Red Tide - new HL2 mod in the works

  • Thread starter Thread starter DarkSeed
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A buddy and I decided to make a HL2 modification based on the near future. We've come up with a story, which in short, the Americans are being arrogant and pissed China off. China retaliates using advanced satillite technology to create EMP's indirectly killing innocent Americans. The americans don't realize what's happening at first, but then we realize it and the shit hits the fan and a war breaks out.

We're gonna keep with some realistic weapons but also maybe a couple futuristic ones, such a railgun (think eraser). We're going to have maps based on real citys (west coast citys since we're being attacked from the west). There will be teamplay but no classes. You'll pick your weapons from the get-go and missions will be anywhere from controlling points to capturing buildings/destroying buildings, etc.

We have a small team currently, though we're still looking for people with skills... if you're interested visit the site and drop us an email. I'd appreciate any feedback either about the website or the mod/mod ideas, etc.

As soon as we get some more support/further along we'll get a domain to make it more professional/ for now here is the link.

Why is it China's always the bad guy?
Anyway, there are a few things I wish to know. In the years that have passed between the present and Red Tide, has China caught up significantly in technology? Perhaps something (War on Terrorism) has drained US funds to the point where they have dropped much research. What's the timeframe? Does the current SpaceRace ( have anything to do with Red Tide? Also in your "Info" section, the US seems to act very rashly. Unless there were public reasons given for their actions, I doubt the US would go through with such events. The reasons, to inflame the Chinese, would involve patriotism, perhaps an implication that China harbors terrorsist activities in some vague way. Also, the President Bush's actions are a long way off of what they are now. He has specifically tried very hard to keep China on the US side of matters.

Meh, that's all my feedback for now.
Oh dear this is going to turn into a politcal debate....
Red Tide, as well as any story-driven realistic war mod, is very political.
good point.

it seems no-one gets upset these days cos of WW1&2 games/moveis/books but that may be cos it happend so long ago

i was not complaining i was just worried it would an argument
I dont think this mod will be completed because off this sentence "A buddy and I decided to make a HL2 modification based" I have treyed to do a mod but it failed because i started it with a buddy and not a group off people who already are experienced in modeleing, coding etc. i dont think you know any coding or andy modeling or whatever. so i guess you are the boss who does nothing and lets the team work.

Originally posted by Draklyne
Why is it China's always the bad guy?
China isn't necessarily the bad guy, they are tring to preserve their way of life, much like the way Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (although here the Chinese don't have ties to a cruel regime).

Does the current SpaceRace ( have anything to do with Red Tide?
China's advances in space and technology in general have been increasing quickly recently and the mod will involve Chinese satellite advancments over the next 10 years.

Also in your "Info" section, the US seems to act very rashly. Unless there were public reasons given for their actions, I doubt the US would go through with such events.
To the US we aren't acting rashly, we unkonwingly are fueling an enemy with each incident that occurs starting with the mid-air collision in April 2001.

Originally posted by Draklyne
I dont think this mod will be completed because off this sentence "A buddy and I decided to make a HL2 modification based"
Yes Darkseed and I did start the Mod, but we have a small team now and are still looking to increase the rate of production with more team members.
Originally posted by Draklyne
Why is it China's always the bad guy?
Someone has to be a bad guy. In order to make a story somewhat believeable, we thought it would be easier to involve a country which we've had interesting relations with in the past.

Eitherway, the way I see it is that the story doesn't matter that much. It's just there for those that care. I'm more about gameplay, myself.

EVIL - ZoSo is the webmaster/maper and I am a part-time webmaster (mainly ideas, where ZoSo implements them) and I plan to map as well since botho ZoSo and I have had experience in that area. Could we expand our horizons and model? Possibly, but we haven't planned on it. I would personally rather leave that area up to the expertise of someone else who has experience.
In a way the Americans are the bad guys, just because you invade someone doesn't make you the bad guy; D-Day, Desert Storm, etc.., we are going to try to treat the two teams as equals, but the war is on American soil.
Oh look the term I hate... THE BAD GUYS, everyones the bad guys, someone everyone is a bad guy...or to put it another way:

There is no good in the world, only people who aren't as bad

I was suppose to put

EDIT - lol, I'm just being racist because I'm asian. - EDIT

but I never did. oh well.
Thank you all for the feedback and questions.

We are currently in need of someone who can model so that we can get this mod moving along. We have a coder, mappers and, artists but all of us have to sit on our hands until the SDK. So anyone with this talent please email us at [email protected]