Problems with 800x600 display



You should consider removing the navigation panel (or making it optional, if that's possible) when viewing the forum. It's a real mess at 800x600. In fact, you should compress the entire view horizontally so that you don't have to do any scrolling. A lot of people still use 800x600.
Yeah I use my old computer and I don't care about how big it is @ 800x600, thats why I switched to 1024x768, a lot of you people should change from 800x600, unless your blind.
This site was designed with 1024x768 and higher in mind. While a inexcusable percentage of surfers are still only running 800x600, the percentage is dropping dramatically each quater as people upgrade and make steps towards better computing habbits. The majority of surfers already use 1024x768 or higher.

While this is no excuse for ignorantly excluding users in lower resolutions, developers either work towards their specific client base, or work towards the future.

In this case, our client base is gamers, 1024x768 being more appropriate than any other possible resolution. In instances where designers work considering the next 12 to 48 months of the sites life, the ratio of 800x600 users to 1024x768 will continue to sway in favour of 1024 and higher resolutions in coming years.

Unfortunately those using the internet from work or school will often find themselves in an 800x600 resolution, we're sorry to hear this, but shouldn't you be working and not browsing gaming websites? ;)
Yeah I am @ school right now and I think its 800x600, I have to scroll over a bit but owell I can read it, then when I go home I got 1280X1024 or something to look @, so all in all its good, on my other computer ran 800x600, when I saw it, jesus talk about big icons!
Most school/college pc's are set to 800x600 for no good reason and can handle higher resolutions easily, especially 1024x768.

If you use to search for third party resolution changing applications you should be able to up the resolution on the computer so you can "work" in more comfort.

When you reboot, the resolution should reset - if it doesn't no one will care, not even the administrators as it's a harmless act.
This is why I've tried to avoid web design work as much as possible, you have to please so many people all of the time that I just don't have the patience to

Oh and 1280x1024 here and it looks very nice, not cluttered and easy to read
Yah, one time in High school I set the resolution too high, and it wasn't set to return after 15 seconds or so. Yah, it was a teachers computer... and had to be re-imaged, if I wasn't an SSA I might've been punished.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
This is why I've tried to avoid web design work as much as possible, you have to please so many people all of the time that I just don't have the patience to

Oh and 1280x1024 here and it looks very nice, not cluttered and easy to read

If you've got a keen eye and creative flare, developing to suite everyone else is easy; you just produce what you consider brilliant, and it always works out. ;)
Originally posted by rec
If you've got a keen eye and creative flare, developing to suite everyone else is easy; you just produce what you consider brilliant, and it always works out. ;)

*grins* well yeah there is that approach too ;)
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed some threads in this section are doubled up or quadrupled? This one and another one I've noticed. Is that a problem just on my end or with the threads itself?