Okay okay I got a good one...


Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
How in the holy HELL does Gordan hold all those guns? In Left 4 Dead, your main character can hold a biggie, equipped with a tiny pistol, a medical backpack with some pills and maybe a bottle or pipe bomb on the other hand.

Gordan can hold:

Heavy Ass Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator
USP Match Hand Gun
.357 Magnum
Big Ass Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle
SPAS-12 Shotgun
Crossbow w/ Arrows Ready to Solder Electronics, mind you
5 HE Grenades
Heavy Ass RPG Launcher

All at once, while saving the world, and secretly tapping that ass w/ you know who. What's up? He is on a level of bad-ass that I'll just never quite be on par with. If I was gay, I'd marry him. No homo.
The show? Ash carries tiny ass balls on a belt...ASH AINT GOT SHIT ON GORDAN GOD DAMN IT

Do you remember the sizes of creatures that fit inside pokeballs?

The HEV is built with Time Lord technology.
Gordon is a man with resistance and power, that's why how he carry all of the weapons.
Do you remember the sizes of creatures that fit inside pokeballs?
The pokeball topic is dumb, the creatures' size is irrelevant as they get pulled into a small ball, which shrinks afterwards. Has nothing to do with holding big ass guns. If you want to use that analogy, then Gordan's guns shrink and clip onto his belt.
We've never seen Gordon in 3rd person during the Half-life 2 games, as there are no cut scenes. Also you can't look directly behind you, because if you did you'd see all the guns glued to Gordon's HEV suit back, which is highly magnetic. This allows him free hands to do things such as cross stitch and sudoku.
Hey guys, why we don't hear Gordan's voice in game?
We've never seen Gordon in 3rd person during the Half-life 2 games, as there are no cut scenes. Also you can't look directly behind you, because if you did you'd see all the guns glued to Gordon's HEV suit back, which is highly magnetic. This allows him free hands to do things such as cross stitch and sudoku.


Anyways, i know this is a forum, but i hope you realize that the answer to this is valve never spent time coming up with an excuse, and why should they? its such a minor thing. As much as i respect the realism of games that only allow you to carry 2 weapons at a time, i prefer (at least in half life) having all weapons at my disposal...
I always thought he kept them in his beard.
Oh, it has nothing to do with the fact that he's the only person in the world at the time with an HEV?

It wasn't a serious question anyway. I don't feel like explaining to you.
Oh, it has nothing to do with the fact that he's the only person in the world at the time with an HEV?

It wasn't a serious question anyway. I don't feel like explaining to you , peasant.

Oh, it has nothing to do with the fact that he's the only person in the world at the time with an HEV?

It wasn't a serious question anyway. I don't feel like explaining to you, pheasant.

he pulls a radio cart behind him at all times you just never see it
Gordon telekineticly has his weapons floating in the space behind him, when he needs one he just reaches back there. You don't know this because you never see behind him.
How does he crawl into tiny spaces then? Why can't he telepathically do anything else like pwning headcrabs or fly over stupid gates that need heavy decyphering to open?
Obviously because his powers are limited. Duuuuuuuuuh!
I could easily make a smart-ass joke about this subject but it'd make me sound gay. Now watch as someone thinks they're totally funny an original by saying "You already are gay"
Why can't he telepathically do anything else like pwning headcrabs or fly over stupid gates that need heavy decyphering to open?

It's hard to fly when you're carrying that many weapons.

One of the oldest cliches in FPS history. Even the character in Wolfenstein 3D could carry lots of guns.

No, Wolfenstein 3D was sensible in that respect; you only had 4 weapons (6 in the MAC version).
What's with the sh**ty threads lately?
Who in the holy HELL is Gordan?

Is he related to Gorden?
May i ask one thing
Who the hell is Gordan?
Gordon's brother?
Oh lol Veggie i was on the first page when i posted this XD