Operation Everlasting Shadow: Wants you!


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
You! Yes you! Have Modeling or skinning talent?
Looking to join a mod team?

well PM me

thanks all...
Well, Can you model or skin, and if so PM me or Badger...
Operation Everlasting Shaodow Is Still Looking For You,
If you think you can add to this MOD then either PM me or Badger (or e-mail or post or, well you get the idea :cheese: )
Do you have a webpage, show what your all about? story, setting that type of thing...
Oh yer, sorry, forgot that :x

Operation Everlasting Shadow's Site: Here
Right, I think it's time to renew the call to all you talented and friendly people out there....

The Operation Everlasting Shadow Team is looking for Animators, Skinners, Modellers and anyother people to help with their Highly Antisipated Modification...

If You Think You Can Help Either: Post a rely here, Private Message Stone, MrBadger or Sniper (not $niper) or E-mail Me At [email protected]...

Thank you