Scientists, execution style


Dec 27, 2006
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I was just playing through the old Uplink demo for the second time (the first having been 8 or 9 years ago), and I was struck by the scene in which HECU marines are lining scientists up against a wall to be shot.

I understand that this happens at other places in the series as well. Anyone remember where?

Note: I'm not just talking about scenes in which marines shoot scientists, but one's in which they deliberately line them up against the wall, mass-execution-style.
You mean the area near to dome right? I think "We've Got Hostiles" chapter...and many points from Blue Shift and Decay have similar scenes.
Just outside the Biological Research complex, in the beginning of the Surface Tension chapter, there are bodies of scientists riddled with bullets and slumped against the wall.
Sometimes i think...what happens to the bodies after all that time in the wrecks of Black Mesa...the part that wasn't destroyed by the nuke i mean.
And if given 20 YEARS to feed on the dead personell (now rotten away) would the zombies have evolved into gonomes and gonarchs'?

It's weird to just think back and about the "what if" things.:|
The nuke destroyed everything in a 50 kilometer radius. Highly impropable for any part of Black Mesa to survive.
Where was that written?
And BM is bigger then that i think.

Well it'd be cool to go to the crater of the explosion and walk in the ruins and encounter some radiation-mutated zombie freak things.:hmph:
Where was that written?
And BM is bigger then that i think.

Well it'd be cool to go to the crater of the explosion and walk in the ruins and encounter some radiation-mutated zombie freak things.:hmph:

... Black mesa can't be bigger than that. 50 km is about the same as 31 miles. That's all around too. The explosion would be about a third of the size of Baghdad.
Black Mesa couldn't be destroyd by a nuke,after all it was a misle silo and ith probably had anti nuke bunkers to that were not destroyed,black mesa is deep....
Nope. It was a shallow underground parking, so the factor is negligible.
Nope. It was a shallow underground parking, so the factor is negligible.

Fires caused by the nuke, weakened structural integrity, machinery inside not liable to remain stable after a few days without care, I'd say if the nuke didn't waste the whole facility immideately it caused its destruction within a few days.
Don't forget the Resonance Cascade...

That's kinda what I was implying with the weakened structural integrity, since we apparentely are under the assumption that a nuke detonated at or slightly below ground level doesn't really causes any significant damage to missile bases.
That's kinda what I was implying with the weakened structural integrity, since we apparentely are under the assumption that a nuke detonated at or slightly below ground level doesn't really causes any significant damage to missile bases.

Yes, and just like the Anti Mass Spectrometer, other sensitive equipment in the facility, say the massive generators that manage to power the whole rail system of the base, might have exploded themselves after a bit. Not to mention the frequent rain of missiles on the base from the military. Parts of the base not near the blast site of the nuke had probably been destroyed to the best of the military's knowledge, after all, that was the Black Op mission, or so I've come to understand. Even if there were still some random creatures left in the underground, there would hardly be enough life support dow there to feed them, water them, and give them air to breathe. Also, if they did manage to feed themselves, the bacterium developing on the said "Feces" would eventually infect the leftover creatures, causing them to become sick, and die.

... Yes, I put a lot of thought into this. :D

Also, the collapsing of the concrete structures supporting the lower levels of the facility would have destroyed anything left anyways. And we also have no telling (to my knowledge, feel free to point out my ignorance if this is known) of how DEEP Black Mesa actually goes. The deepest point of the game that we've been to is Unforeseen Consequences in the canals, and even that, after a few flights of stairs (And 3 short Elevator rides, and 1 small Elevator shaft), led us back up to the surface. I really think the nuke would have easily destroyed Black Mesa, even as the G-Man suggest, the problem of Black Mesa is solved... Quite so...

nuke bunkers are not meant for direct hits. Besides, quit nitpicking, if the g-man thinks that nuke was enough to wipe BM off the map even though it was never listed on the map in the first place, it was enough.

story-wise it is gone.
Personally, I don't think Gordon will ever travel back to BM...but I wouldn't rule it out. If there is a smart and logical way to present it as an event in the story, I'm sure the folks at Valve could think of it. After all, Exit 17 was supposedly a "farewell" to the soon-to-be-obliterated City 17. The city's destruction doesn't ultimately mean we can't return to that geographical area, though.

(EDIT: Oops, wrong thread. Kind of...)
WHO the efff ever said zombies take a crap from time to time?
Maybe the bullsquids and houndeyes. But you don't know, nobody does, about their metabolism!
All of those's with creature info are based on info found in the game and other sources, but mostly made up.

And i don't think anybody else in BM even looks like it could take a crap.
Not to mention infect others.
Hell the zombies are even immune to diseases and hazardous stuff.

And i don't think the headcrab could get sick. IT IS ALSO IMMUNE, WHICH MAKES THE ZOMBIE IMMUNE IN THE FIRST PLACE!
I might have forgotten some guys in the game, but as far as i know:
The tentacles can't POSSIBLY do that. The zombies just don't, they eat everything.
The houndeye and bullsquid part is still unknown. Headcrabs themselves...i have no idea.
The ichtyosaurs look like they could take a dump but not many creatures (if any) go into the water but the leeches, which really can't have anything to do with this. And i haven't seen any leeches in the same water with the ichys (besides one part in the game, but the leeches are in a seperated part of the water).
Everything human is either rotten away, destroyed by the nuke, or zombified or eaten by the bullsquids or something.
I don't suppose the Vortiaunts do that, since they're insides are very different.
The Alien grunts are engineered.
And i don't think the barnacles CAN do that.

Correct me if i forgot something or if this theory is wrong.
This is what i think so im not saying this is the truth.
Charming. I should've know this would happen when I titled this thread "Which Xen lifeforms can take a dump?"
Where was that written?
And BM is bigger then that i think.

p=3.14*50^2 [km^2]
p=3.14*2500 [km^2]
p= ~(7800) [km^2]

Kind of big.

Well it'd be cool to go to the crater of the explosion and walk in the ruins and encounter some radiation-mutated zombie freak things.:hmph:

A common misconception. Modern nukes are designed to limit the amount of radiation unleashed in the detonation. The radiation would dissipate much quicker. Compare Chernobyl 20 years later and Hiroshima 20 years later.
A common misconception. Modern nukes are designed to limit the amount of radiation unleashed in the detonation. The radiation would dissipate much quicker. Compare Chernobyl 20 years later and Hiroshima 20 years later.

Question: What does Chernobyl have to do with nuclear bombs?
Answer: Hes not talking about bombs, hes talking about ambient radiation...
He'll get Kleiner or Eli to do his prostate exam XD

Regardless, even if Black Mesa WAS 31 miles (50 km) in relative Diameter, you also have other things afterwards;
1) As I'm told, the Combine were attracted to Earth by the resonance cascade, which all started at BMRF, so my guess is, the Combine have atleast one or two bases occupying the area closely, if not under control by a muh larger Citidael then seen so far.
2) Even after structural integrity, and the place collapses, even if it doesn't, Bullsquids, Houndeyes, The like have all taken host of BMRF, and eventually, destroy the place all on their own, not too mention that they would start to breed, make nests, etc. Pretty much 'Naturally Cultivate' the area, you also have possible spores, and maybe even seeds being transported along with all the other things, like bees and pllination?
3) The Gman probably hand picked the nuke himself, and he did have a high place with Black Mesa staff, so he knew how big that place was, and wanted the right Nuke to destroy the whole facility.

I'm not sure if all that's right, but I'm open for 'Constructive Critiscism' XD
I don't want to believe that the nuke destroyed the entire facility.
It's hard to believe it instantly destroy EVERYTHING in a 50 km radius.
It's not that easy for the explosion's effects to get everywhere in the facility.
Were not just talking about the depth of the base here.
What about the canyons and the rocks protecting the place, that could withstand the explosion?
You're grasping at straws.
Valve specifically said that the nuke was a good thing (for them, that is), because it meant that it was impossible to set Half-life 2 back at Black Mesa, and I heartily agree. 4 games take place there, more then enough.
Valve wsn't stupid, the nuke was a perfect excuse, but as if they needed it, even if the nuke hadn't gone off, the Combine would have targeted the major countries upon arrival, no doubt BMRF, let alone all of America, is most likely, completely destroyed >.>
I gotta say though, I really liked Black Mesa.

Can't wait for Black Mesa (Source)!
no no
it WILL be good, unless the group goes bankrupt, and has to remake the entire thing and it ends up WORSE (graphics wise etc) than HL1 =|
But that's highly unklikely ^^
So no worries, BM:S We await thee!
How can they go bankrupt?

They're not a firm.
They are just a bunch of dedicated fans that call themselves "enter name here".
I unno, something along the same lines as going bankrupt, or they screw up and lost all their progress or something. . . nevermind XP