OMG!!! Cs rap- hilarious, you must hear

lol, i like it...

"We own so much, we cant pay the ****ing bills"

Thats my line :p
MUCH better than the other rap, someone posted a link to :p
That is AWFUL. It would be funny if they actually tried to sound like they were rapping, not talking. Just proves they have no talent, and are 13 years old.
Glo-Boy said:
That is AWFUL. It would be funny if they actually tried to sound like they were rapping, not talking. Just proves they have no talent, and are 13 years old.

Rapping and talking... I don't see the difference. All rappers bascially talk while "music" is playing in the background.
Glo-Boy said:
Okay, compare these two:

Real rap. I hardly consider this talking. By all means, hate it all you want, but don't be one of those people that say that rap takes no talent.

This shithead's rendition of rap. This is just talking, with rhymes that aren't even clever.

I never said it's a talentless job. There is a difference between the two, but I still wouln't listen to either.

(the top one is much better)

But I wouldn't say it's singing.