

Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
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Watching the opening ceremony now, it's been pretty well done, great fireworks etc.

Looking forward to this one! My friend is in team GB doing the decathalon and is in Beijing as we speak, cmon team GB!
*quietly chants to self*
Usa...! Usa...! Usa...!
Watching the ceremony too. Summer isnt our Olympics, but we still got some great teams.

**** China. I'm still pissed they're allowed to host the Olympics. Where'd all those Tibetan protesters disappear to, scumbags? Oh yeah, all 1000+ of them were murdered by the Chinese government, along with (let's be real) probably millions of other relatively innocent people.

Not like it matters where it is though, the American team is still going to kick ass.
I love the Olympics!! I love the back-stories of most of the athletes (not the "Dream Team" crap, etc.)... like, the USA's flag-bearer is one of the Lost Boys from the Sudan.. that's a real story, and the spirit of the Olympics--overcoming adversity!

I hate the Internets that ruin the "surprise" of results and such. (Most places do place them in "spoilers".. but c'mon... you HAVE to click.) Of course, I've already looked at dozens of pictures from the Opening Ceremonies, even though I don't get to watch for another 8 hours or something...

Oh, and Go Team USA! (Even though our athletes are droppin' like flies.. :( )
I think I'll watch the cycling and sailing, for we shall win many goodies!
The opening ceremony was awesome. I love watching the gymnastics. It's just amazing seeing what those people can do.
It's dumb how they can't show the shooting events on TV because America is so ****ing stupid.
Not watching the Olympics this year.

**** China and such.

Oh, and I'm not really interested in them so I wouldn't have watched them anyway. Except Gymnastics, that shit is amazing.
China's done enough crap, forget them.
Wonder what'll happen if the Chinese don't win anything...

genocide, amirite?
I'm with Ace, I'm ignoring the Olympics, watching nationalistic jockeying and blind bare pure greed and ambition for gold silver and bronze trinkets isn't very interesting regardless of its location.

Plus I always figured playing sports was the whole point, not watching it, which is why I cant stand football (soccer) either, and everyone faffin about their team even if they are massive lards that have never kicked a ball in their life claiming a teams success as their own.

KINDA LIKE THE OLYMPICS (ptssht buuurn).
Well, you might be more into it if your country won some events


hahah <3
Hopefully they televise the Judo in Canada this year. In China you can take Judo as a class in school, it looks like it'd interested with it being on their home turf and all..
**** China. I'm still pissed they're allowed to host the Olympics. Where'd all those Tibetan protesters disappear to, scumbags? Oh yeah, all 1000+ of them were murdered by the Chinese government, along with (let's be real) probably millions of other relatively innocent people.

Yep. I bring up that fact around friends and family and I always get, "wait, China did what?" But they really don't care.
I don't think he was going to compete, he was there for support. I'll have to read it again. later though. Now I must FEAST.

If he was to compete and they denied him entrance, then I would say the event was fixed, and be really disgusted with China. For now it's just 'shaking my head' kind of disgust.
It's dumb how they can't show the shooting events on TV because America is so ****ing stupid.

Go to NBC.com and watch it online.. Shooting events start at 10pm ET

They've got 2000 hours of online programming lined up... :thumbs:
I'm sick of it all already. I've seen it plastered all over Google, all over msn.com, all over Bebo. I hate it.
The opening ceremony was awesome, the Chinese sure were not lying when they said they are trying to make it the best ever. It's nice that someone other than the west has got the games, least this won't suck like London 2012 will.
I care about the cycling and nothing more. With Ennui on the China issue
The odd thing is watching China desperately attempt to scramble around to cover for its many many mistakes.

Good opening ceremony though, except the Aussies were near the back...
Only if ranked "From shit to awesome".

Were Australia will be awesome.

(Because we're awesome).
Except you forget one thing, Jintor.

**** those commie bastards. I'm not watching it.

I hope Lomong rapes all of them with his massive Sudanese cock. Payback, bitch.
I don't really support China getting the games or anything.

...But damn. 'Dem fireworks were darn purdy.

Also, I crave some of those Asian cheerleaders. They're just so perky!
I would have watched the opening ceremonies, but I encountered a dinner mishap involving two-month old frozen chicken. So I had to miss them so I could eat.

Any chance there's a video online? I couldn't find one on NBC's website.
I've never, ever, ever cared about the Olympics. Ever.

Hope I'm not the only one.
LOL Canada


Nice clothes
Were secure enough in our sexuality to be able to wear... those.

And patriotism is not just for you Americans!

We're badass!

Plus those are models, not Canadians.
I've never, ever, ever cared about the Olympics. Ever.

Hope I'm not the only one.

Certainly not.

But, y'know, it was on TV. And it was pretty interesting. I'll probably ignore the rest unless a suicide-bombing Tibetan monk shows up or something.
i love the opening and ending of the olympics, there pretty awsome,
but the actuall compettion i raely watch
I think the opening ceremony showed the major feature of China, that is a vast population.