PSN is down

LOL, I have PHat ps3 and I still CaN plAy gamES. It's just that I can't lOg into pSN.
BTW, psn is back up now. You might have to update your time and date. If you lost trophies, boot up the game and re-sync with your account.
OH BOY, PSN IS BACK UP! Now I can go back to playing my...


But seriously, jumping on Demon's Souls.

I bet you thought this was going to say 'no games'

PS3 has no games
Oh, I get it. So on the 28th, all the fat PS3s were programmed to choose a number at random and then divide it by the number of games in the PS3 library?
Oh, I get it. So on the 28th, all the fat PS3s were programmed to choose a number at random and then divide it by the number of games in the PS3 library?

****ing lol'ed for some reason
gunna go log back in, this shit coulda got out of hand. I demand a free game or two
Okay I laughed pretty hard at that.

The PSN may be down, but I can still download my queue of stuff in pending.

Also, I turned off my wireless in network settings, and I could play Borderlands all afternoon (an excuse to get my new char leveled as my last save file got corrupted).

Almost all my other games wouldnt get into the main menu, just quit the game because trophies couldnt sync.

They need to get rid of this PSN crap for singleplayer stuff. We dont NEED to be connected all the time. Its not like Steam where an, wait, it is.
What games did PS3 have in 1999?
Apparently its now fixed.

Playstation Network Service Restored

We are aware that the internal clock functionality in the PS3 units other than the slim model, recognized the year 2010 as a leap year. Having the internal clock date change from February 29 to March 1 (both GMT), we have verified that the symptoms are now resolved and that users are able to use their PS3 normally.

If the time displayed on the XMB is still incorrect, users are able to adjust time settings manually or via the internet. If we have new information, we will update you through the PlayStation.Blog or

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
This is what will happen if Ubisoft fall apart after next year... locked out of SP games. Beyond lame.
So when psn is eventually put offline sometime during the next generation, will you not be able to play any of the games you bought? Because that would be a complete rip-off.
The error had nothing to do with psn. It was a hardware problem with fat ps3s.
lets compete with xbox's achievement system, they said
The most amusement I've had from Playstation in years.

They'll probably churn out sequel every 4 years - like clockwork.
My God Of War 3 demo corrupted during download, so it fails to install at 14%.

Cant log in to PSN yet.

And my Borderlands trophies are all gone (luckily only just left Firestone).

All my games work now though.
Its the download file that has become corrupted as it was downloading when the PSN blackout occured (but still carried on downloading regardless), so I can't install the demo from it.

The file icon is just the grey icon with half the controller inside it (indicating it doesnt recognise the file or it's corrupt).

And because I can't connect to PSN yet, sign-in errors ect, I can't re-download it. Plus its taken 3 nights and an afternoon to download it on the super-speedy connection I have here abroad.

Dont want any PS3 voodoo to happen if I leave it overnight for almost a full week when it finished downloading again.
Oh. I thought this problem was over.

I wonder how many others still can't connect to PSN.
Figured it was over. I was wondering why this thread was still getting replies; problem only lasted a day.

Well I am glad I missed that black out, finally got internet, hope to play with some HL2.netters on ps3!

pitzy hit me up on PSN!
disturbed, if you have BF:BC2 let me know. name is 'xWarpedx'