over analyzing is fun!

May 22, 2003
Reaction score

ok ok...I know I have no life(actually I was just pretty goddamn bored)

but I just watched that 600mb trailer again...and started over analyzing!

I think I've might have found out some of the story/introduction to the game....

if you go to: 22:25(around that place in the vid)

you'll see some text.

now it's quite difficult to to make out(anyone now how to see the vid frame by frame?)

but it says somthing like this:

"Evidence of seizure and muscular contractions/???

... ?-ration of 30ml sample sustained....

...Gordon freeman....(no) increase(d) activity/? of/in Neural....

no response subject to analyzing/?...

unknown vector/year/reaction at/of this time...recurrents/requirements of....

...beyond current...agency/?...of support"

seems to me that our dear mister Freeman has been in the hospital....perhas his been in some sort of coma?

maybe the end part is part of an dream-sequence in the game(like when you got knocked out and dragged to the crusher by the marines in HL1) where freeman wakes of from his seizure/coma... the text being some medical report halfway in his consience(sp?)...y'know the deal..when stuff from the real world creeps into your dreamright before waking up...

anyways it woul be quite interesting if I could make it all out...but I can't seem to stop the vid at the right frames....

well chew on this while I go get a life :p
Oohh, I have´nt noticed there where text in the ending. Cool!
Someone with extremly good eyesight could maybee make out the rest of it.
As Freeman was just shot by a Strider, it could be his lifesigns shutting down.. possibly.
Wow, I never even bothered checking that out. Very nice find, man. I'll have to watch the vid again, see if I can read any more of it. Thanks again Prince of Space (btw, isn't that one of the MST3K episodes?)

"your weapons can't harm me!!!(but they scare the crap out of me anyways...)

did that answer your question? :D

oh yeah...plz start analyzing and see if you can make anymore out of it...
YES! Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans...
Well, extremely nice observation, there! I'm trying to decipher the rest of it, too... hee. Veeeeery interesting stuff!
y'know the deal..when stuff from the real world creeps into your dreamright before waking up...

I know exactly what you mean.......i was dreaming of a formal dance when i started telling this really fit girl she had a top set of love pillows. And she loved it! Woke up and there was some chat show on about boob jobs.....
Originally posted by Murray_H
I know exactly what you mean.......i was dreaming of a formal dance when i started telling this really fit girl she had a top set of love pillows. And she loved it! Woke up and there was some chat show on about boob jobs.....

Whaaaaaaaaa...? o_0
In Quicktime use the arrow keys to advance frame by frame.
Wow, Great find! I definatelly says something like that, but the only thing I can make out is "Gordon Freeman" and "Subject available".

If I had to guess, this is the intro (or part of it) in the beginning of the game. Remember, what happened in the very end of HL when you chose to work for the G-Man? Maybe Gordon was in some sort of a cryo-sleep for 5 years?
Ah... yay.
I've taken a couple screen captures of the text and am now tweaking the images so that they're easier to read. Grayscale conversion and tweaking the color levels/contrast seem to help a lot in certain instances...

Here's what I've deciphered (and what's already known):

"Evidence of seizure and muscular catatonia [recorded?]"

[catatonia is being in the state of catalepsy, which by my circa 1961 Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, is defined as such (I'm not using fancy-arsed pronounciation letters and abbreviations, mind you)]:

catalepsy \`kat-ehl-,ep-see\ n. [Middle English - catalempsi, from Medieval Latin - catalepsia, from Late Latin - catalepsis, from Greek - katalepsis. Literally, the act of siezing, from katalambanein - to seize, from kata + lambanein - to take. More at latch.] A condition of suspended animation and loss of voluntary motion in which the limbs hold any position they are placed in. \ Related words, catatonia, catatonic. adj. or n.

Interesting! So yes, the suspended animation is a correct theory, it would seem. (whether it was externally induced on Gordon or happened as a result of physical or mental trauma from the Black Mesa incident, we don't know.) I suppose if you wanna look it up yourself, feel free to using your own dictionary, or even one online. Next line of text, please!

"[tit!?]ration 30mL sample sustained [aloha...!?]"

Nothing too new, there, but I included the best decipherment of the as-of-yet unidentified words in the line. It might actually help, but probably not... And the next line or two...:

"Freeman, Gordon increased activity in neural [SC?]"
"No response. Subject to [availablility?] and urgency."

On the "no response" line, if you pull back another frame or two, you can look at the last word a bit more easily.

"[?] unknown vector at this time. Requirements"
"beyond current threshold for [amgycatic/amgycalc?] [support/suppression?]"

WHEE. I overanalyze with you, my boot-blacking friend. XD
Well at the end of HL when you're at the black screen you can jump, but that's all. I thought maybe G-Man did the same thing to Gordone as he did to Shepherd, saving him for later. So it could be very likey that the text is Gordon being revived.
great job min rizor!

I came pretty close without the photoshopping...

I doubt that it's "Aloha" :p

but yes catatonia was actually the second word I've would have guessed but Engrish is not my first language and I wasn't entirely sure so I just "???" instead... aswell as I forgot to mention along with coma, "cryo-sleep"...just forgot to put it down(I did think of it) doh!

actually thought of the photoshopping too...but figured that It would probably being taking it too far with the analyzing stuff...and you would all think I was some sort of freak with no life...thx for taking that burden too :cheers:

I think it says...

" sustained alot ... active(ivity)"

the "a" in between might just be a double...

it's definitly says "active" or "activity" in the last part...I'm pretty sure at least...
Sounds like Gordon is in a coma or something possibly infected with a disease and hearing people talking about him.

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Wow, Great find! I definatelly says something like that, but the only thing I can make out is "Gordon Freeman" and "Subject available".

If I had to guess, this is the intro (or part of it) in the beginning of the game. Remember, what happened in the very end of HL when you chose to work for the G-Man? Maybe Gordon was in some sort of a cryo-sleep for 5 years?

I'm not sure this is the intro part...

if you notice in the "dream-sequence"(which it is now named for future refference) he also sees the Tentacle thingies...and the horse statues....which leads me to think that this is something that happens somewhere during the game after you've experienced these things(there where no horse statues or tentacles(like the ones that kill the combine) in HL1)... unless of course Freeman got premonitions....

then again maybe it's not part of the game(or at least not the whole thing) although...the text hints otherwise...since that's definitly got something to do with the story in some way...I'm pretty sure atleast since it's makes no sense to make it as a tech-show-off....
Oh yeah .. you're right .. I just looked through the whole thing in slow motion:

1. Tentecles
2. Red circle
3. Some equations
4. Some guy with a beard and his eyes are glowing - this one freaked me out at first.. Who is he? One of the scientists? The Combine?
5. Some green stuff
6. Looks like a blue X-ray or something
7. Alien writing?
8. More green stuff
9. The horse
10. The red text part
11. More equations
12. X-Ray again
13. Beard dude again
14. Alien blood splatter
15. Green stuff
16. X-Ray again
17. More equations
18. Alien writing
19. More green stuff
20. The G-Man
I'm pretty sure that all the glimpse of personas in that segment of the vid, is G-man all the way thru...
Sorry to be such an ass and trying to correct everything, but I looked at those images, too. I'll stick the updated list:

1.) Hydras. Note that one is green.
2.) Red circle, kind of similar to an unused (I think.) model in the Half-Life pak file. (I think it may have been originally intended as one of the teleportation effects.)
3.) Some equations, all in Greek letters and numbers. (mostly Greek. The Greek letters are phi, sigma, theta, delta and chi. I believe there are a few that I couldn't see too clearly...)
4.) Some guy with a beard and his eyes are glowing - looks kind of like Gordon, to me. Perhaps the "glowing" eyes are just light reflecting off of his glasses or a set of goggles. Notice that the beard actually looks more like a sort of gas mask-like apparatus over his mouth and jaw, only. (life support during suspended animation?) This seems like the probable case, as you can clearly see a tube or two running from the mask, in the fashion of a scuba mouthpiece.
5.) A couple green-tinted people. The one nearest to the front looks somewhat like Alyx. The one in the upper-left looks to be a shadowy sort of person, and he's wearing an helmet that looks as if it was issued by the armed forces. Maybe he was headcrabbed?
6.) Seems to be a blue-tinted caricature-esque G-man. Notice how his face looks kind of like a skull. You can clearly see his shirt and tie.
7.) Green alien writing, it seems.
8.) Seems to be another caricaturized G-man, this time, green. Notice that he looks kind of like the Joker, a-la Batman. (though it's quite a bit creepier.) A strange part of this one is that he seems to have Eli Vance's torso. (notice the vest...)
9.) A blue silhouette of one of the horses from City 17's square.
10.) Another red circle.
11.) Some interesting text in red. (see previous replies.)
12.) More equations... all exactly the same as the ones before.
13.) A green-tinted man/woman. Looks somwhat like he/she is screaming... Beats me, but it looks kind of like a bound and gagged Johnny Depp. o_O
14.) Gas mask Gordon, again. This time, he's a bit better defined in terms of clarity.
15.) Seemingly an alien blood splatter. But looking closer, it looks a bit like an aurora. (albeit, in a kind of splattered design instead of a wispy ribbon. The aural effect is possibly due to quick movement and the fact that the whole movie was recorded using a camera instead of a direct feed.)
16.) Again, the green-tinted people. This one looks a bit different from the first, but probably not. (as you can't really see the movie frame-by-frame or too accurately - it blurs, again from the indirect feed.)
17.) A strider, green-tinted.
18.) Another G-man caricature, it seems... but it's more distorted, and he looks like he has the head of Dr. Scratchansniff... (Animaniacs! Woo... that show was fun. If you don't know who the good ol' Doctor is, just think of a cartoonish, bald scientist wearing dark goggles.)
19.) More equations...
20.) More alien writing, the same as before.
21.) The green-tinted people, again...
22.) The G-Man. Who else?

In my opinion, this all looks kind of like a dream/nightmare or teleportation sequence... and may imply that Gordon has a kind of sixth sense, acquired naturally or by artificial (and possibly clandestine...) means.

Also, if Gordon's in suspended animation, do you think that the G-man might take advantage of this and mess around? Whether with the world or have some experiment(s) performed on him? I think it's pretty probable, as any good conspiracy theory story needs to involve some form government or authority playing around with human life - and in more ways than killing and torturing. Plus, it would provide with a kick-assed twist if some experiment overseen by the G-man on Gordon had an unexpected side-effect, like psychic powers or something. Maybe Gordon was "tinkered with" even BEFORE he started work at Black Mesa. Whee... o_o'

Woohoo... overanalysis. It's fun when you're bored and obsessive! o_o;
Thats really amazing .. the first time I watched the video I didn't notice any of that.

Although when it's in the game its probably easier to see.
This sequence seems to me like it's some sort of "waking up" sequence for Gordon. Like the text is somehow visualization of what he's heard in a coma. Then he comes out of it with the G-man staring at him. :eek:

If I came out of a coma with that face staring at me I think I'd want to go back in.... :eek:
Could anyone post a pic of the guy with the glowing eyes, I havent got the bid vid! ;(
u lot are amazing u know that, to bother doin that. i salute u all. lol. Now its my turn i will report with ne new info i find.

I noticed this on the first release but couldn't make it out on the lower res version on my crappy monitor....hey, there are actual words there, well done guys!!

I think this might be from near the begining. It does seem to lead into the G-man's statements seamlessly. "Well, isn't this just like old times" does seem like something the G-Man would say when seeing Gordon for the first time. Perhaps Gordy has been in comma since returning from Xen?
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Oh yeah .. you're right .. I just looked through the whole thing in slow motion:

This sounds stupid, but how do you play it in slow motion?
This topic interests me. Yes. it does.

Uhm, my theorie is that those sequence with the gman are always strange (just think of the tram in the hyperspace from the hl ending).
Maybe he messes up in your mind while you are severely injured after the annihilation of the nihilant??
then you are cryogenized and then revived... or maybe he is just messing again with your head after you became unconscious because of something that makes you unconscious
maybe all that dimension jumping isn't that healthy at all...

I mean...think about it dude! can the hasard suit protect your mind!?*said in a stoned hippie kind of voice*

that's what I've been telling you all these years maaan...it's the government they do "stuff" with your mind maaan...MK-Ultra, HAARP and all that stuff maaan...it's true!

<--fat joint j00 be sm0king man!
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
maybe all that dimension jumping isn't that healthy at all...

I mean...think about it dude! can the hasard suit protect your mind!?*said in a stoned hippie kind of voice*

that's what I've been telling you all these years maaan...it's the government they do "stuff" with your mind maaan...MK-Ultra, HAARP and all that stuff maaan...it's true!

That's kind of one of my theories... after all, Half-Life seemed to like delving into conspiracy theories and making it into a kick-ass gaming experience. So... if the G-man really IS a g-man, then it's not too wild a guess to think that Gordon may be or may have already been toyed around with.

[EDIT] (and resulting in a SUPER GORDON with enhanced whatevers and psychic powers or something. Or maybe the G-man wanted to make some Gordon clones. o.o)

Some reference material that might prove useful and relevant to this theory include topics like the Montauk Project, MK-Ultra/Project Bluebird/Project Artichoke, MONARCH, HARPA, Operation Paperclip, U.S. psychotropic drug research in the military, chemtrails, and ELF/ELW.
Here's some helpful URLs:

...and... this is just mad funny: http://images.indymedia.org/imc/mayday/mmdsmnkhoo.mov
Originally posted by Lull2001
Could anyone post a pic of the guy with the glowing eyes, I havent got the bid vid! ;(


You just have to download it .. even if you have 56 k :)
Maybe this blue guy is that monk, who sets up so many traps in City 17.
"?idence of seizure and muscular catatonia reco??

titration of 30 ml sample sustained alpha active

Freeman, Gordon. Increased activity in ????

no responce. Subject to availabiliy and urgency

(Half-life symbol) unknown vector at this time. Requirements of

?eyond current threshold for amgydale suppressi?"

Titration - A method of working out the concentration of a substance in a solution by adding a chemical that will react with the substance by changing colour etc

Amgydale could be the incorrect spelling of Amygdala - As far as I know, the Amygdala is a small part of the brain that reacts to positive or negative events, and allows you to rationalize memories as an emotion (Good/Bad experiences).

hmmm interesting..
Nah can't be the monk guy is clean shaven... that appears to be a beard. Now that I think of it... where did I see that monk??? I know I've seena picture of him coz it's floating around in my head... *opens 6 meg HL2 pic folder*

[EDIT] - Also, I doubt Gordon's been in a coma since HL1, I remember hearing that what happens inbetween the two games is a big part of the story. Although if the G-man's been toying with him that could be pretty big.
Parts of articles I've read say that Alyx knows more about Gordon than he knows and that "you don't feel like a large part of the story is missing" or something to that effect..."you learn everything right along with him"

Something like that...since I can't find it anywhere anymore, it may be speculative. However, I get the feeling Gordon's missing a few pieces of the puzzle too... and you learn what's going on at the same time he does. Keep in mind Gordon's whereabouts/activities are one of the biggest secrets Valve is keeping from us.
That would be a pretty cool way to do the story. Typical Valve way of panning things out gradually :)