

May 21, 2004
Reaction score
So who's watching the world cup? who's amazed by the turn of events?

Ozzys and NZ's out! who would of predicted that?

Now time for the Scots to do the job over the Springbocks and the Northern Hems will rule supreme :)

Awesome tournament (well it's been kinda rubbish but wow isn't it interesting)
Scotland play Argentina noob :p :)

i was working yesterday but got the end of the French game in the pub, cant believe New Zealand blew it and England!omg :| need to catch a re-run of that game as i havent seen it.

I hope Argentina win it all but i like South Africa too.
heh, getting ahead of myself... :eek:

I kinda ment for Scots to beat the Argies first then beat the 'bocks to wipe out every southern hemisphere team...

but yeah... ooops...
Finals will be South Africa vs Argentina/France.

SA are playing any minute now anyway i think. Pfft. Fiji...
i cant believe the poms beat us ... oh well we didnt deserve to win after the way our forwards were playing but man it makes me ... dissapointed
I love Cardiff, every time we lay in the Millenium we beat New Zealand.
Yesterday evreryone was in the streets in France.
I'm upset because the rugby meant Coronation Street wasn't on tonight.
Scotland got trashed tonight, have been ripping the piss out of my Scot mate all evening- he was almost in tears!

Bring on next Saturday, will be a hell of a game.
Man, I was barrackin for the Aussies and Kiwis, now I guess its SA to win for me...
You hear that? That's the sound of every therapist in the country saying "cha-ching" all at once.

Ugh. The last time we lost the nation went into a post-defeat depressive malaise for about two years. I'm pretty sure there was a suicide or two over it. And mum was saying earlier that domestic abuse rates rose pretty drastically around that time aswell.

Oh yes, we take our footy seriously, us. -_-
Coooooooooooooooommmmmmeeeeeeeeeee Ooooooonnnnnnnnn Ennnnnnggggggggglaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnddddddddddd!
Do american networks even carry the World Cup?

I'd watch it if they did... stupid country....
Bummed that Scotland got beaten, my dream of an all UK final up in smoke...

Go England go!
So it looks like France vs England, with South Africa vs Arghentina to see who makes it into the final.

I forsee a South Africa Vs Wilkinson..uhh i mean England final. IN that case, ENgland will win as they dont know what a try line is. Bet their score will be divisible by 3, they do NOT deserve to be world champions at all. Its rugby, NOT ****ING FOOTBALL YOU MORONS!!!
Good god. They're running a bunch of shows over here about "WHO'S TO BLAME" for the loss. People want heads to roll...

And, apparently, the women's refuge shelters are filling up aswell... GG NZ.
Good god. They're running a bunch of shows over here about "WHO'S TO BLAME" for the loss. People want heads to roll...

And, apparently, the women's refuge shelters are filling up aswell... GG NZ.

the 'haka' at the start of the French game was ****ing amazing, need youtube links kthx

Scotland got trashed tonight.

err or not, they were hardly trashed.

France v England tonight

Go France but wouldn't be surprised if they bottle it.

I'm off clubbing after the game, will be hideously drunk no doubt so the outcome isn't going to matter so much. Should still be a cracking game though.
can't believe it, France played so conservative pfft...
Oh look, the most undeserving team is now in the final...***king politics...

I mean COME ON WTF. They suffer THE biggest loss in history to South Africa, can barely beat a team that dont know what rugby even is (USA) and generally do shit until Wilkinson comes back and kicks them to glory.

Hope he gets struck down by lightning, its so pathetic.

I only hope to god SA beat Arghentina then whipe the floor with England again to prove who is the best this year.
Would be even sweeter if Arghentina beat SA then beat England. Put those footballers to shame.
Oh can't remember last night at all...

what a game!

\O/ woohoo.
Get in their england! Now the decider between argentina and south africa - and then the final.
I so hope Argentina win, i have a distinct dislike for South Africa due to some prick at work wanting them to win and putting money on them to win the entire tournament. GO ARGENTINA :).

England played absolutely awesomely and definately showed the critics that the old England is back :).
So its an SA England final...after arghentina got thrashed by SA, im sure England are, quite frankly, crapping themselves at the thought of the Springboks charging over them (again).

On saturday it will be 36 days since SA beat England 36-0...thats right...0 (cackles). However, the SA coach is insisting that result was irrelevant..and oh look, he admits without Wilkinson it was easy. God how sad England are..really, relying on one bloody person but anyway...


We're still here!!!