Orange Box HL2 no longer works


Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
I realize there are posts concerning the non-functionality of HL2 already, but I wasn't really able to find an equitable solution.

I bought the Orange Box version of the game a few days ago. I was able to play the regular game just fine, as well as Portal, also EPs 1 and 2 seemed to load just fine (haven't played them yet though). Starting last night, HL2 would get to the loading screen just prior to the main menu, then crash back to Steam. I tried loading it outside of Steam, same result. I also uninstalled it then reinstalled it. Portal and the others still work fine, HL2 does not. Any ideas would be appreciated, thank you.

If needed, my system specs are thus:
Vista Home Basic
Intel duo core at 2.4GHz
2.8 gigs ram
ATI Radeon 3400 vid card w/ approx. 1.6 gig video memory
DX 10
What do you mean 'loading them outside Steam', all of these games are dependent on Steam and you have no options but to run them through Steam. Could you clarify what you meant?
Loading inside Steam itself, or trying to play by clicking on the icon on the desktop. I know they need Steam to run but I thought doing one or the other might make a slight difference, though the end result is the same. *shrugs*
Loading inside Steam itself, or trying to play by clicking on the icon on the desktop. I know they need Steam to run but I thought doing one or the other might make a slight difference, though the end result is the same. *shrugs*

It's the same. The shortcuts are just in different locations.
Um yeah. I know. My point was that it wouldn't work. Since then, I've uninstalled again (I didn't realize I had to go back and manually delete files too, after Steam did its thing). In any case, that's what I did, then did a total reinstall of just HL2. It seems to work fine now.