[release] Hidden-Source Beta4


Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Thats right folks, hidden-source beta 4 here with some nice changes. As usual you can find all the gossip at www.hidden-source.com which is now also sporting the picture of the week feature, so get sending in those hidden screenshots!

Changelog said:
882 - B4 Release

- revamped origin with new art assets
- tweaked hidden visibility for DX8+ players
- resolved a known visibility exploit
- modified HUD materials
- fixed up some textures to resolve 'vanishing' during motion blur

874 -

- added fix for player 'rubber banding'
- show camera location when viewing through security cameras

859 -

- fixed ambient_generics not playing after the first round
- updated stun effect
- reverted dodgy pipe throws, resolved double throw exploit
- added weighting to supplying ammo
- fixed "ammo requested" symbols not drawing
- stopped weapon switches during reload

845 -

- updated derelict with some marine clips
- updated invert shader
- revised motion blur effect with fade out
- revised motion blur effect to stop paue on initial usage
- revised motion blur to stop previous frame displaying on new map / round
- added custom gibs for the custom pallet that replaces one of the valve ones (stalkyard)
- revised stamina so it cannot drain below 0 or recharge above 100
- revised aura so it turns off when stamina drops below 1.

834 -

- fixed crash on first map change
- now only print percentages to eligible players
- added large bonus to surviving marine in overrun to pretty much guarantee selection as new hidden
- added hdn_jointime, which influences first (and only first) intermission period (default - 15 seconds)
- fixed marine clip brushes
- actually included new tutorial maps
- slightly tweaked steam colour scheme (hint of red, rather than plain grey)

822 -

- custom maps can now use custom soundscape files without altering the manifests file
- fixed the hiddens huge arse hitbox
- moved the chat text area above the IRIS radar
- only IRIS holster weapons on ladders
- moved files to try and stop DX6 crashes
- revised tutorial levels
- removed hdn_randomselection
- added hdn_selectmethod to allow selection of 'classic', weighted and random methods
- added initial weighting system, basics of 1 weighting per damage done, bonuses for 303 and killing, negatives for ff
- added output of percentage chance for hidden selection for clients

B3 release
Nobodies running it D:

Or, there's one server running it, but it's no pigstickers.
I just updated the YO Clan server and it should have the Pigsticker...

...But it was the first time I've done such a thing and probablity said I did something wrong.

Let me know ! :)
why are you reading this bump when you could be playing?
I had a noticeable performance drop when i upgraded from beta 3 to 4.

Like 15 frames less.
yay for overrun mode! reminds me of virus from timesplitters