Rainbow 6 demo (360)

Will download tomorrow, my bro has the 360 in his room and he and his g/f are sleeping right now so don't wanna disturb'em eh.:) Been looking forward to this though, hopefully I'll like it more than the previous XB R6s..
Edit: Btw, ty for the info :)
Mountain Dew and Xbox 360's Gamer University came to my campus today, so I got to try out Vegas. It definitely kicked much ass. I can't wait for this to come to computer. Hopefully it won't be crappy...


I can't sign into live :(
To those who have played it: does it play arcadey or more like the older games in the series?

It seems a weird direction for them to take, setting almost the entire game in Vegas. I mean, since the vast majority of the missions take place in an American urban environment ... it's more like a SWAT game.
To those who have played it: does it play arcadey or more like the older games in the series?


Its an odd mix. At times it feels like Raven Shield other times it feels something like GRAW.

Its not quite sure what it wants to be. That said, its still bloody good. Managed to wake my housemate with it too o_O

Its an odd mix. At times it feels like Raven Shield other times it feels something like GRAW.

Its not quite sure what it wants to be. That said, its still bloody good. Managed to wake my housemate with it too o_O
That's exactly what I was thinking. It had the realism of Ravenshield, but more the of the faster paced action of GRAW. I really liked it alot.
I freakin loved it :D Looks great, plays really nicely. It's semi-tactical and semi-realstic... Everyone seems to be pushing "cover" now a days with like GoW and such :p I'm tight as hell on cash though so I won't pick it up, but it's really fun so far.

One thing that's sort of bugged me is that I never truly feel that I'm part of a team and I'm "one of them". It's always felt like I'm leading a group of sheep and that I'm always smarter then them (which is obviously VERY true, but AI should give the illusion of intelligence). I want some AI that can make some tactical decisions dammit :p For me, I always set my two guys in by themselves and I coverd a side angle assisting them. I would rather be rushing in there with them, but I don't feel comfortable because the guys don't adapt well to me and stick to pre-programmed routines a lot. Wierd to explain, but in-game it makes sense to me at least.
Yeah I got it tonight, it's F***ING AWESOME!!!! :O :D
I cannot for the life of me find the demo on marketplace.... is it freakin hidden somehwere? Because its not in the newly released demo area, or any other demo area.... just Splinter Cell DA and Tony Hawk.... :flame:
It's not released in the US, Mexcio or Canada, suckers.

Graphics are meh though gameplay was fun. I wish there was a button to 'zoom' in like when you hold the left trigger in GRAW.
It's not released in the US, Mexcio or Canada, suckers.

Graphics are meh though gameplay was fun. I wish there was a button to 'zoom' in like when you hold the left trigger in GRAW.
isn't that the right thumbstick?
isn't that the right thumbstick?
No, that's a sort of "full" zoom, not the half way thing like in GRAW.

An example of the half way thing is when you're behind cover and you press the right thumbstick and it partly zooms in.
Sweet, according to fileplanet's download manager, the PC Demo is coming out soon!

not showing up on my xbl :\ maybe it's because my account expires soon? ugh. I doubt that would make a difference it still says I have an active "gold" account but I see no r6 demo.. all that is under new releases is a tony hawk game and the new splinter cell demo. I WANT MY FIRST TASTE OF UNREAL ENGINE 3!!!
baby, it's not in the US, Mexico or Canada yet, you live in any of those places ?
Dam this game plays well! I prefer FPS on the PC but this just plays really well on the console. I think its aided by the fact it only takes a couple of rounds to down a bloke meaning that you don’t have to continually shoot the hell out of them.

Couple of small improvements over Ghost Recon are:

Cover - You hold left trigger rather than toggle with Y. Although you can get pretty nippy at it in GRAW I personally sometimes just don’t notice that I’m stuck against a wall and cant run away the millisecond i want to some times.

Also shooting out of cover you don’t expose yourself as much when peeking around corners. It's much more fluid rather than GRAW's "in cover" or "out of cover"

Not necessarily an improvement but I like the fact there’s no auto aim and enemy locator thingies. Ok you can turn it all off in GRAW but it’s a different game and somehow I think it’s kind of more accepted to use it in GRAW than it would be in this.

Team AI is probably some of the best I’ve seen in any game. Yeah, they can be tards and yeah it’s not totally amazing – but because they seem to have an animation for everything and combine it with being able to set priorities for targets, it makes them pretty flawless when you need them to be at their best.

You can also heal team mates if they go down.

Damit, just download it and you’ll see! :)
It's a bloody good demo. Already been mentioned a number of times, but it's a good mix of realism and arcade - something to keep everyone happy. Good to see that the 'realistic' mode is a decent challenge as well. I bulldozed in, thinking it wouldn't be that much harder and got shot in the face almost instantly.

The options that open up through the rules of engagement are nice, as well. If you're in a door breaching situation, the options given to you are different depending on the mode. In Assault it's breach/clear, open/clear and frag/clear, but in Infiltrate it's flash/clear, smoke/clear... and I forgot the third.

Also, I like adding silencers in the field. There's nothing cooler than fixing one on your pistol, busting the door open and dropping a couple of terrorists.
Ugh, I live in USA :( I want to play it SO bad, I love multiplayer+rainbow 6

Ravenshield MP was literally all I played for months and months for Xbox and PC :p release it in USA ffs ubi, I'm hyped as hell!
Just make a UK account on xblive. Thats what I did to get the chrome hounds demo. Turned out to be more trouble than it was worth really.
So I created a UK account and downloaded the demo only to have the game freeze up on me once near the end of the demo forcing me to start all over again, which is no biggie.. but I'm wondering if something is fubared with my Xbox (I have a launch console) aka rushed manufacturing
So I created a UK account and downloaded the demo only to have the game freeze up on me once near the end of the demo forcing me to start all over again, which is no biggie.. but I'm wondering if something is fubared with my Xbox (I have a launch console) aka rushed manufacturing

I had this happen once already with my 360 and now Its starting to happen yet again!
Mine freezes up once every now and then. Seems to happen when its accessing with the hard drive, so it is usually after a save and no big deal. Sometimes it will come out of it if I leave it alone for like 5 minutes.
I've only had 3 cases ever where my xbox360 locked up... They were all during Oblivion though so I may have had a bug and not a crappy console cause it's never happened in other games.

Axyon: The third option for Infiltrate is also Open and Clear.
I want a new R6 game that plays more like the origional. GRAW is horrible in my opinion. It's more like Halo set in Mexico.
Are you sure it's one shot one kill? There's been times when I'm pretty sure that I've been shot cause my screen got all blurry and black/white-ish and I didn't die. Obviously I took cover after that.

Perhaps either a bullet hit a piece of armor and it saved me, or that effect is when a bullet got really frickin close to me?
Indeed, sorry to break your dreams about one shot one kill, health in R6Vegas is INFACT regenerating, just like in 360 SCDA, and that's one of the major downpoints, I myself would really want a new R6 too that plays more like the best R6 in the series, Rogue Spear, BUT, this is definitely the best one out of those that have been released for the modern gen consoles if you overlook the Dreamcast.

And you are correct Iced_Eagle, it's when you get hit, then when the screen gets less blurry, it's your health regenerating, its just like in SCDA on the 360 you have a little shield showing your health, yo can get shot repeatedly, run to cover and wait, bam full health after a while.:\

I'm getting XB1 SCDA on release, seeing as it's being done by the real SC devs, and gonna see if that's better.
Are you sure it's one shot one kill? There's been times when I'm pretty sure that I've been shot cause my screen got all blurry and black/white-ish and I didn't die. Obviously I took cover after that.

Perhaps either a bullet hit a piece of armor and it saved me, or that effect is when a bullet got really frickin close to me?
Well, not exactly 1 shot 1 kill, but 1 or 2 shots for a kill... like Ravenshield.
It all depends on the situation really, from what I've read most of the enemy you meet are supposedly wearing heavy armor, which explains why at one time in the demo I could unload 4 handgun shots right into a guys chest at point blank range and him not dying.:p
It's more like Halo set in Mexico.

Did you ever try it on Hard? Its like they ramped up the realism stupid levels. And thats how I played GRAW on my first time through.....

It was fun....

As for this.... I'm undecided, obviously its not Rainbow Six - Raven Shield and in some ways I'm happy., Although I'm also not too sure about it either.

That said, I've wanted a good action-film-escue game for the 360 for a while. And the fact it has the things that made Rainbow Six 3 cool (Such as "Open, Flash and Clear") and it does them without the AI having a damn spastic attack and dying horribly while they think about throwing a grenade well all the better.

Not to mention the whole rappelling thing. Oh and the Ballistic Riot Shield also sold me :D

Anybody else getting this error when they try to download?

"Download could not be completed. <some other stuff> Status code: 80070003"

Getting it whenever I try, can't get past 1%. Won't be an issue with Live either, since I just got the Tony Hawk demo no problem.

Anybody else getting this error when they try to download?

"Download could not be completed. <some other stuff> Status code: 80070003"

Getting it whenever I try, can't get past 1%. Won't be an issue with Live either, since I just got the Tony Hawk demo no problem.
If I recall correctly, your Hard Drive's full.
yeah this is actually quite good for a fps on a console. the odd bit of slowdown when a lot of people are around. but otherwise quite nice. i like the leaning around pillars/boxes mechanic to shoot them bad guys, its quite good