Portal reference in Modern Warfare 2


Space Core
Aug 8, 2009
Reaction score
I was looking through all the callsigns before & I noticed this one:

Companion Crate, Companion Cube.
Woww how could I have not expected a negative response from you!

Here come's the flames & the thread closed by, KineticAesthetic!

Hey yeah man totally.

My job here is following you around and making negative responses.
Hey. I'm the Good Cop. Thank god for those fluffy bastards referencing Portal in their game. I just want to *glomp* them all day long :3 *huggles*
the game has been out for literally a month and people are just noticing this now??

lol xD so cute [pounces u, snuggles]

Yeah anyway my initial post was simply a comment on the utter pointlessness of trying to reference a long dead craze somehow in this rather stupid context I don't even know it's stupid and dumb. And Portal is better than Modern Warfare 2.
I dont even get why people love the companion cube so much. To me it was just another amusing part of the game, not even close to deserving the amount of fame it got.

Also, "Joint Ops" is a far worse tag.
Being a Portal fan and a fan of cake is untold levels of mental anguish. I loved cake before Portal made it cool, and loving cake has been difficult in the past 24 months of untruthful cake backlashing.

I'm similarly stalling on what to call a WIP dump of game reviews because I want it to involve cake in a way that won't make people instantly despise me. Simply not involving cake is not an option, since cake is the closest I have to a belief system. Excluding cake would be like not inviting your spouse's parents to the wedding. It makes me want to cry all the water out of my body.
the game has been out for literally a month and people are just noticing this now??

Well no. I noticed this a few days after release, but saying that I just noticed justifies not creating this thread when I first noticed.

Confused? I certainly elephant. What? Exactly!
I bet the people at IW played the console version of Portal.
I feel quite sick at the thought of IW putting a reference in their..generic money-grabbing game that is MW2 that links to Valve.

So I'll happily jump on the Portal>MW2 wagon.
Joint Ops is just plain ridiculous - makes a joke out of the Special Joint Operations Task force that many people work for.

Or its just humor that appeals to 14 year-olds. Is there a call-sign that references melons in a sexually orientated way?
I rescind my previous comment, some of these are awesome.