People I don't like

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I think the guy didn't say "communist" enough in that interview. Not nearly enough. But in his defense, the chick with the glasses was a pretty annoying red once she got some momentum talking about her political views.
here's my abridged list:

-people who say "y'all" alot
-people from boston who pretend to have a boston accent
-guys who wear pink shirts
-ignorant douches
-people who have bumper stickers on their car from the carter administration
-alarm clocks
-anyone who manages to get pubes on a toilet seat and leaves them
-people who drive 5 miles below the speed limit
-people who all of a sudden like country music and go to country fest with a cowboy hat (one of my best friends does this)
-igneous rock (ignorant rock)
-stupid traffic lights that give 20 people a red light to let 1 person go (it's the 21th century!)
-people who believe in psychics and ghosts
-conspiracy theorists

i'm getting annoyed just by thinking of of the things that annoy me...
I'll tell you what I don't like - apart from every last man, woman and child on this forum -, it's people using smiley faces completely and entirely unnecessarily for completely indiscernible reasons.
I'll tell you what I don't like - apart from every last man, woman and child on this forum -, it's people using smiley faces completely and entirely unnecessarily for completely indiscernible reasons.

haha, i almost linked to that thread after reading it but figured.."nah, samon will do it"

weeeeird :borg:
I'll tell you what I don't like - apart from every last man, woman and child on this forum -, it's people using smiley faces completely and entirely unnecessarily for completely indiscernible reasons.

Me too :afro:
I fulfil 12 of the things on 13BLACKBISHOP's list. Excellent.
All of you, except from Hokey Pokey.

It's my party, bitches.
The one thing that I hate about apartments is when some other tenant living on the same floor cooks something that smells so gutbustingly nasty that you feel like vomiting. The vile smell spreads all around the building choking anyone who comes into contact with it with hands wet with perspiration wrapped around their owner's necks, never to smell or breathe again.
I hate people that go into long drawn out complaints about something. I mean geez, wtf are people like that THINKING? That anyone except themselves will be able to relate to them?? Most of the time, the problem is something too intricate for anyone to understand. And WHAT on EARTH makes them think that complaining will makes things better? This is the part I DON'T understand. I ABSOLUTELY don't understand at all. This leaves me to believe that they just want others to hold their hand and feel sorry for them. And that is a mindset that neither I, nor anybody else, should have ANY tolerance for whatsoever!! Its so sad and pathetic and it makes me want to bang my head against a wall again and again and again..

But I would have to say that HYPOCRITES rank as the worst of all.
You can't disguise your actions. You originally typed 'HIPPOCRATES' instead of 'HYPOCRITES'.

Man, I ****ing hate that guy.

I was about to say which members I'd hate to meet IRL, then I read the thread.

Then I thought: **** it.

Hokey Pokey

I gotta' go get the bus, I'm totally finishing this list later.

btw, (most of) you guys are awesome in internet-form but based OFF that internet-form holy shit stay away from me irl kthx.
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