Potential link between Aperture and the G-Man

Bug-eyed Earl

Sep 1, 2007
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I heard some debate and plausible connections between Aperture and The G-Man, all of which come to the conclusion that The G-Man is employed by/works for the Aperture Science Center. My theory leads to the same conclusion but poses it in an observation I have yet to see from a lot of other people on the Forum.

One of the first things that really is apparent to you when you encounter the G-man is his voice. It is, to quote the Wikipedia page:

". . .in a slow, raspy yet commanding manner, with a certain accentuated low-key moroseness to his tone, sometimes placing unusual stress on syllables, stressing the wrong parts of words, making unneeded pauses, and awkwardly changing the pitch of his voice, sometimes in the middle of a word. It is common for the G-Man to elongate "S" sounds ("Limitlesssss potential"). This odd manner of speaking, bordering the cryptic, along with his appearance, alludes to the behavior of the Men in Black in various reports."

There is one other character/voice that sounds similar, the voice of the demonstrator in the Half-life: Portal trailer. We think of her as having a voice that sounds similar to the artificial voice generator of acomputer. Assuming that the Demonstrator is an employee of Aperture Science, it could be assumed that the same could be said of the G-Man.

Making a connection between the two, this gives more proof and reason behind the theory of the G-man/Aperture connection.
Interesting theory, though far from 'proof' of anything. The robotic Portal announcer: Glados i believe she is called, is more of a robotic sounding voice, while G-man sounds more reptillian and alien in my opinion.
Did I miss anything? Is there is a direct link between Half-Life and Portal storyline or whatsoever?
Yes. Yes there is.

Does nobody read interviews anybody?
Did I miss anything? Is there is a direct link between Half-Life and Portal storyline or whatsoever?
You are heavily behind. Yes the two universes are connected.

I remember Gman having a Black Mesa suitcase in HL1, and if aperature and BM are rival facilities, I'd believe Gman to be the BM representative, and this "Glados" perhaps the AS one, or maybe someone else more powerful...
In my theory G-Man worked as some sort of US government overseer for black projects, Black Mesa was clearly government facility and Aperture Science could be private company but also government contractor (like Lockheed Martin).

And people who still don't know about connection between Portal and Half-Life really piss me off.
I remember Gman having a Black Mesa suitcase in HL1 . . .

Is that still true in HL2? If not, I wouldn't read much into it. Much like the contents of his briefcase (that being some sort of computer screen and a .357) should be ignored.
I strongly disagree with the theory that the G-Man works for Aperture. It's clear that the G-Man is a contractor of sorts, and that Aperture is an organization which "produces" possible subjects to be contracted. As for similarities between the G-Mans' voice and the voice of Glados, I don't see any. Glados pronounces her (it has been clarified the system is female in nature) words clearly, as opposed to where it seems the G-Man might have some sort of speech disability. While Glados is consistent of an AI engine, and has a decidedly "robotic" voice, the G-Man, as said before, has a much more "reptilian" and organic voice, as opposed to synthetic.
Pretty old thread to be posting on. With the info we have now, other things can be guessed at. As good mystery novels show, when explaining events and abilities of characters, the best way is to use elements that are already in the story and adding a twist.

For there to be a company that specializes in the kind of tech the g-man MUST be using, and not having them connected in any way is just plain silly. If black mesa AND aperture science to be working on portals, and having the g-man getting his ability to teleport from one place to another from some source we've yet to see is extremely unlikely. So either he got his ability from one of Black Mesa's tools (Unlikely) from Aperture (possible, as Glados said, they were making neat guns for the people who are still alive, so conceivably there IS a buyer) or that he's some sort of extradimentional being.

Take your pick of the three.