Save HD DVD Petition


May 27, 2003
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Quote from petition:

Dear High Def movie fans, I'm starting this petition in order to support HD-DVD and hopefully save it, and to show Warner Brothers that the consumer has not "clearly" chosen Blu-Ray. Warner Brothers switched to Blu-Ray exclusive claiming that its the best thing for the consumer, but how about all the consumers that bought HD-DVD movies and hardware for the holidays, or all the loyal HD-DVD fans like myself that own Warner HD-DVDs? Warner just screwed them all.

HD-DVD is more alive than ever, with cheaper hardware prices, and better technological capabilities, both of which are better for the consumer. I guess Warner feel higher prices and less features are better. The only thing Blu-Ray has going for it is 20GB of extra storage space, and a big name like Sony backing it up. HD-DVD on the other hand has PIP, web-enabled features, in movie menus, and much more. And if extra space is needed, use another disc, big deal.

So please, sign this petition, and lets get as many votes as we can so we can hopefully change Warner's mind to return to being format neutral, or go HD-DVD exclusive. This would also show the remaining HD-DVD exclusive studios, Universal & Paramount, that HD-DVD still has supporters, thus they shouldn't switch to Blu-Ray. We have a chance to save a superior format from collapsing under the weight of the greedy Sony corporation and its inferior Blu-Ray format, let's do it!

The petition has over 31,000 signatures! Digg it up so it gets awareness by the companies that the consumer has not "clearly" chosen Blu-Ray.
What will that do? Money would get them to change their mind though. (HD DVD movie sales)
If it was from the start I would choose HD DVD. For region free mainly. But now I would pick blu-ray for movie selection (except for a few on hd dvd that i would want, some of which are going to be going blu-ray in time).

But studios like region restrictions. :(
What will that do? Money would get them to change their mind though. (HD DVD movie sales)

Money is what got them to change their minds in the first place!

This is the detailed story on what was happening.

Toshiba was talking to both Fox and Warner, and trying to convince them to come HD DVD exclusive instead of being neutral.

Fox said they would switch a few days before CES.
Warner said that if Fox would commit, then they would commit as well.

Well, Sony found out, and basically went "OH ****ING SHIT" so paid Fox around $120 million to come to Blu-Ray. Of course, they agreed, after they already were telling the HD DVD guys that they were coming over there.

Warner then heard about this and started to panic. Sony eased their worrying as well by paying them $400 million to come to Blu-Ray as well.

So if Sony wasn't such a ****ing greedy monster, HD DVD would be the winner right now because the studios saw that it was better, but that $120 and $400 million bucks certainly made them change their minds fast.

So all in all, "Screw you Sony"

*Edit* Also, there is going to be some increased consumer awareness come the Super Bowl as only HD DVD, not Blu-Ray bought a 30 second advertisement spot. I'm hoping it's "OMGWTFBBQ" good.
how about all the consumers that bought HD-DVD movies and hardware for the holidays?

Well, maybe buyers of HD-DVD's should of waited for the format war to be over and done with?
wen will u guyz realize that in a few years evrythin will b on flash drives anyway? no1 wants a scrachable disk of any type.
its more likely that movie media will be streamed to us in 1080p hi def via next gen internet networks... Take a look at the apple tv rental and buy model for more info.
So if Sony wasn't such a ****ing greedy monster, HD DVD would be the winner right now because the studios saw that it was better, but that $120 and $400 million bucks certainly made them change their minds fast.

So all in all, "Screw you Sony"

Sony bashing is beyond belief :dozey:

Why don't you mention that Toshiba did exactly the same when Paramount/Dreamworks dropped Blu-ray?

Regarding the letter, it will have zero impact, since Warner already have an agreement with BDA. Also... the "domino effect" -media coverage about Warner, retailers dropping HD DVD, etc.- pretty much put the "dead format" stamp over HD DVD, sales also show the same.

I've been a Blu-ray suporter from the beginning, since I consider it the better format, and I'm really glad this stupid war is finally over.
I stand by my decision to support regular dvds!
I was supporting HD DVD just because the only company doing anything BluRay is Sony with the PS3, and I despise those bastards for all the sh*t theyve pulled the past couple years...
I was supporting HD DVD just because the only company doing anything BluRay is Sony with the PS3, and I despise those bastards for all the sh*t theyve pulled the past couple years...

so sony is the only company making a blu-ray need to get your facts straught man.
I support piracy. The cheapest, fastest, DRM'less and highest quality

Also IE proof that sony paid monies?
Also IE proof that sony paid monies?

First, it wasn't Sony, but the BDA as a whole, as far as I understand.

Second, there's no proof per se, since all this crap are usually "confidential", but if you go to sites like avsforum, where there'are plenty of industry insiders, pretty much all of them were telling the same story and talking about the same amount of money ($500 millions).

It sucks that we (consumers) don't decide this format war, but at the same time, both camps are guilty of the same "sins", aka paying money to studios to stay neutral/drop the other format, etc. that's why I consider HD DVD fanboys very hypocrital when they cry about Warner going blue.

but how about all the consumers that bought HD-DVD movies and hardware for the holidays, or all the loyal HD-DVD fans like myself that own Warner HD-DVDs? Warner just screwed them all.
Yes, because "screwing" all the people that bought Blu-Ray movies and hardware is much more acceptable.
I go with Blu-Ray, however bastardized the business is.

But I also believe in the market force, which no one can buy. Say that Blu-ray is actually the consumer choice. Sony will make all that money back.

But say that HD-DVD is clearly better and cheaper, then no matter what happens either people switch to HD-DVD, or NOT buy Blu-Ray. Sony will lose all the money they invested and be literally crippled.

One can say that Sony is trying to artificially buy market share, but if the studios don't get their profits either, they'll switch too.
I couldn't care less about a dead format that contains less movies I couldn't less about.
I'd say worthwhile movies are split 50/50 between Blu-ray and HDDVD at the mo - HDDVD being home to more classics, Blu-ray having the decent popcorn flicks. It's a shame to see one go - I prefered HDDVD - but it was always going to happen.