Rebellion HL2 Mod - Looking for Talent


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
The Rebellion Mod (main site is unfinished still) for HL2 is looking for these specific roles, with priority given to those who have skill/experience with Half-Life (I will still consider you if you do not have much experience with Half-Life but is skilled at what you do):

- Modelers (looking for only one more weapon modeler, rest of the modeling positions are open)
- Mappers
- Animators
- Skinners
- 2D Texture Artists
- Voice Actors (someone who can say single word/phrase lines and can have the small amounts of sound mesh together well to form a full statement)
- Concept Artists (mostly just refining the concept art that I will be drawing to something that will be easy for modelers to use)
- Sound Engineers (with experience in producing realistic sounds and adding various effects such as radio static to other sounds)
- C/C++ Coder
- PR Manager

If you are interested, shoot off an email to merc248 AT mindspring DOT com with a sample of your work. You can also idle on #rebellionmod - ask for Merc248.

Be aware that the content that you upload to the central FTP will become the mod's property, with full credit given to the respective author(s). This is to prevent people from running away with their content at the last minute and eventually killing the mod. I should probably thank Hostile Intent for that idea :p

The game will be an RTS/FPS hybrid with realistic infantry combat (iron sighting being one of the core realism features). The mod will be set in 2018 AD (tentative date) with the "Rebellion" fighting against the "Government" in a post-modern day setting. The weapons/technology will largely be unchanged from current day weaponry, but the cliche AK varients have been replaced by the M4/M16s, due to the mass proliferation of M4/M16 clones before the games storyline (therefore, "eastern bloc" weapons will not be included.) The "Government" will be a single unnamed entity (possibly named to a specific fictional government between each map) that has standardized troops and weapons, compared to the "Rebellion", who will have customizable weapons but will have reliability problems with those weapons and will also be asymmetrical in appearance. The "Rebellion" will also have the "less advanced" weapons such as the M4 SOPMOD and the M16A3, while the "Government" will specialize in standardized rifles such as the XM8, the XM25, the M16A4, etc. We will also not include sniper rifles, and will rely on medium-long range squad combat rather than having drifting snipers all across the field.

The game will aim to be large scale, with mostly open terrain maps and a few city-centric maps. We are aiming for a top of 64 players, if the engine supports it.

There will also be a commander whose position is usually "first come first serve", but their role will not be as vital compared to games such as Natural Selection. The game will revolve around player classes, the most important one being the engineer. The engineer will be the one who will complete commander laid buildings and will also build infantry level objects, such as a machinegun nest, sandbags, etc. The commander will be the one who will place the foundations for buildings and give orders on a macro level, but the infantry are the ones who gather equipment from an exhaustable armory (instead of the commander having to buy the weapons for the players) and will determine micro level decisions. Because of the realistic nature of the game, teamplay will still be coerced among the players due to the fact that a player can be incapacitated quickly.

There will also be a squad leader class, who can call out enemies and tell squad mates to move in a relative direction (which will be in relation to the squad leaders forward view.)

Vehicles might be added in later, but the main focus is on the commander and on the infantry. Vehicles will only be there for secondary support, with a small possibility for artillery flagging (so off-screen artillery can bombard the area around that designated area).