enjoy screwing people, some of whom are actualy decent oer, who are you but a wanker?

I don't actually proft nor chose the prices. Contary to the beliefs of most of the customers.
Most people burn approximately 25 calories (kcal) per mile. That meas that a $1, 250 cal bag of chips will get you approximately 10 miles on a bicycle. Chips aren't the cheapest food energy either.

I can barely walk out to my bike on 250 calories. you know a standard 2000 calorie diet ? 10 miles? Really Dan?

if I rode 10 miles on a bike, I'd probably need a $1000 doctor visit to recover. and a lot more than a bag of chips. Something like a $6 fast food meal I thought was more than reasonable. I know I'd work up a huge appetite

besides all that, time is money. 10 miles - well, maybe you are a seasoned cyclist, but that would take me hours and I would be too tired to start work for my 8 hour shift.

Most chips are loaded with fat and sodium and cause heart and cardiovascular problems as early as your 30's. IINM.

low salt -baked chips would be better
$3.85 in Minnesota, fillin up once a week is costing me about $250 a month...

Doesn't help that my car has a 5 liter V8 and gets the same mpg's as a tank
I get 16 avg mpg in my car, but I fill up once ever 2-3 weeks. Makes me glad for that, too D:
I can barely walk out to my bike on 250 calories. you know a standard 2000 calorie diet ? 10 miles? Really Dan?

if I rode 10 miles on a bike, I'd probably need a $1000 doctor visit to recover. and a lot more than a bag of chips. Something like a $6 fast food meal I thought was more than reasonable. I know I'd work up a huge appetite

besides all that, time is money. 10 miles - well, maybe you are a seasoned cyclist, but that would take me hours and I would be too tired to start work for my 8 hour shift.

Most chips are loaded with fat and sodium and cause heart and cardiovascular problems as early as your 30's. IINM.

low salt -baked chips would be better

10 miles is a pretty short trip for anybody that commutes by bike or rides a lot. When I go for rides on the road it is usually around 30-50 km, and I will have a granola bar, and a bagel afterwards. That's probably about 300 or so calories. The 2000 calorie diet is for staying alive and moderate activity. It is not included in the extra work you do riding a bicycle. Fat gets burned more rapidly when you are active, so you don't have to worry as much about cholesterol clogging your arteries. The extra exercise for your cardiovascular system will more than repay the health effects of any fatty food you eat. Sodium is put out in your sweat, and the link between sodium and high blood pressure is considered today to be much weaker than doctors used to believe.
I just enjoy putting the prices up becuase so many of the people I provide petrol too are wankers.

Clearly petrol is taxed alot, but we get the benifits of that tax in better hospitals and education I'd like to think.

Clearly repriv has some good points on traffic, but I vaguely recall reading some figures in a guardian coloumn saying road deaths have fallen by a few thousand percent since 1970. But maybe better cars hold some of the responcability for that.

We really should just put economists in charge of it instead of mindless beurocrats.

oh shut up

you are glad cuz socialist countryes are taking benefits of this and the USA economy is goin down
I just enjoy putting the prices up becuase so many of the people I provide petrol too are wankers.

Clearly petrol is taxed alot, but we get the benifits of that tax in better hospitals and education I'd like to think.

Any tax levied specifically on motorists should be used in order to benefit motorists. The transport network in this country is a joke, and far from the extortionate prices we pay actually being used to improve things, the motorist is treated as a cash cow to be oppressed and terrorised.
The majority of traffic problems in the UK are not caused by the volume of cars, but by lack of investment in the infrastructure and intentional sabotage. Under Ken Livingstone for example, they deliberately sequenced the traffic lights in London so people would keep getting caught at a red light whereas before traffic flowed relatively smoothly from one green to another, and also so people get stuck in huge jams at junctions to justify the congestion charge and to force people onto public transport. It's completely and utterly unforgivable.

Clearly repriv has some good points on traffic, but I vaguely recall reading some figures in a guardian coloumn saying road deaths have fallen by a few thousand percent since 1970. But maybe better cars hold some of the responcability for that.

Road deaths fell massively between 1970 and 1993, when they introduced speed cameras and started to spread the "speed kills" message. Now people focus on their speedo instead of the road, and think that their only responsibility as a driver is to obey the speed limit. Subsequently the standard of driving has plumetted in the last 15 years, and the casualty figures have stayed static - factoring into improvements in car safety and engineering, road safety policy of the last 15 years has killed hundreds of people. At the same time, it punishes and penalises safe drivers and makes using the roads a miserable experience.
Now they're trying for widespread introduction of 20mph zones enforced by average speed cameras, which will be an absolute nightmare both for traffic flow and safety. Drivers will all be watching their speedo, and mark my words - if this happens, accidents will go through the roof. There are actually more accidents at the vast majority of speed camera sites than there were prior to their introduction.

We really should just put economists in charge of it instead of mindless beurocrats.

So you're becoming a capitalist at last. ;)
There are actually more accidents at the vast majority of speed camera sites than there were prior to their introduction.
Your certainly winning me other, but can you substanciate this point with some evidence?
Here we go.

Fatalities rise in speed camera hotspots

Video demonstrating that speed cameras cause accidents removed from BBC News

Another interesting article

I did see a set of government statistics that showed sharp rises in KSI stats (killed/seriously injured) at speed camera sites following the installation of the camera, but I can't find them at the moment. It's not the easiest data to stumble across, the entire policy is based on lies and deception, and the ignorance of the general public, so they do their best to cover these things up. The above articles show the point clearly enough though.

Personally speaking, it's obvious that cameras cause accidents both directly and through the messages that obsessive speed enforcement conveys. People panic brake when they come across a camera - sometimes they lose control and crash. It's a particular risk for bikes because they don't have ABS and if you lock the front wheel during braking on a motorcycle you WILL crash. Panic grab at the brakes WILL result in an accident.
I nearly got killed thanks to a camera, overtaking a lorry and then came right on top of a scamera which had been hidden by the lorry 40mph over the limit thanks to the overtake. I slammed on the anchors and dropped back, only to have a car following my overtake nearly run into the back of me.
Dangerous, dangerous things.
It's just under 10 dollars a gallon in England at the moment. Most expensive I saw was 1 pound and 11 pence for a litre.

The powers that be will have to think up a viable mass alternative pretty fast if they want to keep businesses and people within the comfort zone, because it's slowly edging towards the line. *Stares at industrialist dinosaurs in their billion dollar mansions* Party nearly over aye chaps?.
150.8c AUD p/l here. Tis ok with a 15l tank though... though in about a month my fuel consumption will change again :D

However, diesal is taking a hammering on my budget. I've got a 4.1L 1994 Nissan Patrol (as well as sharing this and a shitty little 1.4l pulsar with my flatmate lol) and it has a 1000L Long range tank.

D: In perth, diesal is 178.6c AUD p/l average
I get 16 avg mpg in my car, but I fill up once ever 2-3 weeks. Makes me glad for that, too D:

mazda rx-8's have a pretty small engine though, 1.3 Liters right? How much does it cost you to fill up with these prices?