OMG , Some One gave HL2 a 8.3 Score :ooo

Alig said: can i have a wrong opinion? Mong.

Like you say, you already know what i'll say about Valve lying, only i thought Valve lied quite alot more than devs usually do saying "No scripted sequences - the best AI ever" is quite a big statement when the game clearly uses scripted sequences alot in every chapter and the AI is always in your god damn way (when you got a squad following) and they really do not think for themselfs like Valve said...i've watched my squad get popped off one by one because they didn't move out the way or return fire.
It originally had no scripted sequences..
8.3 sounds about right, i would give hl2 a 8.3 or 8.5....

its a great game, but its nothing new, and the story was lacking (even if you look at every wall clipping, talk to every NPC, and read every book)


Good Points = Good Graphics, ass-kicking physics, its half life 2!

Bad Points = AI is bad (not average, bad), story is lacking, not the gaming revolution it was supposed to be

Final Score = 8.5, i would suggest this game to anyone with the cash to buy it, but dont expect more then it is...
ShadowFox said:
I'm confused about that as well.

The only time they said there were no scripted sequences was during the Barricade section of E3 2k3. That doesn't mean there wasn't any scripting during the whole game.
I think your right.
Reaperman said:
8.3 sounds about right, i would give hl2 a 8.3 or 8.5....

its a great game, but its nothing new, and the story was lacking (even if you look at every wall clipping, talk to every NPC, and read every book)


Good Points = Good Graphics, ass-kicking physics, its half life 2!

Bad Points = AI is bad (not average, bad), story is lacking, not the gaming revolution it was supposed to be

Final Score = 8.5, i would suggest this game to anyone with the cash to buy it, but dont expect more then it is...
I somehow hate you.
I would say the physics and character interaction are revolutionary for FPS.

I never expected the combat to be revolutionary although it does have great variety.
I honestly think its unbelievable how people can say they would give this game less then a 9. You have to be completely nucking futs. I give this game 10/10. No bias. It sets the standard for every single FPS game to come. Oh, and I have played all the FPS games around, Doom 3, Halo 2, Far Cry. None of those can top Half-Life 2

8.6 is a total BS. My opinion. But I cant honestly see why you guys think the game didnt deserve its scores.

I know why, your all just pissed at steam or whiney about the stuttering. Go get a better computer.
yes, NPC interaction was well done, but not used even close to enough...

why do you all hate me so much, i have it a 8.5, thats like a B...

im not getting all overhyped and going "OMFG A++++++ WOW IT ROCKED MY BOX OFF!", because it didnt...

it is the best game i currently have on my computer, bar none...

Don't worry.. some of us respect your opinion.

I disagree with it, but I respect it nonetheless. Personally there were parts of FarCry that were better than parts of HL2, but for me HL2 is a much better game.

FarCry had better combat excluding physics, but once you get the gravity gun HL2 becomes much better.
9.8 all the way

even my brother loved it and he knew nothing of it
the only thing this game does that hasnt been done before is the faces and body posture, which isnt used enough to employ it to full effect...

if they wouldnt have cut out that projecter scene, it would have eisally bumped the game into the 9.5 range (lack of multiplayer accounts for another 0.5)

With it, the whole thing would have made for sence, i would know what was going on around me, without it, you have to look for a story, and thats not a good way to do it..

what if you said to a kid "i'll keep telling you the bedtime story, if you can solve this math problem"?

thats not the way its done...
Reaperman said:
the only thing this game does that hasnt been done before is the faces and body posture, which isnt used enough to employ it to full effect...

if they wouldnt have cut out that projecter scene, it would have eisally bumped the game into the 9.5 range (lack of multiplayer accounts for another 0.5)

With it, the whole thing would have made for sence, i would know what was going on around me, without it, you have to look for a story, and thats not a good way to do it..

what if you said to a kid "i'll keep telling you the bedtime story, if you can solve this math problem"?

thats not the way its done...

Math problems don't solve themselves, the story does if you simply pay attention. I don't understand what people have to complain about it, it's way more fun finding out the story yourself while playing the game, to do some thinking. That slideshow would have been rather stupid, "Okay Gordon, that was the story, now kick some combine ass for the rest of the game" yeah what a blast that would have been. Not to mention expansions will explain the story further, same goes for HL where things weren't very clear either.
I like the way the story was done. I prefer being left in the dark to having it spoon fed to me. This way I can make my own theories as to what happened.

But that is a matter of personal taste and if you prefer knowing whats going on, then I can see how you would be disappointed in the story.
Some people don't like geniuses like Mozart or Einstein. Who cares? There will always be a stupid minority.
Reaperman said:
With it, the whole thing would have made for sence, i would know what was going on around me, without it, you have to look for a story, and thats not a good way to do it..

Au contraire. I think it's an excellent way to do it.
swift giving a game 10/10 means its perfect lol there are too many flaws in hl2 for it to be perfect.

1. some of the levels are good but go on way too long to the point they become tedious.
2. Not a big enough variety of weapons

i could go on but i still thought it was great 90%
Only things I hate are the friendly AI and the lack of real multiplayer.

there are seemingly pointless clues and dead ends, and some really crappy jumping levels
I'd give it a 95... being one of the, if not the best game I have ever played.
I'd give it a 98%
With Pros&Cons;
+ Gameplay
+ Environments
+ Originality
- Minor AI bugs
- No DM (Yet anyway)

Something like that.
Edit: I'd also point out that it's THE best game ever, especially if you look at it from a game designers point of view. Looking at the technical parts and how they present the story, it's just... revolutionary, yet again.
I personally disagree with the mark of 85-I would give it at least a 95.

AI is excellent - your enemies use cover effectively, also are are quite intelligent about using grenades to get you when you're in cover. Sometimes it does seem the AI is a bit stupid, but I think thats more to do with pathing than anything else, the AI has to be restricted to a certain areas or paths to ensure it doesnt cause major problems with game balance or cause bunching of enemies.

The Allied AI is very good as well. They heal themselves and also equip themselves with better weapons if they find any, they also use cover quite effectively. I had no major problems with them blocking me apart from a few times in very tight areas. Its quite impressive seeing a Resistance Fighter with a Sub Machine gun drop it and pick up a pulse Rifle.

I think the AI is alot more impressive than it may seem.....Im pretty sure if they took off all the blocks and balances off the enemy AI you would get pwned pretty badly.

The physics engine is a revolutionary step in the FPS advancement, never really seen before in any game, and lets you do things you would never have thought of doing in something like Farcry.

Although the game is fairly linear, how you do it is up to you. Some people have done almost the whole airboat level on FOOT!, as the engine lets you do this if you really want to - this was one of Valves concerns about the Engine - it not careful it can give you too much freedom.

The story is excellent - problem is its not very obvious, and people who just want to play & not think miss an awful lot. Story wise its more like X-Files than say Star Trek.

Ive played almost every FPS for the PC a number of times, including Far Cry,Doom 3, MOH and COD - and HL2 pwned them all.

Another thing people are missing is the whole potential for Modding in HL2, which is sorely missing in almost every other game. Valve have always supported the modding community probably more than any other Game Studio (both CS & DOD were done by the modders), and in a short we are gonna be a flood with excellent new content for HL2.

The MP side of HL2 is very good - CS being the most popular MP FPS game in the world, however I do admit it was a mistake for Vavle not to include a DM mode (I dont like DM myself, but alot of people do) - however the suprise next week might very well be a DM mod for HL2.

Steam gives Valve the option to update content HL2 very easily. Gabe stated they can now produce about 3 hours of Gameplay for HL2 per wouldnt suprise me if we start to see small 'episodes' expanding the HL2 experience. One thing Valve has always been VERY good at is supporting their software. We still get updates for HL after 6 years.

All I can say people who just play it the once and put it back in the box are gonna be missing an awful lot.
I dunno about you guys, but i would like AI that made more use of cover. Most of the time when playing hl2 i noticed that they just bum rushed me all the time..

It's like their only strategy is to get as close to you as possible. It's like they have a deathwish or something. Takes me out of the immersion.
Mac said:
I dunno about you guys, but i would like AI that made more use of cover. Most of the time when playing hl2 i noticed that they just bum rushed me all the time..

It's like their only strategy is to get as close to you as possible. It's like they have a deathwish or something.

Your not the only one, i thought the AI was HL2's biggest shortcoming, 95% of the time it was utterly useless.
Try spawning some enemies and make them battle eachother, you'll find out that the AI is nothing to be ashamed off, and probably the best out there, better than Halo AI (very good and challenging as individuals, but less in groups) or Far Cry (not really good, just plain annoying with their sniper's accuracy and their oh-I-know-lets-camp-behind-a-tree-for-an-hour-and-a-f*cking-half behaviour) and very fun to fight.

That it rushes you often has little to do with AI, but with the level of fun. They AI is perfectly capable of finding cover, they always use it when available to reload, but like I said, all Far Cry AI does is camp, which is tedious. When you spawn a resistance fighter in front of lots of zombies, he or she will run away, seek cover, and wait until they're closer to get a good headshot, back off, get some more kills and seek cover again. Combine AI is less cautious, but when fighting in groups, still dangerous.
At the prison level HL2 moves from being above average to mind-blowing. The action is just so satisfying and yet I'm not sure why. The A.I isn't brilliant, the enemies aren't massively original, nor are the weapons.

But the feeling when Ant Lions are attacking enemies to your right and left and you're blazing forward with your magnum is indescribable. After that, Entanglement does in game story telling like no FPS before with the player having to rely on Alyx as the plot evolves. Then there are several levels of squad based NPC action on the scale of COD, just with Striders and Gunships. Intense doesn't describe it.

Finally the end sequence is extremely original and exotic, completely changing the combat methology.

An 8.3 doesn't do justice to HL2s strengths.
@ prvtryan, I dont really care how they respond to each other, i want them to be a challenge for me, which imo they were not (played the game on hard). You could throw grenades at them and 4 times out of 5 they would just sit there, make some inane bark like 'watch out' and then die... The only parts of the game where the enemies seemed to be acting with any intelligence where the scripted sections imo.
Since I rate games purely on my personal enjoyment factor and not on some analysis of its feutures. I would give it a 9.6, a slight improvement in some areas and it would be a 10.
NB. said:
@ prvtryan, I dont really care how they respond to each other, i want them to be a challenge for me, which imo they were not (played the game on hard). You could just throw grenades at them and 4 times out of 5 they would just sit there, make some inane bark like 'watch out' and then die... The only parts of the game where the enemies seemed to be acting with any intelligence where the scripted sections imo.

They were fun though. UT bots are chalanging, but you have a feel like playing a calculator which takes all the fun out. Chalange rating certainly is no the biggest factor. While HL2 enemies give you a good enough illision (for a video game) of fighting a living creature.
NB. said:
@ prvtryan, I dont really care how they respond to each other, i want them to be a challenge for me, which imo they were not (played the game on hard). You could throw grenades at them and 4 times out of 5 they would just sit there, make some inane bark like 'watch out' and then die... The only parts of the game where the enemies seemed to be acting with any intelligence where the scripted sections imo.

Difficulty != AI

With a few code changes, it wouldn't be too hard to make Combines more dangerous, and granted, HL2 is too easy, but that has little to do with AI. And Combine usually run away for grenades, even Metrocops.
Well i dont know, maybe i was just unlucky but the AI was pretty damned useless for me. I didnt see any kind of tactics evident, about the only thing any grunts seemed to do was duck behind stuff which is hardly impressive.
Absinthe said:
When did Valve say there wouldn't be any scripted sequences?

As for the AI - Every developer likes to toot their own horn, not excluding Valve. You should interpret that as mere PR hyping, not some kind of malicious lie. Was it as good as promised? No, but it's still fairly good. Saying that it failed badly is an exaggeration.

Oh yeah, and I don't want to come off as biased, but that is one horrible review. The author lumps all the negative things into the concluding paragraph without having going into any detail about them earlier.

Valve said (i'm quite sure of it) the game does'nt use scripts along time ago...around the time they was showing the video of you blocking a door way up with combines following you and they shoot through the windows instead then throw a grenade and blow the objects blocking the path out the way so they can get to you. It's not even half as fun as that video made it look...the combines either hide behind a box and are on a set timer when to pop out and shoot OR they run straight upto you, point blanking you using a machine gun. Explain the logic in that.

I'm on the follow freeman level at the moment, the strider's are quite lame compared to what they was supposed to do. I've deliberately turned AI off, walked to their feet and turned AI back on again and they don't impale you like they was shown to do - i saw an NPC impaled on its foot before but only the once. I can't get them to shoot their other weapon either...its making me wonder if they even kept that in.

My opinion is the game got progressively worse as it went on...when i first got of the train and you get scanned, see the combines bullying other people around and chasing you with their electric stick when you throw a can at their head really excited me. If i had to review HL2 i'd give it a 90%.
I would rate it 10 out of 10. Never like regular HLDM, so I'm not missing it in Half-Life 2 either. The game has everything I ever wanted in a FPS.
Scripting is a term for pre-authored animation. Incorporating various pre-defined A.I responses isn't scripting.
They are just gay. They know it. I'd give it at least a 9.7.
I think the scripting misunderstanding (involving the statement which, IIRC, was only actually directed at the street combat vid featuring Barney) was also compounded when it became apparent that the Source engine features no actual scripting language, instead using a trigger-type system with animation sequences.
Alig said:
FarCry is leaps and bounds better than HL2 is tbh

Haha, I hope you put that in there for comic value because I almost fell off my chair. Far Cry was one of the most pathetic FPS games I've played in a long time. The AI was pants. It would see you hiding in the bushes a quarter of a mile away but then often overlook you when you stood right in front of it. The enemy soldiers would run for you, but get stuck and run in circles instead. Endlessly. All of the monsters had one line of code for AI. Run toward the player.

Pathfinding for everything was rotten. The missions where that stupid girl tagged along were utterly frustrating. She would stand in front of you, block doors, shoot at enemies, blowing your cover, but completely missing. There were parts where you would require her to open a door or do some other boring and useless task, but she'd be perpetually running into a tree somewhere instead.

The story was hilarious. And not because it wanted to be. The level of cliché was inexplicable. The lead character's voice was a cliché in itse;f. And an irritating one at that. There was no mystery, subtlety or intrigue to the plot. Oooh, "Evil scientist does experiments on a tropical island and makes monsters!11 Ex-mercenary tries to stop him!1!"?!" Wow, what a storytelling breakthrough. I can even get over clichéd plots if they're executed well, but this wasn't.

The only decent thing about the entire game was the graphics. And, having played it on max detail, they weren't even that special. The graphics are the only reason this game scored into the 80s in reviews. There's no other explanation.