Pronouncing Xen names?


Jan 7, 2005
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Has anybody other than me been calling any creature's name horribily wrong. ie Gorgauntum?

Come on admmit it.
Also can someone tell me the spelling and pronouncation of Garg's full name.

Pronounciation of Xen names... I thought they might be something like this:

Gargantua: garg-an-chyoo-ah
Gonarch: go-nark
Vortigaunt: vor-tee-gaunt
Ichthyosaur: ik-thee-yoh-saur
Nihilanth: nie-high-lanth

I think the rest are pretty obvious: Head-crab, Hound-Eye, Bull-Squid, Alien-Grunt and so on.
i pronounce
gonarch gone-arch
Nihilanth nie-hal-inth

Votigaunt: Vor-tee-gaunt
Nihilanth: Nee-hee-lanth
Doesn't one of the vortigaunts in HL2 say Nihilanth? I think the one in "Water Hazard" where he loads that gun to take down that hunter chopper that's on your ass. Just KEEP talkin to him FOREVER and he'll say it. Valve would have the best pronounciation since's their game.
Yeah he does say Nihilianth several times, I think most of them do.

But they don't pronounce it like I do! :(
Mediocrity said:
Nigh-Ill-Anth (As in Nihilistic)
That sounds about right, since the name's made up of two main words: Nihil (as in Nihilism) + anth (which means flower). So nihil-anth must be correct.

That also makes me wonder about his name. It says in RtB that the "anth" is because of the way his head opens up like the petals of a flower... but what's with the reference to Nihilism?
I wasn't able to pronouce Nihilanth until the second game when a Vortigaunt corrected me. Two friends and I actually had a bet on what the name sounded like and were supposed to wait for the sequel to find out. All three of us were wrong. :rolleyes:

i pronunced Nihilanth nin-i-lay-ith until readin this thread.
Alyx - Al-ix....

wait..she's not Xenian!

I always called it the ni-hill-anth..iunno \=
Nihilanth - Ni-hi-a-lynth :p
Gonarch - Gone-arch
Gargantua - Garg-an-tula (dunno why), or Gargy
Itchyohsaur - ithy-o-saur, or icky
SHIPPI said:
Nihilanth - Ni-hi-a-lynth :p
Gonarch - Gone-arch
Gargantua - Garg-an-tula (dunno why), or Gargy
Itchyohsaur - ithy-o-saur, or icky SHIPPI is the short form of? :p :E
I thought nihilanth meant in latin something along the lines of "nothing".
Lanthanide said:
Vort-ih-gaunt. Short rather than long e (i) sound.
Nihilanth is probably supposed to be "nile-anth" as in the river nile. Nihil is a root word for Nihilism and Nihilist, which is pronounced as
I don't know why people feel they need to keep repeating the same thing over and over about Nihilanth when I've already said it and -given- a link to the pronunciation of the base-word that his name comes from.

Just watch when this post gets ignored since it's the last one on page 2. *Sigh* I wonder why I even bother.