Sad and for some people good news



Trepid : Should we expect to see a playable Half-Life 2 demo prior to its release?
Gabe : No.

Trepid : Will Half-Life 2 be catered towards a particular brand of video card? As in NVIDIA or ATI?
Gabe : It would be great if we could pick one hardware platform with perfectly consistent performance, but we can't.

One interesting problem for game engines right now is scalability. You have to run fast on the DX6 generation of hardware (TNT, Intel 810), and you have to fully exploit the latest and greatest DX9 hardware (R350-based and NV35). There's a far greater difference between old and new ATI cards than there is between the latest and greatest ATI and NVIDIA cards.

good news , it will be playable on x-box so good for you x- box onwers :)
now quit it with the image quoting! it is FRIGGIN annnoying..

you totally spoil the newbie's experience of him visiting this messageboard.. you scare him away like this.

/me pm's munro asking to disable the image display feature in post's
Informing someone that this has already been posted is fine, but Simmo.. you've done that on too many occasions. Cut the shit.
lol...yeah ill stop it now...bwhaha...i'm sorry didnt know people got pissed of at pictures...sorry d00ds
Why is everyone in a bad mood anyways ?, this forum used to be happy, it was a wonderful place :bounce:

lol, the picture was joke BTW, you lot should know me by now, i'm always friendly, I dont spam or do any of that shit.
It's funny, not insulting. Not a big deal.

actually I thought it was funny, the file's not to big (56k modem) and anyways you guys take up more time than him. You remind me of my teacher in school, stop the whole class for the day to discuss how an innocent 1 min joke will ruin the rest of our lives. We should be able to discuss freely anyways, we'll never come up with origanal ideas if they're discoraged before they begin. IT WAS A JOKE! he wasn't a complete ass about it. Just made a quik sarcastic remark.
Re: Simmo

Originally posted by MatTriX
actually I thought it was funny, the file's not to big (56k modem) and anyways you guys take up more time than him. You remind me of my teacher in school, stop the whole class for the day to discuss how an innocent 1 min joke will ruin the rest of our lives. We should be able to discuss freely anyways, we'll never come up with origanal ideas if they're discoraged before they begin. IT WAS A JOKE! he wasn't a complete ass about it. Just made a quik sarcastic remark.

I've seen him do it in a number of threads now, it gets very tiring after seeing it more than once.
2 or 3 times ?....please d00d, can we stop talking about it now ? I admit it was childish, so please, stop bringing it up, i'm asking you nicley , I dont want to start a flame war.

Have a nice day! :D
Okay forget about the picture quotes. Thats done, its over, its old news from now on (probably not). So lets just talk about something else.

Ideas anyone...