

Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Hi just wondering if anyone can help me.

I turned on my pc and started up css and after 5 - 10 minutes the screen went into power saving mode and the computer reset itself. This has been happening for on and off over a month now, i have previously fixed it by re-arrainging the RAM and unplugging the card and back in again. i have also tried booting in safe mode and altering the refresh rates. I use the lowest refresh rate and i still get this probelm

Any help ?


p.s comp specs:

see sig ?
Maybe it's overheating.
could be it's usually around 50C i'd say :s
Most likely is overheating. It could also be the powersupply though. I don't see it listed in your sig.
oh it's a 500W X-Ultra connect one blue ftw x] errmm about 6 months old too supports ATX 2.0
tried that same problem - what would you say best graphics cooling method is for around 20 squids ? extra fans or exhaust or what ?
Are you sure it's because it's overheating? Have you checked your temps when it crashes?
no i'm not sure it's overheating that's why i'm asking what else it could be - i have no other ideas
Try rightclicking desktop, Properties > Screensaver > Power > And set the scheme to "Always on"

Does that work?
could be it's usually around 50C i'd say :s
50C you'd say. How exactly are you figuring this out? By looking at the outside of your PC? By sticking your finger in it? Thinking of a number between 1 and 100? Not exactly scientific or accurate of you. It definately sounds like overheating would be at the top of the list of suspects, but the only way you will be able to know for sure, or rule it out, is by finding out your damn temps. Use any number of free programs to help you (just google it), and then go from there.

Also, when was the last time you blew all the dust out of your PC? No, not with your mouth, with an air compressor, or at least a can of compressed air. One of my mates had the same problem as you, and after 5 days of the screen turning off etc, it turned off forever. The fan on the GFX card was so full of dust that it had seized - you couldn't even spin it by hand- and the poor little chip had fried itself, and nearly caused permanent damage to the Motherboard. When we blew his PC out, there was so much dust it was like he had dragged it across Iraq. He was VERY lucky to just lose the GFX card.

He was also pretty stupid for continually turning his PC back on after 5 mins every time the screen turned off etc. It doesn't take a genius to work out that it's not a normal thing to happen, and it's probably happening for a reason. But I'm sure you haven't tried to keep playing your games once it started happening, have you? That would be stupid...
i agree with shasta, dust can be a huge problem for cooling, but we could get more answers if we knew your temperatures.
50C you'd say. How exactly are you figuring this out? By looking at the outside of your PC? By sticking your finger in it? Thinking of a number between 1 and 100? Not exactly scientific or accurate of you. It definately sounds like overheating would be at the top of the list of suspects, but the only way you will be able to know for sure, or rule it out, is by finding out your damn temps. Use any number of free programs to help you (just google it), and then go from there.

Also, when was the last time you blew all the dust out of your PC? No, not with your mouth, with an air compressor, or at least a can of compressed air. One of my mates had the same problem as you, and after 5 days of the screen turning off etc, it turned off forever. The fan on the GFX card was so full of dust that it had seized - you couldn't even spin it by hand- and the poor little chip had fried itself, and nearly caused permanent damage to the Motherboard. When we blew his PC out, there was so much dust it was like he had dragged it across Iraq. He was VERY lucky to just lose the GFX card.

He was also pretty stupid for continually turning his PC back on after 5 mins every time the screen turned off etc. It doesn't take a genius to work out that it's not a normal thing to happen, and it's probably happening for a reason. But I'm sure you haven't tried to keep playing your games once it started happening, have you? That would be stupid...

1.) My computer is free of Dust
2.) 50C according to the nvidia software
3.) no - i didn't try that ~~
4.) I've had this card for 6 months - this exact same rig tbh and it's only just started happening now - seems a little weird...
How long has it been since you last cleaned out your pc? If I miss a cleaning every three months, mine overheats like crazy.
OK. I think you are still just guessing your temps, but it's not my problem, so meh. You need to find out your idle and load temps. But before you do that:

Is the whole PC 6 months old, or just the GFX card? New means new, not "new to you". When was the last time you blew your computer out with a compressor? Have you EVER blown it out? If you have never blown it out, IT HAS DUST IN IT. Unless the magical dust fairies are protecting your PC with their naked fairy dance. It doesn't matter if you THINK there is none. Get a compressor on it and you will see the dust fly.

Overheating / dust is not necessarily the problem, but it is DEFINATELY top of the list of probable causes. It is worth your while to check it out properly, and fix it, or eliminate it from the list.

If you don't want to listen to us, or think we don't know what we're talking about, that's fine. It's all the same to me if you end up having to buy a new card etc.
OK. I think you are still just guessing your temps, but it's not my problem, so meh. You need to find out your idle and load temps. But before you do that:

Is the whole PC 6 months old, or just the GFX card? New means new, not "new to you". When was the last time you blew your computer out with a compressor? Have you EVER blown it out? If you have never blown it out, IT HAS DUST IN IT. Unless the magical dust fairies are protecting your PC with their naked fairy dance. It doesn't matter if you THINK there is none. Get a compressor on it and you will see the dust fly.

Overheating / dust is not necessarily the problem, but it is DEFINATELY top of the list of probable causes. It is worth your while to check it out properly, and fix it, or eliminate it from the list.

If you don't want to listen to us, or think we don't know what we're talking about, that's fine. It's all the same to me if you end up having to buy a new card etc.

Firstly, THE WHOLE PC IS 6 MONTHS OLD!, i built it 6 months ago.
Secondly, last time i blew it out with compressed air was probably 6-8 weeks ago so i can't see thier being huge amounts of dust clogging the card, there isn't even any dust visible.
Finally, when did i say i didn't want to listen to you or even tell you that you didn't know what you're talking about... please?:cat:
have you tried unplugging certain pci components and seeing if that plays a factor?
maybe its not an overheating thing, maybe your psu isnt big enough. "power saving" just a guess.
This actually happened to me today. Normally it only happens once every few weeks but today it happened twice. Everything freezes, after a few seconds the screen goes blank and then my computer resets.
What r u specs?

It could be dodgy memory, if u have more than 1 stick, take one out & try playing your game.