Ratman Doug


Jun 4, 2007
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I was just re-reading the LAB RAT comic that valve released, and this struck me as odd.


Could the Ratman possibly be related to Chell somehow? It's noted on Chell's file that she never gives up, and as we know the Ratman seems to also have that same tenacity. He also says that it's his fault she's down there.

Just food for discussion.
There are a number of things critically wrong with that theory, but let's start with the fact the list is not in alphabetical order, or in fact any order I can tell.
And the fact that his surname actually is Rattmann. It was essentially a backronism on Valve's part, where they took the 'ratman' warrens and made that into his surname, but it's his surname none-the-less.
I think there's some relevance to their being right beside one another. They may have come into Aperture at the same time... whatever that means...
There are a number of things critically wrong with that theory, but let's start with the fact the list is not in alphabetical order, or in fact any order I can tell.

Right I didn't mean they would be physically related, or that he's her father. Biological or adoptive. Though really that doesn't seem any more crazy than the other theories floating around.

It still seems strange that they would end up right next together like that, and he does say "You don't understand, it's my fault she's down there. I'm not leaving her". It feels like he had a hand in her being at Aperture Science, which might also explain why he thought to check the file room for her results.
Doug Hopper is not the same person as Doug Rattmann. You can tell, because they have different surnames, one being Rattmann and one being Hopper.
Dunno but Chell is essentially the (adopted? herp) daughter of one of the people who worked at Aperture. The only way I could think of them being related is if he were her dad or something.