PC version


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Anybody else get it? I Am currently downloading it on Steam.
You are lucky. Europeans, including me, have to wait for tomorrow. Cant wait!
It's a big ass download. 15gb, i believe. It'll take me a while even at 600kb/s. Can't wait to try it out though. I have always preferred the PC versions over the console ones. I just hope that Windows Live supports mods.
I've heard some reports from people who got it early that it's a bit optimistic when it comes to evaluating what your hardware can actually handle in terms of settings. Hopefully it should turn up tomorrow assuming Play have their ass in gear.
I got to wait till midnight to download, European launch as been moved forward.
So far from what i have heard it's a poor port and even the higher spec rigs are struggling at around 20 FPS on high with major slow downs.
Taking forever to download, I hope it runs alright on my system. It's about 50% d/led right now.
It got stuck here a few times. Pause it if it does then resume the download again.
yeah i guess that works better than restarting steam which is what i just did to fix that
I got to wait till midnight to download, European launch as been moved forward.
So far from what i have heard it's a poor port and even the higher spec rigs are struggling at around 20 FPS on high with major slow downs.
They worked on the port for eight fucking months, how hard can it be to do it right?
It runs poorly on my rig if I change the recommended settings, and speaking of which, why is there no AA or AF option? it's 2008 ffs, and I want more than three ****ing sliders for my graphic options. It's a shame they just port directly and don't bother fixing it up. And the biggest annoyance so far was having to create two accounts - rockstar social club and microsoft live - just to play the game, wtf is this shit? I bought the game I shouldn't have to create any accounts anywhere if I don't want to.

This is the last game I'll ever buy from Rockstar, they can take their securom and console ports and shove them up in their ass.

EDIT: forgot to post specs E8400 @ 4.0 / 8800 GTS 640 / 4GB DDR2 800

Oh and the shadows are crap in this game.
Can't start the damn thing! Getting FATAL ERROR: MMA10 error. I don't seem to be the only one with this problem though. Bah!
first game that wont let me play on high....Can't wait til my buddy puts my nw build together.
The two week delay on the release date was because they totally forgot they were doing a PC version, so they had to throw this pile of crap together in a couple weeks. Seriously Rockstar, WTF. San Andreas on PC was awesome, what the hell happened.
Poorly optimized indeed. This is really disappointing. I guess i shouldn't be that surprised after the PC version of Bully.
Try this


Most users using current PC hardware as of December 2008 are advised to use medium graphics settings. Higher settings are provided for future generations of PCs with higher specifications than are currently widely available.

Graphics settings are limited by system resources by default. 256MB video cards force minimum settings by default. If a user bypasses these safety measures using command line arguments and exceeds their system resources, the users gaming experience may be compromised.

Video Mode
Resolution scaling effects water, reflections, shadows, mirrors and the visible viewable distance. The resolution settings relate to the amount of available video memory. At 2560*1600 the game will require 320MB of video memory in addition to all the memory required for content. At 800*600 the game will require 32MB of video memory in addition to the content. Medium resolution settings are recommended for most users as higher settings are only usable if there is available video memory.

Texture Quality
Texture quality affects the visual quality of the content of the game. High setting for textures will require 600MB of video memory at a setting of 21 View Distance in addition to the memory taken by the Video Mode. A medium texture setting is recommended for most users.

Render Quality
Render quality is the texture filter quality used on most things in the world rendering. Most people would know this as anisotropic filtering. Medium settings are recommended for most users and will provide filtering beyond what the console versions can execute.

View Distance
View distance scales the distance in which different objects in the world such as building and cars are seen. Raising this option increases the distance in which high quality objects must be loaded and will increase the memory it requires. Restrictions are established to ensure the game runs optimally for most users. A setting of 22 or more will provide PC users an enhanced experience over the console versions.

Detail Distance
Detail distance scales aspects of the environment that the View Distance setting does not including vegetation, trash and other moveable objects. A setting of 10 would be the equivalent to the performance on a console. This setting has little effect on memory.

Vehicle Density
Vehicle density scales the traffic density of the traffic in the game. It has no effect on the mission vehicles or difficultly of the game, but can have a significant impact on CPU performance

Shadow Density
Shadow Density controls the number of shadows generated for positional lights in exterior environments. These shadows are exclusive to the PC version and can have a major impact on CPU and GPU performance.

With the latest ATI driver (8-11 series) the game supports crossfire modes (ie. 4870x2)
SLI is currently unsupported. Support will be added through a future game patch as well as an updated Nvidia driver.

NOTE: Background Processes
Certain background processes can have a detrimental effect on system performance when playing GTA IV, especially on systems with minimum required system memory. Users should ensure they disable their Virus scans when running the game to maximize performance.

Shadow density seems to be the big culprit when it comes to shitty performance.
Wow, this game is a very nice slideshow! Amazing...
Bollocks. I brought this yesterday and havn't had a chance to play it yet. Now you've all ruined my day. Thanks for the heads up though!
I guess I won't be getting it.
Most users using current PC hardware as of December 2008 are advised to use medium graphics settings. Higher settings are provided for future generations of PCs with higher specifications than are currently widely available.
Whu...? Today's high end PC's should be able to run a version of GTA4 that far outperforms the console ones, technically speaking. If that's not the case, then this is a laughable excuse.
you dont seem to undertsnad that view distance,distant lod and shadows are 10x times better then on the 360/ps3 that is way it can't really run on max setting with current hardware (lower tier anyway)
you dont seem to undertsnad that view distance,distant lod and shadows are 10x times better then on the 360/ps3 that is way it can't really run on max setting with current hardware (lower tier anyway)
I haven't yet seen how the PC version runs, that's why I added 'if that's not the case', but are draw distance, etc. that much better even on Medium settings...?

Saying you've developed for unreleased hardware still smacks of BS for me, especially when the game's a port and poor optimisation is far more likely to be the real reason.
Im running at 0 for shadow draw distance
30 for lod distance
25for view distance
30 for car density

high render
and high texture

its not running flawlessly but at around 25-33fps

and it looks ALOT better then my gta on the 360
til the end of the of the week:

2.75gb cheapo ram
BFG8800GT heavily overclocked
19" samsung at native 1400x900 rez
Doesn't seem like a lot of people here has bought it yet.
I was really anticipating this but alas I only have a single core processor. I was even tempted to push my luck though and get it anyway but as it seems it's a lazy port (something that irks me no end) I may just leave it. I'm sure Rockstar will be heart-broken and dry their tears on their piles of Scottish ?50 notes.
The first GTA game I buy for the PC and it's said to be a shitty port?
Damn, my luck sucks.
I can play Crysis on high ( not very high) wich looks absolutly beatifull and doesn't lag a bit.
In gta4 it detects textures on medium wich look absolutly shit; horendous some times and to add insult to injury it lags.


Dual Core 3.0
3 gigs ram
9800 GT
This is pretty much the way it happened for me too


"GTA IV for the PC has just taken anti-piracy protection to the next level. To demonstrate, here's a step by step process on how you can start - not play- the game:

Step 1: "Tut" loudly as you are forced to agree to be part of the Rockstar Social Club; a Gamespy type program that must be installed before you can install the game.

Step 2. Wait for it to validate your DVD. Begin to install the game. It comes on 2 DVDs, taking up 16GB's of space.

Step 3: Growl loudly when asked to make a Microsoft Live account. If you haven't done so, be prepared for an arduous task in itself. Begin to cry.

Step 4: Wipe tears of frustration from eyes. Unclench jaw. Finish installing the game.

Step 5: Start crying again when you realise you must now make a Rockstar Social Club account. Do so while chanting a mantra of harsh words (language choice is optional).

Step 6: Go to email account to find validation code. See no email. Break something within arms reach.

Step 7: Ask website to resubmit code. Eventually find it in the junk folder. Consider offering Satan your soul to end the pain. Click validation link.

Step 8: Choose whether to assign your Xbox, Play Station or PC Microsoft Live account to the Rockstar Social Club. Plot assassination of Microsoft Live creator. Choose account.

Step 9: Attempt to sign into account as requested. Check watch: it's dinner time... but didn't you just eat breakfast?

Step 10: Finally finish creating Rockstar Social Club account. Sigh with wary relief. Start Social Club program.

Step 11: Speak in tongues as the program updates. Make a pot plant spontaneously combust.

Step 12: Rejoice as a big splash page with the word "Play!" appears. Click it with tired optimism.

Step 13: Bash head against keyboard repeatedly after seeing message stating "Please install the new Windows Live Update". Feel the beginnings of an ulcer forming.

Step 14: 22MB later, install update. Rock back in forth in your chair while attempting the "Play" button again.

Step 15: It works! Hooray! ....right? WRONG. Activate the game again by entering the code on your manual. Wait for it to su****iously validate you. Feel slightly violated when it finally gives you the OK and starts the game.

Step 16: Begin to worry when black screen lasts 5 minutes. Alt + tab a few times. Remove fingernails from fingers due to over ambitious biting.

Step 17: Menu words! At last! Proceed to graphics options.

Step 18: Consider hiring Chuck Norris to roundhouse kick Rockstar when they tell you ?You can not set the graphics higher as your system lacks resources? when you not only have enough resources, the benchmark test runs crystal smooth.

Step 19: Sigh, write it off as a bug. Begin game. Hooray! GTA IV at last!

Step 20: Game crashes to desktop."
This is pretty much the way it happened for me too


"GTA IV for the PC has just taken anti-piracy protection to the next level. To demonstrate, here's a step by step process on how you can start - not play- the game:

Step 1: "Tut" loudly as you are forced to agree to be part of the Rockstar Social Club; a Gamespy type program that must be installed before you can install the game.

Step 2. Wait for it to validate your DVD. Begin to install the game. It comes on 2 DVDs, taking up 16GB's of space.

Step 3: Growl loudly when asked to make a Microsoft Live account. If you haven't done so, be prepared for an arduous task in itself. Begin to cry.

Step 4: Wipe tears of frustration from eyes. Unclench jaw. Finish installing the game.

Step 5: Start crying again when you realise you must now make a Rockstar Social Club account. Do so while chanting a mantra of harsh words (language choice is optional).

Step 6: Go to email account to find validation code. See no email. Break something within arms reach.

Step 7: Ask website to resubmit code. Eventually find it in the junk folder. Consider offering Satan your soul to end the pain. Click validation link.

Step 8: Choose whether to assign your Xbox, Play Station or PC Microsoft Live account to the Rockstar Social Club. Plot assassination of Microsoft Live creator. Choose account.

Step 9: Attempt to sign into account as requested. Check watch: it's dinner time... but didn't you just eat breakfast?

Step 10: Finally finish creating Rockstar Social Club account. Sigh with wary relief. Start Social Club program.

Step 11: Speak in tongues as the program updates. Make a pot plant spontaneously combust.

Step 12: Rejoice as a big splash page with the word "Play!" appears. Click it with tired optimism.

Step 13: Bash head against keyboard repeatedly after seeing message stating "Please install the new Windows Live Update". Feel the beginnings of an ulcer forming.

Step 14: 22MB later, install update. Rock back in forth in your chair while attempting the "Play" button again.

Step 15: It works! Hooray! ....right? WRONG. Activate the game again by entering the code on your manual. Wait for it to su****iously validate you. Feel slightly violated when it finally gives you the OK and starts the game.

Step 16: Begin to worry when black screen lasts 5 minutes. Alt + tab a few times. Remove fingernails from fingers due to over ambitious biting.

Step 17: Menu words! At last! Proceed to graphics options.

Step 18: Consider hiring Chuck Norris to roundhouse kick Rockstar when they tell you ?You can not set the graphics higher as your system lacks resources? when you not only have enough resources, the benchmark test runs crystal smooth.

Step 19: Sigh, write it off as a bug. Begin game. Hooray! GTA IV at last!

Step 20: Game crashes to desktop."

If PC gaming dies, it won't be the pirates fault, it will be the developers. Gee, should I spend $50 on a game that makes me jump through hoops just to install and use it, all the while treating me like a potential criminal? Or just go to my favorite torrent site and download a rip for FREE and not have to deal with any of the bullshit? I gave them my damn money only to be given an inferior product than the one that pirates are using. **** 'em.
And people wonder why piracy is still thriving. It's because of developers/publishers such as this, that show utter disregard toward their PC user base.
They have already made their profit from the console versions. Whether you buy or are able to flawlessly play their game is not really any of their concern.
More of them are following this trend,this is just further prove. Thankfully we still have Valve around,who continuously support their games as well as their communities.
Oh man! It's out already?

God damn, I just read on wikipedia that PC version supports 32 players! Holy shit.

I wish I could afford it. Hell, I wish my PC could run it. If you guys get it, tell me the performance on your computers!
Oh man! It's out already?

God damn, I just read on wikipedia that PC version supports 32 players! Holy shit.

I wish I could afford it. Hell, I wish my PC could run it. If you guys get it, tell me the performance on your computers!

Read Gunner's post, then click on the link he provided and be sure to read the first update. Not getting this for sure now.