PSP not analog

Jesus Lincoln

Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Half an hour ago gamespot's On the spot (internet live news program) had a hands on with the PSP. One of the guys was commenting at he was dissapointed with the psp's lack of analog control. I, and many, thought that that little analog looking disk on the left was analog, but its actually digital :(
Jesus Lincoln said:
Half an hour ago gamespot's On the spot (internet live news program) had a hands on with the PSP. One of the guys was commenting at he was dissapointed with the psp's lack of analog control. I, and many, thought that that little analog looking disk on the left was analog, but its actually digital :(
WHAT?! Nooooooooooooooooooo!

Not like I was going to buy it, but still! NOOOOoooooooooooOOOoooooooo. ;(
Dont some of the games depend on the joystick being analogue though? Hence the joystick being used instead of the D-Pad... :s
It works just like the analong sticks, just moves a little differently...
Whats the difference between analog and digital? Don't care though
I (heart) my DS!
The lasting battle between sony and nintendo continues.

Whoo go Sega Genesis lol.
Ehm .. i think they ment the analog buttons like on the PS2 (all the game buttons can be pushed a little bit for a little thrust etc.).

I'm pretty sure the analog stick will be somewhat analog.
Digital is what all pre n64 controllers had, 4 buttons that go left, right, up, or down. Analog controllers have 360 directions and they are a stick

I think that the DS is going to have some sweet RTS'

Hear me Blizzard!?
"There's an analog disc located at the bottom of the d-pad, but it feels quite a bit different from the sticks featured on the PS2's Dual Shock controller and might take some getting used to. Instead of tilting, the analog stick slides in whatever direction you push it. The surface of the analog button is a bit rough, so that it won't slip while you're using it."

Maybe the dummy was playing a game that didn't use analog control (something like Street Fighter), so obviously it would act like a d-pad.

Anyway... who cares, I'm getting a DS :D.
Nintendo make better games than sony, but the PSP just has so many features. IMO the PSP is a better console, but i wouldn't buy it as the games are poor and bland. Nintendo inject origonality and fun into all of their games :)

the stick won't matter too much- as long as it has MORE than 4 directions i'm sure it will be easy to get to grips with.
I don't see how DS can compare to PSP's awesomeness.
Q: What's the deal with the PSP's control disc? Is it analog or not?

A: We've heard reports from the development side of things that the control disc on the PSP isn't a "true" analog device. After playing a few games that use it, it's difficult to tell the difference. The disc definitely allows for more than eight directions of motion, and works fine for, say, making slight turns in Ridge Racers. That said, the disc seems to have a fairly large dead zone, and it's difficult to get very slight movements out of it. But above all, it seems to work well for driving games, at least, and shouldn't be a problem, regardless of how, exactly, it works under the hood.

Gamespot's PSP launch coverage
Im dissapointed about what they said about batt life....90 mins on ridge racer?
90 mins - 3 hours.

And it's the best handheld IMO. Best games too, with things like GT4 an Metal Gear: Acid.