Recommended Requirements posted...


May 21, 2003
Reaction score
According to Valve Software (HL2’s developer), Half-Life 2 will require, as a, minimum: a mid-range 700mhz PC (Pentium 3 and AMD-compatible) with a DirectX 6-compatable video card (nVidia TNT and up). Recommended PC specifications are: Pentium 4 2+ ghz or AMD-equivalent CPU with a DirectX9-compatable video card (nVidia GeForce FX, or ATI Radeon 9800) System specifications are bound to fluctuate as we approach the release date and information is finalized.

Source:[email protected]@.efdc596
I bet a 9500 Pro should run it decently, right?
hope so, i'm getting a 9500pro just before release - and extra ram

(thus - 2.8Ghz P4, 512MB, 9500pro :D)
Of course a 9500 will run, you just won't be able to use max details like you would a high end card.
maybe he will...but ti'll just cost some fps.

as long as the fps don't go below 60 he should be alright, since the human eye/brain is only able to percieve a max of 60fps or so. all above it is unnescessary...but it's still nice to have becausewhen action get heavy iand the fps drops, it means that it will still be 60 or above.
Yea, he probably can set it to max details, but it actually won't look like "max" details...

Edited :x
oh shoo forgot that little detail...prolly because I'm getting the 9700pro myself...

*edit1*make p your minds will ya? gotta edit this thread according you's not easy being me

*edit2*k...Jager you're an dumbass

*edit3* did the other "edits"
you were wrong dude! totally wrong and totally way off man! and you had me buy it so I looked like a yeah...basically you're a dumbass(but of course in the friendly kind of way ;) )
yes...of course... as long as you don't make me look dumb(or dumber :p) in the process...
don;t worry I've asked around and read stuff - the 9500pro can do everything the 9800pro can, but with less power...

c'mon, prove me wrong:flame:
If your 9500 pro looks like this


Then it wont do everything the 9800 pro can :)
We already knew all this, and, as they said, it's subject to change (remember the "we" on that site is NOT Valve talking). Gabe already, in one interview, said 800mhz instead of 700.

As for the Radeon 9500, I think it should run the game fine at a great solid with almost all features turned on (though probably not 4x AA). What you will have to scale back on is your resolution. But frankly, 1024x728 or whatever is pretty much more than good enough.

However, Radeon 9500s are in short supply, because ATI no longer makes them. The chip that replaced it, the 9600 is NOT as good. The 9500 is just a lower clocked 9700, while the 9600 is a lesser architecture altogether. So if you really want a 9500, think about getting it soon, before it becomes scarce.
you guys are all so stupid... why buy a better videocard just to play Half-Life² now, when you can just wait 3-4 months, and get a WAAAY better videocard for exactly the same price?

If you want my opinion on getting a video card to play HL2 on then i recommend you wait until ATI release the R360 core onto the market which is due out around the same time as half life 2. That way you can either choose to buy the new ATI card which will most likely be named the radeon 9900 to play HL2 with the fastest card available at the time (nvidia's next card will be several months later) or you could buy a nice radeon 9800 which will be around 100 (£ or $) cheaper upon HL2's release!

Either way you win by getting a faster card than the 9800 or by saving yourself some cash by waiting until september or october!!!
I'd recommend GeForce FX Ultra instead, it's an upgrade to the GeForce FX, and it's improved in all ways...
Benchmarks prove it's better than radeon 9800 in almost all tests, especially the high-resolution ones :D
I also read that the cards are going to cost the same (around 400$), so that's good to hear. I think I'm going to buy one after summer :cool:

or..of course, u could wait for the new radeon that matt wrote about =)

Originally posted by Apos
However, Radeon 9500s are in short supply, because ATI no longer makes them. The chip that replaced it, the 9600 is NOT as good. The 9500 is just a lower clocked 9700, while the 9600 is a lesser architecture altogether. So if you really want a 9500, think about getting it soon, before it becomes scarce.

THanks Apos, i had no idea. I get really pissed off with people who say dumbass stuff like "why get a 9500pro when you can get a 9700pro?" - becasue i don't have the ****ing money!!!
Originally posted by Skull
I'd recommend GeForce FX Ultra instead, it's an upgrade to the GeForce FX, and it's improved in all ways...
Benchmarks prove it's better than radeon 9800 in almost all tests, especially the high-resolution ones :D
I also read that the cards are going to cost the same (around 400$), so that's good to hear. I think I'm going to buy one after summer :cool:

or..of course, u could wait for the new radeon that matt wrote about =)


Why go with the FX ultra when you can get a faster card in september? :D Also the FX takes up 2 PCI slots whilst the R360 will still only take one slot.
Originally posted by |MaTT|
Why go with the FX ultra when you can get a faster card in september? :D Also the FX takes up 2 PCI slots whilst the R360 will still only take one slot.
Yea, you're right, the 9900 will own the FX, but there's nothing wrong with the FX taking up an additional PCI slot. It's not like everyone uses all the slots anyway. I just use the AGP slot and one PCI slot. I could care less if a video card took up 3 slots let alone 2, just as long as it does the job.
I'll be getting an FX 5900 Ultra in the next couple weeks...I should wait for the 9900, but me impatient.

Originally posted by Vertigo
I'll be getting an FX 5900 Ultra in the next couple weeks...I should wait for the 9900, but me impatient.


If you're getting a card just for HL2 wait a few more months.... the 5900 will be around 100 doll/quid cheaper...
Originally posted by |MaTT|
If you're getting a card just for HL2 wait a few more months.... the 5900 will be around 100 doll/quid cheaper...
Yes, but see, I've got a problem here. My computer is falling apart at the seams right now, and I don't think it will last that long. Also, I'm going to university this fall (moving in in August), and so I need a new computer anyway (this is the "family" computer, though I'm the only one who ever uses it). Furthermore, I don't wanna wait until September to get a damn computer! Call me impatient, but I want to try UT2003, and assorted other games. Wahhhhhh..;(

Benchmarks prove it's better than radeon 9800 in almost all tests, especially the high-resolution ones

Meh: the resolutions that I can't run unless I buy a ridiculously expensive monitor. Not really worth paying an extra 100 for.
Meh: the resolutions that I can't run unless I buy a ridiculously expensive monitor. Not really worth paying an extra 100 for.
No one says you need to run your games with the highest resolution..btw, what resolutions does your monitor support ? With high resolutions I meant 1280x1024 and 1600x1200, and 1280x1024 shouldn't require a good monitor, yes ?
Why go with the FX ultra when you can get a faster card in september? Also the FX takes up 2 PCI slots whilst the R360 will still only take one slot.
...of course, there is an alternative to wait, but if someone were to buy now, I would recommend FX Ultra...That the FX takes up another PCI slot doesn't bother me though.. :)
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
maybe he will...but ti'll just cost some fps.

as long as the fps don't go below 60 he should be alright, since the human eye/brain is only able to percieve a max of 60fps or so. all above it is unnescessary...but it's still nice to have becausewhen action get heavy iand the fps drops, it means that it will still be 60 or above.

It's actually possible that the human eye might be able to percieve in excess of 200FPS -

An interesting read
interesting read indeed...although I didn't read the entire thing.

anyways at least it's a normal misconception and not just me who got it wrong...

anyways what I meant by the brain/eye not being able to percieve above 60fps. was actually that they couldn't process it-...which means that we might be able to see the frames, but in the end we won't be able to tell any real difference between 60fps and least not a big enough difference to start bragging about using more $$$ for a vid-card able to run 120fps instead of 60fps.
I have a 2.53Ghz P4, 1GB Ram, Radeon 9700Pro, i hope it will run HL2 w/ most things on at 1600x1200.
indeed.. how can you be aware of the high framerate if it is subconsiously (or how the heck you spell it). but I am still buying a high end card .. Mwuhaha!
I'll just wait till Sept. and get a 9800. With the 9900 out it should be fairly cheap and that's what they ran it with at E3 so meh ;)
Originally posted by EVIL
indeed.. how can you be aware of the high framerate if it is subconsiously (or how the heck you spell it). but I am still buying a high end card .. Mwuhaha!


but that's not to get the 120fps(although that's nice compared to what my current gforce2 mx400 manages :dozey: ) ...really as I said I wouldn't care as long as it keeps a steady 70fps...

I'm getting a new vid-card just to get fluent fps(which my Gforce can't...ffs average 15fps in Morrowind) and the new features such as pixelshader etc.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE

but that's not to get the 120fps(although that's nice compared to what my current gforce2 mx400 manages :dozey: ) ...really as I said I wouldn't care as long as it keeps a steady 70fps...

I'm getting a new vid-card just to get fluent fps(which my Gforce can't...ffs average 15fps in Morrowind) and the new features such as pixelshader etc.
Ah, I feel your pain. I have a Geforce 2 MX400 as well...ah, I remember when I first got Morrowind and tried playing it...dear god, that was painful. Ten minute loading, choppy as hell...good game though, heh. Yeah...I can't wait to get a new vid card...I'm wondering if I can wait until September to get a new card...

I'm going for an upgrade when the release date is getting closer about ½month before deadline.
Originally posted by Vertigo
Ah, I feel your pain. I have a Geforce 2 MX400 as well...ah, I remember when I first got Morrowind and tried playing it...dear god, that was painful. Ten minute loading, choppy as hell...good game though, heh. Yeah...I can't wait to get a new vid card...I'm wondering if I can wait until September to get a new card...


as far as I know the loading isn't casused by your vid-card but your ram/CPU....I've got a 1,5GHz and the load times aren't that bad...but I need to raise those damn fps!