Post Carnage of Tripod Invasion in the Garry Mod world!READ IT PLEASE!

  • Thread starter Striding_Tripod
  • Start date

Should i finish mine?

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    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Up to Moderator/Admin Cause they PWN :D

    Votes: 1 25.0%

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  • Poll closed .


Post your carnage on the Half Life 2 Garrys Mod World!

Here's Mine!



Eve of the Crashing...

11:00 AM - A strange download wave streamed off of the internet, getting into computer's garrys mod folders and directorys... some say this was a virus, but others couldent detect it. They checked all of there garrys mod folders but nothing was wrong, so they forgot about it...

1:00 PM - A strange object was automaticly spawned into the middle of single player game's... nobody knew what it was, it strangly affected a small single player map on someones computer called GM_CONSTRUCT...this person had sent combine's to clear the area and keep it away from the object, someones car had been smashed by its 'leg', the driver flung out and is unconcious on the camera feed of GM_CONSTRUCT security. Citizen's were in panic, and confusion.

Camera Feed 1








3:00 PM - Two hour's passed and finnally the tripod moved slighly as a scraping sound then a BOOM was heard, this 'boom' or some called 'The Tripods Horn' in the citizen's 'rumor's' could be heard ALL over single,and multi-player map's. Some SAME tripod's were heard booming after the tripod infront of them.Something onfuroud(don't know if i spelled correctly, sorry) out of the 'Tripod' and they were numerous tentecal's, with claw's that were menacingly feared, even though small, but it gave them the chill's what could happen to them. Some say that they heard a low buzz when the next event happend second's before it, noone know's, but then the tripod moved patiently to the helicopter that was circling on the (tripod's) right and it exploded in a BIG effect that made there screen's shine slightly. It fell onto the car below it and made a SECOND explosion, shrapnel hit some punk, and a CP unit trying to restraint him, and killed them INSTANTLY. The car NEXT to the explosion, oddly swung off the ground and hit a dropship carrying a dozen soldiers, and two oversears, to their doom, a explosion happend and it fell on the APC it dropped below it and exploded it, killing 3 cp unit's. Sending a slightly nuclear explosion, charcoaling nearest people, and flinging them at others, killing them and smacking into people, and thing's.This is a camera feed...of the macacerr...(Grr i can't spell for FUDGE muffin's :angry:)

Camera Feed 2






4:00 P.M - The End of the Beginning... - There were multiple killings...casualty's were iminant.. noone would listen to the TRUSTED Cp's... noone... the citizen's died, the Combine died... noone lived...and noone knew, but for one time, it was hell on earth reigned down from mars... and this was ONLY the beginning...

Camera Feed 3





To Be...Continued....


Should i finish it? Well... anybody want that Tripod model please PM me... i did not make it, and will not credit... i don't have the name of the maker but i'm sure he was commended for his work!

Well, post yours!

P.S : Yes i'm a newb here >> but that dosen't stop me from being awsome :p

P.S.S : First empressions suck :(

:sniper: + Impressions = :cheers: HAPPY TIMES !

GO CHEESE :cheese: :rolleyes:

EDIT : Renegade Strider's are accepted to...
Honestly? No. Dude, get something a bit easier to start out with cause you really need to work on your posing/effects. The tripod doesn't even move, and right after it blows up those cars on the ground there's a shot of the ground where everyone is still standing there perfectly fine.
NEVER use gm_construct for comics, unless you are intending to make them look bad. I've seen it done well, but I think yours deserves some better scenery. Practise your ragdoll posing and have another go. But make sure you know it looks awesome before you post loads of pictures. :)
NEVER use gm_construct for comics, unless you are intending to make them look bad. I've seen it done well, but I think yours deserves some better scenery. Practise your ragdoll posing and have another go. But make sure you know it looks awesome before you post loads of pictures. :)

I was gonna complain about the gm_construct usage but seeing as he clearly said he was doing a take on War of the Servers, that particular faux pas is forgiveable.
Oh right. That's where not knowing what War of the Servers is like plays a distinct disadvantage... :/

I was gonna complain about the gm_construct usage but seeing as he clearly said he was doing a take on War of the Servers, that particular faux pas is forgiveable.

Dude! I diden't say i was gona take on war of the s servers! I said it was BASED on it! Please read the POst before saying these things,thank's.

Also, i know what war of server's is, considering i HAVE the dvd...i got it a few days ago...

EDIT : Also,i've done better, i am pretty good at ragdoll posing, this was kinda a experiment on mass rag doll posings, and camera screenshot's...I haven't seen anyone TRY this so cut me some slack, i THINK Im the FIRST person to have the (Exuse me) ball's to do this....

AND the only thing different about(well beside's there players, and more people) is that its a tripod , not a mingepod... i might try and do it(I know how to make mingepod thanks to Garry For Showing me :D)
Dude! I diden't say i was gona take on war of the s servers! I said it was BASED on it! Please read the POst before saying these things,thank's.

Also, i know what war of server's is, considering i HAVE the dvd...i got it a few days ago...

I said you were doing "a take" on War of the servers. Not taking on war of the servers. Read before you post, thanks.

Sorry, what are you first in doing? A parody of WOTS or posing lots of people (twelve ragdolls aren't that many) or posing a tripod? And the ragdoll posing still sucks.
It's a EXPERIMENT! i did it quick, ive done better...

Where's yours o pro-one?
Ok ok... dude just cut me some slack >> I felt like messing around with my tripod model... i'll make a better one that i put effort into okay?
Ok ok... dude just cut me some slack >> I felt like messing around with my tripod model... i'll make a better one that i put effort into okay?

Sure thing, but don't ask for my opinion and then complain when I give it to you. Mess about all you want with that tripod model, it looks cool but if you post yer things on a forum, people are very likely to tell you their opinion of it. T'is the internet way. If you say you can do better, then do so and I'll be glad to say it rocks when you post it here! Providing it does rock, of course.
Sure, but it will take awhile, and i'll do on Hometown1999 to give it a modern/hl2 look
Do whatever you'd like. And they usually do take a bit of time. :p