
A buddy and I decided to make a HL2 modification based on the near future. We've come up with a story, which in short, the Americans are being arrogant and pissed China off. China retaliates using advanced satillite technology to create EMP's indirectly killing innocent Americans. The americans don't realize what's happening at first, but then we realize it and the shit hits the fan and a war breaks out.
We're gonna keep with some realistic weapons but also maybe a couple futuristic ones, such a railgun (think eraser). We're going to have maps based on real citys (west coast citys since we're being attacked from the west). There will be teamplay but no classes. You'll pick your weapons from the get-go and missions will be anywhere from controlling points to capturing buildings/destroying buildings, etc.
We have a small team currently, though we're still looking for people with skills... if you're interested visit the site and drop us an email. I'd appreciate any feedback either about the website or the mod/mod ideas, etc.
As soon as we get some more support/further along we'll get a domain to make it more professional/faster....as for now here is the link.