"Predators" stills

Anyone see the movie yet, I thought it was decent, There was one really bad effect in the movie I thought.

Btw if your expecting this movie to be something really new and amazing, your only hyping yourself to far.
I thought it was a brilliant film. Certainly manages to put the series back on track after splitting the franchise from Aliens again.
Arnie didn't take a break from his duties as governor to film this? I am so not in. ARNIE OR NOTHING ARNIE OR NOTHING.
I'm amazed. It's %73 on Rotten Tomatoes (47 reviews so far).
Seen this with mates today. Overall an above decent film. Certainly cinema quality.
I was quite surprised when I heard from a couple people that it wasn't a bad movie. Maybe I will see this after all.
Naahhh i didn't think it was so bad. Explanations of the ins and outs of how the characters came to be there wouldn't go amiss but it was watchable.
Saw it recently, enjoyed it (like most, serious video game material). Would have liked to get more of L. Fishburne's character though.
Extremely meh movie, you don't even see the ****ing preds until 40 minutes into the damn movie. :frown:
Space ******

oh and Lucid and Predator 1 you don't see him til almost the very end so yeah...
Except this movie was being advertised like the entire movie would be straight up Preds killing everyone.
It was still heaps better than Predator 2 or any of the AVPs.
Except this movie was being advertised like the entire movie would be straight up Preds killing everyone.

Everyone knows to take advertisements at face value.

But which trailers are you talking about anyway? I didn't get that impression from them, you'd have to be pretty dumb to think that tbh there aren't enough humans in the film for that.
I haven't even watched any trailers tbh, but every single commercial here advertised it like "2 HOURS OF STRAIGHT UP PEOPLE BEING BRUTALLY TORN APART BY VAGINA FACED ALIENS YOU COME PAY NOW CHING CHONG WONGA DONG ASSHORE".
I saw it earlier today. I can't say that i am disappointed but it does have some flaws.
Pacing could have been better even though it has the same run time as the original. Some of hunted bit the dust way too soon. Things like the Predator dogs and that flying scout thingy irked me a bit too. For one, how the **** is the pre dog going to devour its prey with all those horns sticking out of its face? Also, that flying scout thingy diminishes some of the badassness of the Predators. I don't remember the original Predator needing any of this crap and he took down almost an entire special forces unit by himself. These Predator's seem to be relying on too much technology even though they're supposed to be from the the bigger and stronger tribe. Still though, it's a great homage to the original and there's plenty of gore and action. A bit more suspense wouldn't have hurt. The Predator's could have used more face time too.

I'll give it an 8/10 just because i am a fanboy.
Unless the movie bombs, we can definitely expect to see a sequel. I hope that they improve on some of the aspects i mentioned and get back to basics.
how the **** is the pre dog going to devour its prey with all those horns sticking out of its face?

This has been discussed on the AvPGalaxy forums, and since we never actually see them eat any number of things could be theorised. A common thought is that these horns are maybe not so much horns but retractable mandibles.

Also, that flying scout thingy diminishes some of the badassness of the Predators. I don't remember the original Predator needing any of this crap and he took down almost an entire special forces unit by himself.

Yeah, but the original Predator wasn't hunting an entire planet full of Prey.

The Predator's could have used more face time too.

I'll agree with that, though the inclusion of the classic Pred went some way to making up for it.

I'll give it an 8/10 just because i am a fanboy.
Unless the movie bombs, we can definitely expect to see a sequel. I hope that they improve on some of the aspects i mentioned and get back to basics.

The movie has already made back it's budget in 3 days, doing better than the last AvP-R film so things are looking promising.
I would call this movie one of those "exploitation movies".

This movie could get away with things other movies cannot due to the fanbase and backstory it has developed over the years.

Heck, you could replace the Predators with Mel Gibsons and it wouldn't affect the movie in any way, because this movie has absolutely no start or finished. It just begins from nowhere and ends at nowhere.

All they had to do was make Arnold come out and save everyone at the end, and it would've been a very good movie.
All they had to do was make Arnold come out and save everyone at the end, and it would've been a very good movie.

Which funnily enough was in the early script. It would've been awful.
Was anyone else expecting Colonial Marines to just appear at the end?
No, because there were no references to xenomorphs.
Just watched it. Works well as an action movie, but lacks the horror element of the first. I thought the characters was killed off far to quickly, before they had contributed to the fight with their own unique skills. It was also unnecessary to include two Predator races. Was the "classic Predator" the only one of its kind on the planet? What was it doing there, and why was it tied up?
According to Morpheus, it was a "blood feud."

But yeah. Decent mindless action movie, none of the uniqueness of thoughtfulness of the original. It didn't feel like the Predators were actually hunting the humans because they sucked balls at it.
No, because there were no references to xenomorphs.

Didn't have to be (Didn't have to be the Aliens Colonial Marines, just space faring humans), I was just wondering how the **** they were getting off the planet, kind of anti-climatic the ending.

Btw, anyone notice the very original design of the predator made a cameo?

Was that the thing they shot in the Jungle? I don't remember it looking like that.
I don't think we saw the creature's face, but I remember arms of the creature looking very similar.

Obviously they changed it a wee bit.
The thing that they shot in the woods looked similar in design but the head had looked different if i remember correctly. They barely showed it.
I thought it was bloody awful, it's the phantom menace of the Predator franchise.
I just saw this. It did not try to be better than the first 2 films (which is good), had a generic plot (well interesting once you realize what it is), lots of guns, explosions, and animal heads of all species being ripped off. If you are expecting anything other than that, go see "Inception".

I would give it a 7.5/10. If you try to criticize the film, or think too hard, you should really watch the first 2 films again. I would go see it if you want to watch another Predator film or are a fan of the franchise.

What I liked:
  • 1) People in costumes that don't look silly and it's a costume. That is important.
    2) The Predator fan fiction lore was used perfectly. The film explored new technology or stuff that you might have read or even thought of.
    3) CGI was not overly used and when used, it looked ok.
    4) While the roles of the actors are generic, they are likeable. They even had a TF2 Heavy Weapons guy in the film.
    5) The opening makes you know just as much as the people who first arrive at the place.
    6) Predator/Alien music used correctly and not overly blatant.
    7) Probably the most important aspect is the use of funny humor. Usually they use awkward or humorless jokes in films but this one made me laugh a lot which is rare. It actually enhanced the experience.
    8 ) The film went back to it's roots and did it right thank God.

What I didn't like:
  • 1) I spoiled myself by watching the trailer and read the plot of the movie. The initial 20min explores where they are but I already knew what was going on.
    2) The ending credits. The font they used was a weird standard blue text, almost like Star Trek, with a very bizarre 60's song. I have never seen this happen but it left me feeling with a "what movie did I just see" feeling.
    3) The ending.
    Another game season?! Oh how very ironic and very funny/fitting end. But also that is messed up. Will our girl also survive? That was really cool how it was revealed who she was and happy how they used her.
    4) The Yakuza guy.
    The Native American Indian finally killed his opponent! Unfortunately just like in the first film, our hero died. He should have lived though.
    5) The low voices. Use only low voices for badass characters or when you see a Predator not through the whole film please!
got back from it just now, thought it was mediocre at best really :|