Rainbow 6 demo (360)

I want a new R6 game that plays more like the origional. GRAW is horrible in my opinion. It's more like Halo set in Mexico.

You played the 360 version right? Its the superior version of them all.
they completely ruined this series after raven shield
No. This game is a huge step in the right direction. Raven Shield, while a great game, was hugely flawed with poor AI and dozens of other bugs. If it means sacrificing a little of the realism for the slick graphics and intelligent team-mates, then so be it.
Sweet, according to fileplanet's download manager, the PC Demo is coming out soon!

Considering they have the same for Quake Wars, Crysis, and C&C3, I don't see the demo coming soon. ^^
Hey, different strokes for different folks. Some people simply can't handle the awesomeness that Rainbow Six launches directly into your skull.

Anybody else getting this error when they try to download?

"Download could not be completed. <some other stuff> Status code: 80070003"

Getting it whenever I try, can't get past 1%. Won't be an issue with Live either, since I just got the Tony Hawk demo no problem.

BAH Im getting the same error as well anyone know why? Ive got plenty of space on my hd.
I remember a while ago everyone was saying how crap and un R6 this would be. Maybe the demo contains mind-control!
You are probably thinking about R6: Lockdown... which sucked and shouldn't be considered an R6 game.
I have a solution.


Downloaded fine after I got the update today without having to clear any space, might wanna try again Agent.M.

Only played a bit, but seems pretty sweet. Love all the tactical options, and the squad's pretty responsive. Hope they fix some of the slowdown though... it's very noticeable in parts and not all that infrequent either =/

Edit - More playing. Definitely pretty cool, but idunno... few things aren't sitting right with me. For one thing the lag is still really bad in places, reeeeally needs to be sorted before release, but they're so close now... not much chance of that is there? Also, I'm not sure about the way first and third-person views are used. It looks really ace in first person and controls well, but in third person it feels like you're detached from the action. I can see why they had to use it for cover but it's still weird. Also sucks that the weapon models look so nice, but since you're shooting from cover 90% of the time you never get to see them up close >_>

Oh yeah, maybe a bit nitpicky, but does it bug anyone else how the crosshair turns red when you're targeting an enemy? I know it's in alot of games and I'm kind of used to it, but it so doesn't suit Rainbow Six and it's a big killer when you're trying to set up a shot and it seems like it's doing the work for you. It doesn't even seem like it's needed, since the aiming controls are so ace in the first place. I mean they could atleast get rid of it in realistic mode...