School and HL2

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Since Half-Life 2 is coming out in September, which is in the beginning of the school year...I predict that grades for the 1st semester will be very low ;) because everyone will be playing HL2 and not doing HW
Yes I am very worried about myself. Next year is my last year in highschool, It will be the hardest year ever thanks to the courses im taking and I HAVE to do good in it so I can get into University.
I don't know how I will get through this comming year.
Same here. I wish it would come out before the summer, so i'd have something to do.
Lmao, I was busy with counter-strike in my last year of School, I didn't do much revision, about 15 minutes on the bus before the exams. I got 11 A-C's (GCSE's)
Except that were talking about the beggining of the year, it would be much worse if you never actually heard any teachers lectures becuase you were busy imagining Antlions killing Combine soldiers all day.

Hey you mention GCSE's. Dude they were the easiest thing ever, i didnt do any revision and i got the grades i needed. Although i am seriously considering setting up some lines i wont cross when it comes to HL 2 being released, this is gonna be my second and final year of college where i get my A levels and i dont wanna mess it up.
I'll solve the problems of low grades and everyone's need for a HL2 fix by crating a course for HL2 :E
the way i see it is....well i dont, cause i dont care how i do in school. though just because i dont care dosnt mean im stupid....i still get a, b, and c's. but i just dont think life was meant to be wasted on school and work. i think life was supposed to be doing things u want, living, trying to get the most out of your life. call me a buddist if you like, but its so true and you know it.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
i think life was supposed to be doing things u want, living, trying to get the most out of your life. call me a buddist if you like, but its so true and you know it.

Life wasn't meant for you to do absolutely nothing and be lazy. Sitting in front of your monitor 24/7 and playing games while living off your parents is hardly "getting the most out of your life". I would call it "never maturing." I enjoy Half-Life tremendously, but the fact remains that there are other things in life than girls. A game is a nice diversion from real life, but when it replaces your real life as far as ambition goes, then you've got a problem.

That said, I'm not too worried about my grades. I'm a slacker and I play games more than I should, but I'm still pretty good at paying attention in class and getting my homework done in the morning and before lunch.
Originally posted by Sir Swallows
That said, I'm not too worried about my grades. I'm a slacker and I play games more than I should, but I'm still pretty good at paying attention in class and getting my homework done in the morning and before lunch.
Here here! That sounds so much like me when I was in High School (all two weeks ago). Alas, now I'm off to University, and will probably die from too much work. My life's going to be a wreck...Deus Ex 2, Doom 3 (even if it sucks, I'll still play it), Half-Life 2, Halo 2, Max Payne 2 (coming this fall)...dear god, I'm screwed. Help me!

Usually, I just get up early and go to the library at 8:00. The bell doesn't ring until 8:45, so that gives me enough time to do Spanish and physics. I usually do my reading for my English class during those periods. I have strength-training 2nd period, though, so I don't get work done then. At lunch (12:50 to 1:35) I do my Calc homework and world history reading.

Of course, when I have projects, I get those done. I have to. There's not enough time otherwise.
Wow, that's kinda weird. In Physics AP, I used to go in to the library at around 7:00 (class started at 7:40) to do the homework there. English was really easy and I just blew it all off. I took Calc fourth hour, and so I had lunch to fall back on to do it. I just did it when I was at Burger King or wherever I went that day. It was so nice not worrying about homework...EVER. I'm gonna miss those days...

I'm taking Honors Physics, not AP. Then again, I'm gonna get about a B in that class this semester, so it's not exactly one of my success stories. I find it to be REALLY boring. Like I said before, I usually do my English reading in that class. Still, it's such an easy class, and I'm kinda embarrassed because most people get As' in it. It's weird that I'm getting an A in AP World, yet I'm getting a B in that class.
One thing I never quite understood...I know AP classes are there to prepare you for AP tests, but is an AP class typically a 'harder' class than an Honours class?
Wow, we've gone a bit off topic here, but oh well. Spam is good. At least, so I'm told.

Originally posted by Vertigo
One thing I never quite understood...I know AP classes are there to prepare you for AP tests, but is an AP class typically a 'harder' class than an Honours class?

Yes, at least in theory. AP World history is a lot more difficult than regular World history. However, I'm also going to be taking AP Environmental next year, and it's extremely easy. It's a graduation requirement, but it's a stupid class overall. Then again, I'm not complaining TOO much, since it's easy to get an A, so that means my GPA will get a huge boost with almost no effort on my part.

Originally posted by Vertigo
Wow, we've gone a bit off topic here, but oh well. Spam is good. At least, so I'm told.

Ah, well... :cool:
I'll have HL2 3 days or so before it gets to store because of this bad ass deal i got. Also ill prolly get 1 month or so playing it because ill most likely get grounded again for being at some party, having one here or getting caught with a girl, weed, or alcohol...yeah im not the best of people here most likely.
Originally posted by Sir Swallows
Life wasn't meant for you to do absolutely nothing and be lazy. Sitting in front of your monitor 24/7 and playing games while living off your parents is hardly "getting the most out of your life". I would call it "never maturing." I enjoy Half-Life tremendously, but the fact remains that there are other things in life than girls. A game is a nice diversion from real life, but when it replaces your real life as far as ambition goes, then you've got a problem.

That said, I'm not too worried about my grades. I'm a slacker and I play games more than I should, but I'm still pretty good at paying attention in class and getting my homework done in the morning and before lunch.

god u fag where the hell did i say i didnt want to do things so i could sit in front of my computer? i say "living", thats not sitting in front of a screen 24/7 now is it. and as for girls, im sure uv never gotten a girl, so dont mention that area.
Though Ridic you see that you have to do well in school to live life out to your fullest. Money, knowledge, etc.

Teachers would go crazy hearing kids talk about HL2 every day in their class and never getting HW done. Next school year will be a record school grades low with Halo2, HL2, Doom3, etc.

I personally think AP and Honors are pretty even. In honors you do constant reading and writing work. In AP you do less writing work, read more, and have more projects. Overall Ap is harder i'd say because you need more time at home and the exam.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
god u fag where the hell did i say i didnt want to do things so i could sit in front of my computer? i say "living", thats not sitting in front of a screen 24/7 now is it. and as for girls, im sure uv never gotten a girl, so dont mention that area.

I wasn't talking specifically about you, asshole! I was talking about people in general who do that kind of shit. :flame:
Oh no! I'm takin tests for High Schools next year!! NOO I'VE BEEN CAUGHT IN VALVE'S EVIL GRASP!!!!
*looks at Serpent's post date*
*looks at Swallows' last post date*
Uhhhh....digging up a dead thread for that? Alrighty....

Glad I'll be a senior with some easy classes. lol, if I had to deal with HL2 during my junior year that would have been grade suicide.
I agree with Ridic, I might be lazy, but I think my perspective on the world is VERY different from others, I mean yeah I don't really do anything at school, but I go to work and earn my stuff, like if I wanna buy a new pc and some other shit with friends, stuff like that.
Yes I'll work hard next year, but still, I don't know how learning the bible will help you with life, and that's totally ridicolous.
Life is about travelling, seeing new places, meeting new people and friends, exploring the world.. not getting stuck in a crappy class for 300 days.

sheesh that was dramatic. :3
Someone has no school... someone graduated last friday, someone has a lot of sparetime in september
Ha im glad that im of school!
All that I have to worry about is getting enough sleep to stay awake at work.

I figure that if I play HL2 from 6:00PM to 1:35AM I should be able to sleep till 6:00AM and be ok.
Thats seven hours and thirtyfive minutes a day.....

Are you sure you will get enough playtime? :)
In the UK Exams finish July, so we're sorted as far as wasting is concerned.

Its OK for some though I'm gonna be in Australia in September and I just heard that they have a two month delay on UK and US release!!!!:eek:

Please tell me it aint so!!!!!
Most games release very late in Australia, but there's the solution of importing (or downloading, but that wouldn't be very respectful to Valve for making such a great game)

By the way, calm down a bit! This is just a discussion, no need to call each other 'asshole'.
I'm startin colledge in september!! nooooooo!, god i'm so pissed that I have to go college when HL2's released, all I will have is crappy SHORT days on it :( btw is it tuesday ?
I hope that Valve keep September 30th as the UK release date. I go into my third year of University on the 15th of October, if Valve push the UK release date back two weeks, argh!

May... ...have... ...purchase... ...using... ...steam....

Wait, what I am thinking?!
I am alreadyy doing less homework because I am kinda hooked @ this forum :)
This could be a problem for me too. First year of college, lots of time spent studying... moving out, have to work!!! Ahhhhh!!! Where's my quality time with Gordon?