Russian games are the best


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
You should play Russian games. There is no such thing as fun in Russia. Russia hates you. Everything Russian is depressing it's awesome. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is one of the best FPS games ever and it was made in Ukraine, that's Russia junior. That's why it's occasionally fun. You should play Pathologic.

Here's the trailer:
Confused? Have no idea what the game's about or what's going on? Good. That means the trailer conveyed what playing the game is like properly. It's full of dialogue like this.

Actually. Actually just read this. Are you done yet. Have you read it? Ok now you want to buy the game. You can get it here, here and here. If you don't want to buy the game you have no soul.

Also Evo

Also play the Void.
Guys, he talked me into it about a week ago. I can vouch for it. Game is as twisted and disturbing as it gets.
Russian gaming died for me when Apeiron went bankrupt.
I was summoned? Russian games are awesome, not necessarily fun or all that great, but there tends to be something worth playing about them.
I was summoned? Russian games are awesome, not necessarily fun or all that great, but there tends to be something worth playing about them.
I noticed you had commented on the RPS article I linked to, so I figured I'd rekindle your interest in the game if you hadn't gotten 'round to it yet.
Oh another thing about Pathologic that I only just realised how crazy it is: I'm still not finished the Bachelor (the first player character) scenario but the game has actually managed to make me suspicious of one of the other player characters. You see when you play as one character the others appear in your game occasionally and interact with you. I know that all three characters are working to save the town and I know that in her own campaign the Devotress' actions are justified in some way and the Bachelor probably seems dangerous or naive but that still doesn't stop me not trusting the Devotress one bit in my current story. I think that's a brilliant accomplishment and it's not done through the game just saying "oh by the way the other characters are totally evil" but just by having three main characters whose skills and methods end up conflicting with each other even though all have sympathetic motives (I believe so at least, I don't know what exactly happens in the other two characters' scenarios beyond day two but I can't wait to find out what they've been doing that I haven't seen and why the hell they've done some of the stuff I have seen).
This game sounds awesome -- to bad it's not on steam.

You should try to convince the devs to put it on greenlight!!
They were trying to do a retranslation project which could be why they didn't put it on Steam yet (though that seems to be indefinitely delayed). There is also talk that they may be working on a remake once their current game (Knock Knock) is done. I don't think they'll need to go through greenlight because they already have two games on Steam.
They were trying to do a retranslation project which could be why they didn't put it on Steam yet (though that seems to be indefinitely delayed). There is also talk that they may be working on a remake once their current game (Knock Knock) is done. I don't think they'll need to go through greenlight because they already have two games on Steam.
This looks like insufferable survival pseudo-rpg garbage like most games developed in Eastern Europe.
This looks like insufferable survival pseudo-rpg garbage like most games developed in Eastern Europe.
RPG? It hardly has any RPG elements at all. FPS, adventure and survival yes but unless you count the infection status effect as an RPG element there's really nothing there that could be called RPG like.
It's really fascinating how Russian books like Anna Karenina or War and Peace provide a different, interesting perspective on narration and thematic elements. We can see it in Russian videogames as well: a dramatically different worldview and how it impacts creative work.