Replacing the 3D background on the main menu


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
This 3D background is stupid as shit. It looks nice, but it takes a long time to load. I want my game to start up quick so I can get to playing >=[

Can I replace it with a 2D image or something>?
Dude..I love that backgound. Maybe you should replace computer instead?



I dont know if there is a way to remove it, looks like the menu is driven by the engine and since the background does change, there should be a way.
It doesn't take forever, but it is unnesescary when you just want to start a game fast.
yeah, it takes quite a while for me, and i have a pretty good computer. i want to play the game, i dont want it to take so much time just loading the friggin menu. it should just be a plain background, with a little picture or something, i dunno. any way to replace it?"
There must be a commandline option for it.
if you want to get rid of it just start with the -console option thats seems to do it on mine.
Right click the Half-Life 2 icon on Steam -> Properties -> Launch options -> type in "-console"
I want to change it at my Whim, I like the first one you get shown of city 17 all the time.

You should be able to download different ones from steam, or create your own!.
Easy solution

Go to your HL2 config folder:

SteamApps\yourname\half-life 2\hl2\cfg

edit out startupmenu, it should look like

// startupmenu
Dr.breen said:
I want to change it at my Whim, I like the first one you get shown of city 17 all the time.

You should be able to download different ones from steam, or create your own!.

Yeah, that one rules! I have no idea why, maybe its the combine screwing with us or something...

Anyway, I think that it changes depending on how far your furthest save is.

And yes, I think you should be able to turn it off, takes ages on my comp, yet it's an amazing one.