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i think that the prison in city 17 is run by the combine.. i think that the city is going to be abandon.. and that the combine soldiers look for any of the people hiding in the city.. if you are detained.. you end up in the prison.. you'll probably end up freeing people from the prison at one point..

who agrees with this theory?
n3g, the place is filled with turret guns, ant lions, combine soldiers and who knows what else. if there was any intension of keeping the ppl alive then they would out them some where , where they wouldnt die before they got in the cell...
did u get kicked in the head? nah i dont thinks it will work out that way only because the city seems so chaotic as it is and that the combine seem to be in as much trouble as the resistance.
Originally posted by worldspawn
what do you think then?

i think that maybe u have to pass threw the prison because all other routes were blocked and u needed to get somewhere? im not sure, but i know they wouldnt make gordon pass threw such a dangerous place unless it was very important.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
n3g, the place is filled with turret guns, ant lions, combine soldiers and who knows what else. if there was any intension of keeping the ppl alive then they would out them some where , where they wouldnt die before they got in the cell...
i'm talking about something we probably haven't seen yet.. something that has actual prison cells.. with actual people trapped in them.. what we saw in the video could have been gordon breaking INTO the prison.. or it could have not even been from the actual final build.
Originally posted by KiNG
did u get kicked in the head? nah i dont thinks it will work out that way only because the city seems so chaotic as it is and that the combine seem to be in as much trouble as the resistance.
how so? look at the screenshots of the combine arresting people.. look at the video of the combine firing on you and barney from behind barriers.. i don't think the combine are in much trouble at all.

i mean except the fact that they are facing gordan.
well there are screenshots of the prison cells, and aside the fact no bodies li in them, there are ant lions roaming around them.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
well there are screenshots of the prison cells, and aside the fact no bodies li in them, there are ant lions roaming around them.
i never said there has been any released visuals of what i'm thinking of.. just that it might be a possibility in the final game.. it might not even look like the sort of prison in the pictures.. i'm just saying that the combine soldier might detain people they find hiding in the city..
besides the fact its definitly obvious that its not going to happen, its a bad idea anyway, sorry.
I think they are used for containing the prisoners. why would the combine be there if it wasnt. why would they set up motion detecting turrets up there if they have nothing to hide
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
besides the fact its definitly obvious that its not going to happen, its a bad idea anyway, sorry.
you're entitled to your own opinion.. i'm just speculating it's not like anybody outside of valve knows anyways.. so i wouldn't be so sure in your insults of me.. we'll find out what happens in september.
maybe to stop gordon from passing threw it? or maybe to protect something...maybe to protect somethign that gordon wants. leading back to why he goes in the prison anyway.
Originally posted by worldspawn
you're entitled to your own opinion.. i'm just speculating it's not like anybody outside of valve knows anyways.. so i wouldn't be so sure in your insults of me.. we'll find out what happens in september.

jesus anytime there is 1 freakin dissagreement ppl think they are getting insulted. where the **** did i insult u in my post?
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
maybe to stop gordon from passing threw it? or maybe to protect something...maybe to protect somethign that gordon wants. leading back to why he goes in the prison anyway.
what i see as the prison being in the game isn't the same one that gordon uses the antlions in.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
jesus anytime there is 1 freakin dissagreement ppl think they are getting insulted. where the **** did i insult u in my post?
eh nm.. it was king.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
what i'm thinking of wasn't show in ANYTHING released yet.. i just thought that the combine soldiers might be trying to detain the remaining citizens of city 17.. it's possible?
besides the fact its definitly obvious that its not going to happen, its a bad idea anyway, sorry.

this is where you insulted him...maybe you didn't mean it that way, but you sure sounded like an asshole...

since it's not very obvious that you won't perform any rescue operations inside the prison...

I think it's quite possible that you will try to rescue someone from the prison...

or maybe the combine just use as a temperarily base/outpost, since prisons tend to by design being easy to defend/fortify...

but it's worth mentioning that in one of the previews there's a mention of an possible(NPC the least) allie in an Orange jump-suit...well he might be a prisoner.
PriNcE oF SpAcE is correct.

"There are also two nameless guys in this room, a priest and a man in an orange jumpsuit. Doug explains them as the Huggie Bears of the game. They're friendly enough but their motives still might be bad. You'll need to be in good with them but not too good." (IGN Preview)

A prisoner you have to rescue might fit someone whose "motives still might be bad."

Yeah, but if the Combine would have any need of keeping anyone prisoner why not keep them WITHIN the "wall" (the one who eats. U know the one)...just a thought.....
maybe he's not kept by the combine...

but the original law enforcement before the invasion...perhaps abandoned in the prison...

maybe he keeps valuable info that both the combine and Gordon is interested in(explaining the combine pressence in a seemingly empty prison)
I don't think that wall is going to be up at the beginning of the game. There is info that you don't know which side your fighting on at the begining of the game and a wall eating through the city is a dead giveaway :).

Originally posted by Straylight
I don't think that wall is going to be up at the beginning of the game. There is info that you don't know which side your fighting on at the begining of the game and a wall eating through the city is a dead giveaway :).


you never know...maybe it's a BAD EVIL city!!!
Did someone say its a destroyed prison ? by the combine ?
FFS, its already been announced that the prison level was just created to show of the AI in the game, the level with the ant-lions is not a prison.
The prison level is not created to show off the AI GODDAMMIT!!! the bugbait level is the same level as the prison levl.. how do i know!!

if you look at the beginning of the bugbait movie (before the dark hallway) to the ceiling you see that its round .. round.. just like the ceiling in (at the back!).. see this image of the level connects with the beginning of the bugbait movie. you can even see the stairs that go down and the security room with blood on the windows.. also the floor is the same.
I've read that it was just an AI test too. But other places state it as one of the locations you will visit in the course of the game so who knows. From what I've seen of the prison/bugbait level, IMO it's a little too detailed to be just a AI test (with stuff like monsters crashing through walls and skylights). I mean they would probbly leave an AI test as an orange level seeing as AI probbly doesn't play differently in a textured level.

oke.. every orange map is a tested for the AI. after everything is oke. they will send the orange map to the texture artist's who will texture the place etc and then they will include the level into the game.
Ya but they have to have had a map that was just to test changes in various unit AI on and I was saying they would probbly leave this as an orange map.

I don't think that level is meant only to show off AI, since the AI totally suck in that part....

and I think it is a part of the prison level...